Mage Joan

Chapter 2035: 6th-level spells (Ⅱ)

In Qiao'an's spell book, he also copied a "6th-level monster summoning technique", which was also resolved from the blood of "Mock Fish Monster" Hybernos.

Level 6 monster summoning, the creatures that can be summoned include wild animals such as ferocious bears, ferocious tigers, elephants, giant octopuses, and triceratops, as well as super-large elements, glestones, and Thor's monsters. Elemental creatures can even summon intermediate demons and demons.

Such as "succubus" or "succubus"...

However, there is a saying that the duration of "Monster Summoning Art" is only a few minutes, and it doesn't make much sense. If you really want to do something, it is clear to the insiders that it is a "call" such as "Sworn in Other Worlds". Spells are more reliable.

The "protection school" spells recorded in Qiao'an's spellbook are also four-"living creature shield", "bronze wall and iron wall", "advanced dispelling technique" and "driving wood".

"Living Guard" is parsed from the blood of "Wasp Woman" Jenny. After casting the spell, it opens a 10-foot-radius spherical force field with itself as the center to isolate most living creatures.

This spell has similarities with the "Sanctuary Spell", and the difference is obvious: the protection range is wider; both the enemy and the enemy on both sides of the force field can use long-range weapons or spells to attack each other.

In addition, the definition of “living creatures” in the “anti-living creature shield” is very narrow. The undead and constructs are certainly not “living creatures”, and even elemental creatures, demons, demons and angels from other worlds are not among them. , Need special attention when casting spells.

"Bronze Wall and Iron Wall" is not so much a spell, it is more like an integration of a series of spells, providing a complete set of security plans for interior decoration (mis)-protecting private houses.

The magic effect of "Bronze Wall and Iron Wall" can cover the entire building, and set up personalized traps and enchantments for various indoor areas.

For example, the hall is covered with "cloud and fog technique", the stairs are covered with "cobweb technique", doors and windows are blessed with "secret locks", and a "phantom wall" is erected in the corridor...

"Bronze Wall and Iron Wall" comes with many other spells, such as "lighting technique", "darkness technique", "dancing light technique", "magic mouth", "wind making technique", "suggestion technique" and "stinky cloud technique", etc. Wait, how to use these spells depends on personal decoration creativity.

"Bronze wall and iron wall" can continue to protect the building for a whole day, during which the magic effect inside it will last forever. For example, in a hall full of dense fog, even if an intruder casts spells to disperse the fog, after just a minute, the room will still be filled with dense fog that re-emerges.

"Advanced Dispelling Technique" is an enhanced version of the 3rd-level "Dispelling Technique", which can unconditionally dispel the continuous magical effects of 6th-level or less, and can also be used to counter spells of no higher than 6th level, for spells of 7th-level or higher Effect, the success rate of dispelling and countering is no longer 100%, the specific probability depends on the cast attribute.

Take the mage as an example, the higher the intelligence attribute, the higher the success rate of dispelling the magic effect of the high circle.

If it’s a spell slot like Qiao An with so high intelligence and inexhaustible use, then there is no problem of success rate. If you fail to dispel, you will try again, twice but not three times, three times not four times... Keep trying, As long as the probability is not 0, it must be successfully dispelled eventually.

"Expelling the Wood" was originally a natural magic spell, Qiao An parsed it from the blood of the "octopus tree" and deciphered it, which can be used as an arcane spell.

This spell is theoretically designed to deal with wood products, and it can even uproot the trees on the path of magic diffusion and push them far away.

Qiao An has a question. Does "repelling wood" have the same repelling effect on "activated plants" and natural supernatural plants like "tree people"?

From the perspective of the spell configuration, this usage seems to be feasible in theory, but it does not work specifically, it still needs to be verified through experiments.

There are only two prophecy spells in Qiao'an's spell book, "Stone Words" and "True Knowledge".

"Stone Words" means "talking to a stone" in the literal sense. It first activates a rock and then extracts nearby intelligence from the opponent.

"True Knowledge" is powerful. After casting the spell, you can see through all the effects of "transformation", "illusion" and "disguise", and penetrate all forms of "invisibility" and "darkness", which can be called the natural enemy of the illusion school!

Of course, Qiao An's "mythological disguise" is quite special and will not be seen through by the 6th ring "true knowledge".

Qiao An intends to give priority to learning "True Knowledge" and enchant this powerful prophecy to his righteous eye. In this way, the righteous eye as a "multifunctional reconnaissance magic device" is even complete.

6-level necromantic spells, there are four in Qiao'an’s spell book: the "frightening gaze" that can cause sleep, panic, or curse effects, and the "killing technique" analyzed from the legendary giant sword "Tirfeng". There is also the "death circle" and "evoke the dead" from the remains of the flesh and blood colossus "Princess" on Kaludon Island.

The "Death Array" is a powerful mass destruction spell with a long range and a large coverage area. The negative energy shock wave erupts, causing 15-level desolation damage to living creatures within a 30-foot radius and healing the area by the way. Of undead.

"Arousing the undead" is also known as "creating the undead", which can permanently transform the corpse or bone of a creature into a specific undead creature.

Qiao An had previously learned a 3-level necromantic spell called "Manipulation of Dead Body", which can transform dead bodies into skeletons or zombies.

"Awakening the dead" is considered an upgraded version of "manipulating dead bodies". The dignified 6th-level spell, used to create skeletons, zombies and other low-level undead creatures is too low in price. The example of the spell configuration is the creation of "ghouls" ".

Don't look at the ghouls who are short and wretched, but they deserve the evaluation of "ghosts can't look like"!

More flexible than zombies and smarter than skeletons, it comes with two special abilities: attacks with paralysis, and supernatural diseases are transmitted through wounds, which are also known as "Ghoul Touch" and "Ghoul Fever."

With Qiao An's current spellcasting ability, including the blessings of "Mythical Mana" and "Magic Rosary", one cast of "Manipulation of Undead" can transform up to 11 corpses into ghouls.

If there are enough corpses, continue to cast "Awaken the Dead" to create more ghouls. However, the number of ghouls that follow Joan's command is limited by the cast level, and there are only 22 at most. As for other uncontrollable foods The ghouls will even take the initiative to attack their creators.

Qiao An thought about it. The 22 ghouls were no longer small in scale. They drove them to besiege the enemy, hiding behind them to cast a "death circle", killing the enemy and milking the ghouls by the way. It is the frightening "Undead Sea Tactics" of high-level Necromancers.

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