Mage Joan

Chapter 2358: Anti-gravity device

"The Mirage" is a 7-ring illusion. After the spell is cast, it can create a wide range of phantom wonders in an area with a radius of 1 mile, temporarily change the topography, and create fake natural landscapes and artificial buildings.

The illusion created by "Mirage" lasts for days in proportion to the cast level, and is basically regarded as the strongest illusion spell below the legend.

What Qiao An copied next was "Summoning a Tier 7 Monster".

"Monster Summoning" spells lasted in minutes. The summoned monsters were neither strong nor enough relative to the level of the caster, so Qiao Ann rarely used them in actual combat.

However, you can use this kind of spells, but you have to learn them, because the creatures that can be summoned are so extensive that they can be used at any given time. Without this knowledge reserve, it would be uncomfortable in some special scenarios. .

Compared with the low-level version, the alien creatures that can be summoned by the "7th-level Monster Summoning Technique" are significantly improved in strength and richer in types.

Including the four giant elements of water, fire, ground, and wind, fierce sharks, fierce crocodiles and giant squids suitable for water warfare, mastodons and Tyrannosaurus rex running on the ground, and roc bird flying in the air.

In addition, it can also summon three typical demons.

Lawful evil, the "bone demon" from Batol's Hell, the chaotic evil, the "eagle demon" from the bottomless abyss, and the "demon hunter spider" also from the abyss.

Seeing the "Devil Hunter", Qiao An couldn't help thinking of Princess Claudia Drow's former servant of the "Devil Hunter". It seemed to be named "Lingling". He caused a lot of trouble at the beginning, but was later hit by him. Kill, the soul escapes back to the bottomless abyss, even if it can be reincarnated in the abyss blood pool, most of it has already been relegated to a weak chicken like "succubus", which is not a concern.

After transcribing the "7th-level Monster Summoning Technique", Qiao An put down his pen and examined the last 7th-level spell with a hint of excitement, which is also the most important one among the spells copied today-"Sun Flame Palm"!

"Yangyan Palm" inherited the fine tradition of this series of spells. The giant palm created by it has an additional 14 points of strength based on the caster's own power attributes. The size of the giant palm is similar to the size of the caster.

To cast "Sun Flame Palm", a small piece of ruby ​​is used as the casting material. The giant palm created is brilliant with golden light and has the dual attributes of "force field" and "brilliance." "Blind" special effects.

"Yang Yan Palm" also has the characteristics of "Yang Yan Burst". Where the giant palm sweeps, all dark enchantments not higher than 7th level will be dispelled and normal light brightness will be restored.

Finally, just like "Sun Flame Ray" and "Yang Flame Burst", use the "Sun Flame Palm" to fight the undead, mushrooms, mud monsters, and photophobic creatures, and every single palm can cause double damage!


After returning to Yunzhong City, in addition to learning spells, Qiao An occasionally chatted and walked with the five elder brothers and sisters of the "activation spell", and spent the rest of his time in a great project.

When entering the Yunzhong City factory area for the first time, Qiao An agreed with the ancient book father to do his best to complete the posthumous work of the great master of the cloud-"Mythical Golden Colossus" Jinli!

Over the years, Qiao An will advance this project within his own ability every time he returns to Cloud City. The corner work is basically done, but the three core crafts of the Adamantite Colossus have not made much progress.

These three core technologies include injecting the 9th-order mythological spirit into the colossus, setting up a "mythical anti-magic field", and installing an "anti-gravity flight" device.

Qiao An still has no ability to advance the first two core crafts, but he has learned the 7-ring "anti-gravity field" and can try to enchant the anti-gravity device for Jinli.

There are 64 load-bearing columns inside the Adamantite Colossus. According to the design blueprint of Archmage Wafronir, Qiao An needs to enchant all the load-bearing columns one by one with the "anti-gravity field" to form a set of matrixes. After activation, the castle can be as huge Pushing the colossus into the sky, by fine-tuning the direction of the anti-gravity field, it can also realize the flight function-similar to using subjective gravity to adjust the flight direction in the "star realm".

In addition, the Archmage Wafrunir also proposed two technical indicators in the blueprint.

First of all, the anti-gravity device must be able to take effect all-weather, and you cannot fly for a few minutes before landing and rest for a day. This requires that the "anti-gravity field" must be constant on the load-bearing column.

Secondly, the "anti-gravity device" is best to adjust the ascent height and acceleration.

This created another problem for Qiao An.

The original version of the "anti-gravity field" can only raise the subject to a height of 540 feet under one-fold gravity. If you want to break this limitation, you must significantly modify the spell configuration.

As for the control of anti-gravity acceleration... deceleration is not difficult, acceleration must be matched with the "gravity well", and the process will become more complicated.

After careful consideration, Qiao An felt that with his current spellcasting ability, to greatly optimize the "anti-gravity field", there is only one way to go, which is to use the magical "rune".

If you can find a rune that matches the "anti-gravity field", maybe you can collide with a miraculous spark.

Qiao An first paired the twenty-four runes with the "anti-gravity field" one by one, and found that among all the runes, only two runes could be used to strengthen the "anti-gravity field".

Rune No. 3 "Thorn" which symbolizes "protection and control" and rune No. 15 "Eolh" which means "protection and offset".

The Thorn rune can make spells such as "anti-gravity field" and "gravity well" take effect continuously after enchanting, and the Eolh rune can break the restriction of "anti-gravity field". During the effective period of the spell, it can continue to pull the target to the sky. Rise.

Based on the above research conclusions, Qiao An naturally thought that if rune No. 3 and rune No. 15 were combined, wouldn't the technological problem of "anti-gravity flying device" be solved perfectly?

This idea excites him.

In the past few years, Qiao Ann has also spared time to study the special effects of the rune of Rune, but he has not produced many valuable results.

In actual application scenarios, it is mainly dependent on a single rune and spell to combine enchanting.

Today's discovery is a major breakthrough, proving that the idea of ​​combining multiple runes is not only feasible, but also has great potential!

A simple calculation will tell you that the arrangement of multiple runes is almost astronomical, and there must be many combinations with special purposes.

It's a pity that Qiao An doesn't have enough time and energy to verify one by one. He can only record this idea first, and then study it further when he is free.

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