Mage Joan

Chapter 2063: Western Region

In this year and month, if a commoner family can train a spellcaster, it is definitely a great event that will bring glory to the ancestors. Not only the caster himself has the opportunity to achieve the leap from "civilian" to "noble", family and friends can also follow.

When it was almost noon, a piece of woodland appeared in front of the stream. At the junction of the jungle and the stream, there was a wooden house surrounded by sharpened fences. A sign was erected near the entrance of the town. The wooden sign was painted with oil paint. Grizzly bear portrait with grinning teeth-obviously, this is "Grizzly Town".

The four got out of the carriage, Qiao Ann snapped his fingers and the three phantom horses disappeared out of thin air along with the carriage.

Walking into the town, on the gravel-paved streets, puddles of cow and horse dung can be seen everywhere. Under the sunshine of spring, it exudes a pungent smell, like acne on the face, to the four people from the metropolis. The first impressions of foreigners are not very good.

Carefully bypassing the animal dung that can be seen everywhere, walking a short distance along the street, two buildings facing each other appeared in front of him. The big house on the left side of the street is painted white, the open window on the second floor is hung with the national flag, and a shield-shaped emblem is nailed to the eaves of the first floor. It looks like the police station of this town.

Across the street from the police station, there is a more magnificent double-storey house. The half-time window wafts noisy, and the smell of spirits mixed with tobacco comes in the wind. It is obviously a pub.

"It's still early, let's go in and sit?" Hailar pointed to the tavern on the corner.

Joan, Audrey, and Holden had no objection, and followed Hailar to push the door into the tavern.

The layout of the bar on the first floor reminded Qiao An of the kind of club that Moriarty had taken him to. In the middle of the hall surrounded by tables and chairs, there was a stage with erected steel pipes.

If they are visiting in the evening, there must be a **** girl performing a "strip show" on the stage at this moment. At noon, the sun outside the window is too dazzling, and the atmosphere is not suitable for enjoying dancing. On the stage, there is a black slave singer wearing an iron collar, holding an acoustic guitar, and singing the folk songs popular in the West.

The graceful waitress raised a tray full of beer mugs and fried potatoes with one hand, and walked through the crowd, sometimes twisting her hips, avoiding the "salted pig hands" suddenly stretched out by the drunks. Better than a "tightrope" circus actor.

Qiao An and the four of them were dressed and temperament incompatible with the atmosphere in the tavern. As soon as they entered the door, they attracted many vigilant and even malicious eyes.

After all, Hailar was born in Freeport, the "City of Pirates". It's not surprising to see this kind of scene. He didn't change his color under people's gaze.

Unexpectedly, the onlookers were pierced in their eyes and turned to avoid them.

Hailar canceled the spell, his fingertips dimmed, and when he looked around, few people dared to look directly at themselves and their companions, with their lips slightly raised, and they walked straight to the bar.

The bar owner is a brawny bald man wearing a blindfold, seeing that Qiao Ann and the others are not ordinary characters, they are extremely polite.

Qiao An sat down and ordered a cup of coffee. He accidentally saw an old newspaper on the bar. He took it and opened it, and found that it was the "Midgard Tribune" published two weeks ago.

While waiting for someone to be idle, Qiao An flipped through the newspaper. One of the articles reporting the "Westward Movement" described what was happening in the hot land he was in at the moment.

According to the author’s estimate, in 1623 alone, more than 100,000 new immigrants poured into the New World from the Old World, not including the slaves who were trafficked to the New World by boat.

"New immigrants come from all directions, and more than half choose to land on the east coast of Wilnoa."

"They stopped in Midgard for a while and soon discovered that the prices in this metropolis were too high for them to afford, and they couldn't get a decent job and a place to settle down in the city, so they resolutely left the city. Go to the great west to find your own promised land."

"The new immigrants drove a carriage or a mule cart filled with all their belongings, carrying their wives and children, and spent the night on the vast Vigrid Plain. With the dream of a happy life, they devoted themselves to this. Amidst the vigorous westward colonization wave."

"From the Meadow River to the Vimur River Valley, among the high mountains, on the edge of the jungle and grassland, settlements established by new immigrants can be seen everywhere."

"Every day, new colonists come to the settlement, join these vigorous big families, and build the colonists’ homes together."

"Farmers, craftsmen and hunters came by car. They were brave and strong men. They lived in simple wooden houses. They were rugged and hospitable. They were kind to strangers and were honest and reliable."

"They grow corn, rye, papaya, some pigs, and sometimes one or two cows or foals..."

"They are good at using axes, bows and arrows, hunting nets, and fishing hooks. They open the way on the mountain, build wooden houses, resist the wild beasts that are rampant in the wilderness, and are not afraid to face the Asa natives who are more ferocious than wild beasts!"

“The immigrants opened up wasteland and plowed the fields, grazing cattle and horses, installed glass windows and chimneys for the large comfortable wooden houses, and built spacious villas instead of single cabins. Well water replaced the stream water, indicating that civilization is conquering the wilderness."

"The colonists from the old world are industrious and intelligent. They brought the livelihood skills handed down by their ancestors to this virgin land. They skillfully cut down trees, burned forests to open up wasteland, and burnt the ashes of grass and trees just as fertilizer to make the newly reclaimed farmland glow. Exuberant vitality and fertile crops are bred."

"The colonists in the west grew the grains, vegetables and fruits they needed, hunted elk, brown bears, and wild turkeys in the woods, collected mushrooms and honey; they fished in nearby streams, and built waterwheels that rotated day and night. And then started hydraulic mills and logging yards."

"The more enterprising people spend money to buy a large number of low-cost land, and when the land price rises, they sell the cultivated land to the people who follow, and continue to explore the more distant west."

"Since the end of the war that repelled the Fijian invaders in 1622, in just three years so far, many poor rural areas that seemed to have no future before, have quickly gathered popularity and labor as new immigrants have poured in. The villages and towns with simple folk customs...Such an efficient colonization process can be seen everywhere in the western part of the Vigrid Plain."

"Dear readers, I think the above examples are enough to show that in this movement to conquer the wild west, our compatriots, the colonists who are deeply loved by God and shoulder the great mission of spreading civilization, are moving from victory to victory. Victory, the flower of civilization blooms everywhere!"

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