Mage Joan

Chapter 2362: Nightingale

The "domestic baby" raised the family staff, proudly showing it to the brothers and sisters.

"Sister Gravity", "Sister Hanbing", "Brother Lightning" and "Brother Fireball" all clapped and applauded the little sister for being beautiful.

The "matt doll" triumphantly held the staff in front of him and kissed it habitually.

"Muuua~~" ^3^

Oh...the accident will be broadcast again.

Once again, the family staff infused with activating magic power spread out transparent wings from both sides of the ivory grip, struggling to break free from the "mock doll" simulation feet, like a bird, trying to flap its wings high.

Fortunately, the "Forbidden Devil Sister" was calm and calm, and immediately rushed to the younger sister when the situation was not good, opened the "Anti-Magic Field", and enveloped the fluttering family staff.

Affected by the forbidden enchantment, the magical power of the wand was suppressed, its wings disappeared, and it fell from midair.

This time, "Forbidden Devil Sister" did not dare to let the younger sister touch the family staff again, and personally separated a pseudo-foot, held the staff tightly in her hand, and finally found the "house" of the brothers and sisters.

While the slimes were hunting down the activated family staff outside the castle, Qiao An enjoyed a quiet afternoon in the library, sipping black tea and reading literature.

He remembered that he had seen a book of notes of Archmage Wafrunir in the library before, which listed a dozen "real names", corresponding to otherworldly creatures such as demons, demons, angels, and elemental creatures. Very few of them still have mythological ranks.

Cooperating with the "real name" to cast the "otherworldly bound" spell, there is a certain chance that the alien creature corresponding to the real name will be called over even if the opponent's life level exceeds the upper limit of the magical power of the spell.

Of course, whether you can call over is one thing, and whether you can control the other party is another.

Theoretically speaking, if a mage apprentice masters the real name of the Balo Balo, he can use the scroll to cast the 6th level "Bound of the Otherworldly" to try to call the Balo Balo.

But what can happen after the call is successful?

Does the apprentice mage have the ability to frighten the Balo flames?

The result is likely to be tortured and killed by furious demons, this kind of overpowering behavior amounts to suicide.

In fact, dying in the accident caused by the summoning ritual is precisely one of the main accidental death factors of arcane spellcasters-like most drowning people can swim.

It is precisely this kind of person who knows only a little about magic, always unable to contain the excessively inflated ambitions, hoping to call a powerful thug from the outside world to help himself to grab money, turf, women and men, the result is often self-defeating Dead end.

Of course, Qiao An would not make such a naive mistake. The reason why he looked through the real names of alien creatures collected by Archmage Wafronir was to choose a suitable "spiritual spirit" from them to make the construct.

The poor magic pilot "Zaku" died in the underworld decisive battle of the incarnation of Koschurch. The steel body was torn to pieces, and even the elemental spirit was killed by the demon king's incarnation. It has not been repaired. may.

Over the past six months, Qiao An has also considered reshaping the magic pilot. But compared to his current strength, the mid-range structure of the magic pilot is too outdated, and Qiao An is fully capable of creating a "golem" with superior performance.

Qiao Ann doesn't like ordinary steel golems. He wants to create the best high golem.

The best materials should be used, and the enchanting process should be high.

Of course, the "elemental spirit" as the soul of the golem must be carefully selected.

How about giant elements?

Far from it! At least it must be the element elder, or the kind with mythological rank!

The mage’s golem is like a gentleman’s wig and a lady’s bag. It does have practical value, but it is mainly a luxury item that shows the status and style. The grade is not high, so it is better not to.

During the trip to the North Pole last year, Qiao An excavated 100 tons of green ice in a mine near Baixiong Village, intending to blend quartz sand to make "crystal steel" as the embryo material of the golem.

As for the enchantment process of the golem, the most important thing is the 7-level "limited wish technique", which is used to bless the golem with absolute resistance, which is commonly known as "magic immunity".

Qiao An has mastered this spell. As for other enchanting techniques, he has long been too familiar with it.

Qiao An also recovered some usable components from the wreckage of Zaku, such as the magic crystal machine gun and large shield, the "Ofa Siphon Field", as well as the "clockwork box" and the corresponding "clockwork module".

These legacy can be used on the new golem.

Making golems inevitably consumes a lot of magic crystals, which is the main component of the cost of enchanting. Fortunately, Qiao An is not bad at money now, and there are a full 14 pounds of magic crystals in his storage bag, which is enough for him to splurge for a while.

The only problem now lies in the spirit of the golem.

Qiao An hopes to create the spirit of a high-level mythological element elder as the spirit of the golem.

Using his own invented "Mythical Binding of the Other World" and with Ken rune, Qiao Ann can call the other world elemental creatures whose life level does not exceed 20 at most.

However, none of the four elemental elders has a life level lower than 20, and the "Mythical World Oath Binding" cannot do anything about it.

At first, Qiao An wanted to increase the magic power limit by conventional methods such as using magic skills or adding special casting materials, but then remembered that using his "real name" could solve this problem, so he ran to consult the literature.

The result really did not disappoint him. In the notes of the great master of the cloud, Vafrunir, the real name of a "mythical element elder" was actually recorded. It was like a spirit tailored for the golem. It is a pity. It is not yet known how high the opponent's myth level is.

The composition of the real name is very complicated. After the abbreviation is simplified, it is pronounced "Nightingale" in "wind element language", which is translated into human language and means "Nightingale".

Qiao An set up a circle on the first floor of Jinli Castle, and then performed the calling ceremony.

When he read the real name of the elder of the mythical wind element, a portal to the elemental plane opened in the center of the magic circle, and a roaring storm surged out from it, hovering and trying to break through the shackles of the magic circle, but was imposed by Qiao An in advance. The enchantment blocked it back.

Calm down after the elemental storm hits the wall, the lower part is condensed into a tornado column, and the upper body is shaped into a translucent female body, which looks like a female storm giant with long hair and fluttering hair, with shining silver eyes looking around vigilantly , But did not notice for the first time the human mage outside of the magic enchantment, which was extremely small compared to her huge body.

Qiao Ann is also examining Nightingale.

The powerful aura that the elder mythical wind element exudes from his appearance fully met his expectations, and nodded in satisfaction.

At the same time, Qiao An felt his left hand slightly hot, and "Tears of God" sent a mental alert.


Mythological induction: discover 7th-order mythological creatures!


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