Mage Joan

Chapter 2100: Liberator Alliance

At this time, Qiao An noticed that the leader of Asa Hunting Cavalry was somewhat familiar, so he stepped forward and tentatively shouted: "The friend opposite, but Elder Hunter?"

The hunting leader was stunned for a moment, and quickly took off his hood, revealing an old and resolute face. He was indeed Elder Hunter, the former leader of the Asa tribe in Elk Town.

Elder Hunter got off his horse and walked quickly towards Qiao'an. Through the drizzle, he could see the face of the young mage and exclaimed in surprise: "Mr. Vader, it was you!"

Colofa put down the holy spear and asked his sister in a low voice, "Is it an acquaintance?"

Audrey nodded and explained: "Elder Hunter was originally the mayor of Elk Town. Three years ago, Elk Town was destroyed by frost giants and white dragons from the Winter Fort. The townspeople moved to Shizhu Town to settle. "

"At that time, Holden, Qiao'an and Hailar and I were participating in military internships. At that time, the conflict between the colonists and the aborigines had not yet intensified. Our reconnaissance company participated in the war to support Elk Town and resist the frost giants. Joe Ann's performance in that war was particularly critical. If he hadn't cast a spell to delay the enemy, Elder Hunter and his people would not be so easy to evacuate safely."

Glofa smiled relievedly: "Look, good people are rewarded after all. Now we don't have to fight with the Asa people. Maybe we can chat with them and find valuable information."

In fact, Qiao Ann thought so too. After greeting Elder Hunter, he opened the door and asked him why he led the tribe to attack "Grizzly Town".

"I'm sorry, Mr. Vader, in fact, I personally have no grievances with Grizzly Town. This operation is an order, and it is not only aimed at a Grizzly Town, all immigrant settlements in the Vimur Valley, sooner or later, Will become the target of our race."

Elder Hunter sighed and said sincerely: "Mr. Vader, my people and I respect you very much. I also know that you have a deep friendship with the Logan family and have worked hard to prevent racial vendettas. It's a pity that you are like this. The good guys cannot represent the mainstream of the Midgard colony."

"The outbreak of the smallpox virus, the massacre in River Valley, and the tragic experience of the Logan couple are like three raging fires that ignited the anger in the hearts of thousands of Asa people on this land. Revenge is our common voice. No one It can stop this torrent of dykes. Frankly speaking, Mr. Vader, neither you nor Lord Castis, who is also highly respected by us, cannot reverse the trend."

"If you really think about your compatriots, you should persuade the colonists of the Vimur Valley to give up their greed and leave this land that does not belong to them as soon as possible. This is the only way to avoid bloodshed."

Persuade the colonists to abandon the westward advancement?

Qiao An sighed secretly.

Elder Hunter overestimated his influence. Of course, he knew that he could not persuade the colonists to leave the Vimur Valley, just as he could not persuade the Asa people to give up revenge on the colonists.

Elder Hunter intentionally or unconsciously looked at the Prince Canaan behind Qiao An, his eyes could not hide his jealousy, and then a flame of resentment ignited.

"Mr. Vader, you and your companions are very strong and can easily kill our group of people, but the power of a few of you alone cannot stop our revenge in Stone Pillar Town, let alone the journey from the Vymur River Valley to Huo. Tens of thousands of Asa people in the Yashan Mountains who were forced to resist!"

"Elder Hunter, I heard that the Walsunge family in Shizhu Town has issued an appeal to all the aboriginal tribes in the Midgard area, advocating the formation of a tribal alliance to jointly fight against the Midgard Colonial Corps. This is true. Is it?"

Hailar came over to inquire.

She learned about the tribal alliance through the intelligence network of the "Freedom Sons Association", but even the pervasive "Freedom Sons" do not yet know the details of this alliance.

Elder Hunter fell into silence, seeming to figure out whether he should confess the truth.

After hesitating for a long time, he finally said: "Stone Pillar Town is indeed forming the'Liberator Alliance', and the forces participating in this alliance are far more than the Asa tribes in Midgard, such as the Wali tribe in Yodonheim. The Walsung family was originally a feud, but now they also feel the crisis of death and coldness, and they intend to send representatives to Shizhu Town to participate in the alliance meeting."

"As far as I know, the'Primitive Order','Winter Fort', and even the'Giant King's Court' on Genting Highland, which has always been indifferent to the world, have also publicly expressed their support for the formation of an alliance to unite all the indigenous forces of the New World from south to north. We will work together to fight against the ever-pressing oppression of the colonists. In addition, more people of justice will join our camp. This war was not initiated by us, but we will never be afraid of challenges! "

Abandoning this murderous declaration, Elder Hunter bowed slightly to Qiao An, turned his horse, and led the tribe to gallop away, quickly disappearing into the depths of the rain.

Seeing the distant figures of Asa Hunters, Qiao An couldn't calm down for a long time.

If the news that Elder Hunter just revealed was not a fright and intimidation, the "primitive cult" and "Winter Fort" have formed an alliance with Stone Pillar, it means that on the day of the war, a large number of primitive believers and Frost will appear in the lineup of the indigenous people. The figures of giants and white dragons are enough to pose a severe threat to the colonial troops.

"What the old gentleman said just now shouldn't be much exaggeration." Colofa said thoughtfully.

When Elder Hunter was talking with Qiao'an and Hailar, he had quietly activated the three-ring magic "Identify Lies", and did not see that Elder Hunter had any signs of lying, which was indeed a real warning.

Antron and Oromy glanced at each other, their expressions both seemed meaningful, and seemed to have a strong interest in the "Liberator Alliance" that Elder Hunter said.

Soon after Asa Hunter retreated, Qiao An and his entourage rushed to Grizzly Town and joined forces to put out the fire.

Mr. Dixie, the sheriff of the town, with a blood-stained bandage on his left arm and his face black as the bottom of a pot with soot. On behalf of all the rescued townspeople, he thanked Qiao An and his party.

Qiao An thought about the words of Elder Hunter before leaving, and he reluctantly gave a few words of goodbye to Mr. Sheriff and sent the spell back to Midgard City with his companions.

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