Mage Joan

Chapter 2352: Controversy (Ⅱ)

"Even if all the free people in Alfheim, including small landlords like me, are stuffed into the plantation to farm, and work non-stop from morning to night, they will not be able to cultivate hundreds of millions of acres of farmland."

"In order to maintain agricultural production in the colonies, and to provide sufficient and cheap bulk grains to the suzerain country, we must provide more hard-working and cheap labor for the plantations. You all know what I mean?"

Thomas looked at his friends in the living room.

Joan, Edward, Allen, Rebecca, and Vassar nodded, tacitly.

Thomas was referring of course to slaves, especially black slaves from the Southern Islands.

"Mr. Principal fully demonstrated such a logical chain: The rigid demand of the suzerain country for imported bulk cheap grains, coupled with the reality of labor shortages in the colonies, has contributed to the prevalence of the slave trade."

"From this perspective, when the self-proclaimed people in the interior of the empire criticized slavery in the colonies, they never thought that they themselves were accomplices of the system. Therefore, Mr. Jefferson criticized His Majesty and his bureaucrats as slaves. Trade is responsible, I think it makes sense."

"However, it is easy to ask questions, but the difficulty lies in how to solve them."

Thomas scratched his head, confessing the truth somewhat inexplicably.

"Frankly speaking, I myself am a beneficiary of the slave trade. Emotionally and morally, I oppose the slave trade. I put living people in fetters, imprisoned them in plantations, and use lashes to force people to work. There is no freedom at all. In other words, this is obviously immoral."

"However, if this shameful system is abolished, how can my family and I live on?"

"I have been calling slaves since the day I became sensible. I am willing to treat slaves kindly, but if the day comes to liberate the slaves, the way of life I am accustomed to will be completely destroyed, and my life will definitely not be as comfortable as before."

"On the other hand, if we really want to liberate slaves, we slave owners should be compensated. After all, slaves were once our private property, but who will compensate us?"

"Think more far-reachingly. How should those liberated slaves be resettled? If they were hired to work hard to earn food, life might not be better than being slaves on my plantation-after all, slaves are from the cradle to the grave. The master is responsible to the end!"

"When I think of this, I feel discouraged about the vision of'liberating slaves.' The ideal is indeed beautiful, but the implementation will surely be endless trouble."

Qiao Ann listened to Thomas' confession and found it very difficult.

The slavery system in the New World is like a knot. People of insight know that sooner or later they will have to untie it. However, the cutting is still chaotic, and there is really nowhere to start. I have to postpone it and hope that future generations can come up with smarter solutions. , Completely solve this hidden danger.

"No matter what you think, Martha and I have made up our minds to add a paragraph to our will-on the second day of my or Martha's call, the heir must immediately release all of our names. Slaves, and pay a settlement allowance so that they can lead a free and decent life."

George Vassar held his wife's hand and said solemnly.

"I plan to make the same will, but slavery is not my biggest concern."

Edward took the conversation and picked up the booklet on the table.

"Mr. Principal mentioned'Republicanism' in his political theories, which makes me deeply disturbed."

"Mr. Gates, you wouldn't be a'royalist'!"

Allen couldn't help raising his voice.

The young warlock has grown into a staunch republican under the influence of many radical thinkers including Jefferson, and he naturally regards the "royalists" as defenders of feudal conservative forces and his own political enemies.

"Of course I am not a royalist, Allen, I'm just a soldier."

Edward's expression was cold and he did not hurriedly expound his views.

"As soldiers, we must always have an object of loyalty. Now you republicans say that you want to overthrow the emperor and end the feudal monarchy. Well, in the Republican era, the country will always need the protection of the army. Who do we serve as soldiers? Swear allegiance?"

"Swear an oath to the Governor, or allegiance to the parliament? Or, as in the ancient city-state republics, allegiance to politicians such as the head of state or the'consul'?"

"The difference between these so-called heads of state and monarchs is that they are not lifelong. After they step down, will the military's allegiance still be valid? Or should they be changed to the new head of state?"

"From the experience and lessons in history, whenever the top of the city-state republic changes, the newly elected consul will often abolish the policies of the previous term, and the new senate or the majority in power in the parliament will always be different. The rotation between parties has led to a lack of continuity in policies, and ridiculous things such as changes in order and change from time to time."

"The army can't stand this kind of toss!"

"If the ideological unity and stability of the military cannot be maintained, it will inevitably lead to chaos of military intervention and even warlord melee."

"In the end, the election of the head of state and parliamentary representatives no longer depends on public opinion, but on whether they can get the support of the army and warlords. The so-called republic will also go to extinction. This has been verified countless times in history. Your generation is young. Republicans, can you solve this chronic disease?"

"Ellen, in a country without a monarch, can you tell me whom soldiers should be loyal to?"

Edward's questioning forced Allen to respond positively.

"Mr. Gates! I don't think soldiers should be politically inclined and should not join any political or religious groups!"

"The army must remain absolutely neutral in the country's political system!"

"If soldiers must have an object of loyalty, then they can only be loyal to the country and the people!"

"The words are pretty, but unfortunately they are meaningless."

Edward smiled sarcastically.

"Allen, let alone whether your ideal of ‘nationalization of the military’ is realistic and can it be implemented, I’ll ask you one thing, do you Republicans agree that ‘people enjoy equal freedom’?"

"This is our most important program!" Allen replied without thinking.

"So in the Republic, should citizens equally enjoy the freedom of political speech?"

"of course!"

"Are soldiers citizens?"


"Then soldiers should also enjoy the above-mentioned freedoms and have the right to support or oppose certain political opinions. However, you want to deprive them of the freedom to express political opinions. Isn't this a contradiction?" Edward asked coldly.

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