Mage Joan

Chapter 2389: The last gift (plus more monthly pass)

"Any new news?" Qiao An asked Rebecca casually.

I saw the tabloid that slandered you this morning. Before I came to the school to find you, I sent a letter to Miss Miao, asking her to help investigate the guy who spread rumors and slander in the newspaper and attacked you viciously.

"What's that person's name... James Callander?" Joan recalled.

"Yes, James Callander is his real name. You probably can't imagine that this person is the royal gunman whom you admire, Mr. Alexander Jefferson, who spent money to support him. He wrote articles and spread rumors to discredit Jefferson's political opponents." Rebe Ka lowered his voice and said, "The news that Sister Miao, Azhi, and Teacher Benny have inquired from their peers shows that this time James Callander wrote an article to slander you, and it is also at the instruction of Jefferson."

Qiao An was speechless, and the coffee in his mouth became extremely bitter.

"I said long ago that for a hypocrite like Jefferson, you can't just listen to what he says, but also what he does."

Rebecca became more and more angry, and his words became more intense.

"The shameless villain, James Callander, always put the hats of'conspirator' and'career' on others' heads. In my opinion, these two hats are suitable for his owner, Mr. Jefferson. !"

When he first learned that James Callander was employed by Jefferson, Joanne was shocked and indignant. However, when he saw Rebecca's gnashing of hatred and heard her harsh words, he felt that he was affected. It’s nothing wrong with that little grievance. What’s more important is to persuade Rebecca to calm down, but don’t give birth to any extreme ideas because of hostility to Mr. Jefferson...

"If Miss Miao's investigation is true, what Mr. Jefferson did indeed disappoint me."

"I have long been aware of his discrepancy, but I didn't expect it to be so far. It seems that the sentence'Wen is like a man' is not completely in line with reality."

Seeing Rebecca's face eased, Qiao An then advised her not to take this matter too seriously.

"Mr. Jefferson is indeed very scheming, but he was our headmaster anyway, and he was kind to me. In terms of his past feelings, you don’t need to hold a grudge. You don’t like his style. In the future, he will stay away. Up."

Rebecca shook her head with a serious expression.

"Joan, you misunderstood why I was angry. I hate Jefferson, not just because he hired man-made rumors to slander you. Personal grievances don't have much weight on the balance in my heart. What I care more about is that this person engages in politics. This is a very dangerous sign!"

"A sign of danger?" Qiao An didn't understand what Rebecca meant.

"By inciting public opinion to seize power and using vicious slander to combat dissidents, Mr. Jefferson's actions have set a bad example for New World politics!"

"Someone must stand up and expose the true colors of people like Jefferson. Otherwise, political activities will degenerate into partisan contests of hooligans, unconditionally cater to the mob's show, and eventually evolve into a zero-sum game that does not ask right and wrong, the parties agree with each other, and mutual vetoes. It will also be irretrievably slid into the abyss!"

Rebecca's stern assertion echoed in Qiao'an's ears for a long time. It sounds terrible at first, but after careful consideration, I feel that there are too many alarmist speculations, which does not conform to the logic of seeking truth from facts.

After a long time of contemplation, Qiao An felt that he should still tell the truth to Rebecca, admitting that he could not agree with her conviction of "stealing needles when she was young and stealing cows when she was old".

"I don't like what Mr. Jefferson is, but I don't see him as despicable as you claim."

"Rebecca, we are not children anymore. We should be more mature and rational, and learn to look at politics from the perspective of reality instead of idealism."

"We all know in our hearts that the great, brilliant and correct politicians in the history books are largely out of propaganda needs. They are idols that are not decorated with texts. In reality, politicians have a moral level not lower than the average standard of the public. At least it won't be too high, otherwise I am afraid that I will not be famous in politics."

"If we put aside those unrealistic standards and look at Mr. Jefferson, we should admit that his moral standards are not inferior to most politicians, and the ideas and concepts he promotes are more lofty than most politicians, inspiring countless young people to devote themselves to The cause of fighting for freedom and justice is great as a scholar and excellent as a politician."

"Even if Mr. Jefferson's different words and deeds set a bad example, the impact will not be as serious or as far-reaching as you feared."

"After all, he is just the new chairman of the Alfheim Colony Parliament. He is not the most outstanding role in the entire New World political arena. When placed in the world political arena, he has no appeal."

After hearing his words, Rebecca smiled helplessly, as if a kind mother watched the child build a fort on the beach, could not bear to pierce his innocent fantasy, frankly that he hopes to live forever The masterpiece will be destroyed by the rising tide sooner or later.

"If you plant evil causes, there will be evil results. Whether the words I just said are alarmist or not, let the time to verify."


The next morning, Qiao An received a long and well-worded letter from the principal Madison, apologizing to the students for their impulse.

In the letter, the principal also persuaded Qiao An to take the initiative to clarify the truth, publicly sign a "letter of allegiance", prove his innocence, and draw a line with the royalists, so as to calm the anger of the radical students.

After reading the letter from Mr. Principal, Qiao An smiled bitterly to himself, sat down at the desk, and wrote a book.

He didn't write any "letter of allegiance" as the principal Madison expected. Instead, he wrote a letter of resignation, put it in the principal's mailbox, and then began to pack things up and prepare to leave.

That afternoon, Master Rawls came back from vacation and learned from Alan, Thomas and Edward about the changes that had taken place in the past two days. He was shocked and angry. He hurried into the laboratory and grabbed Joanne’s arm. He went to the principal for the theory.

Qiao An quickly calmed down the teacher and confessed that he had submitted his resignation and would leave Leiden College before dark. Since he has decided to resign and leave, why embarrass Mr. Principal.

Master Rawls was more shocked when he learned that he was leaving Leiden College than he heard that the students rioted and destroyed Qiao'an's office, and his eyes flushed with sadness.

After a long sullen silence, Master Rawls did not try to persuade Qiao An to withdraw his resignation, and he started packing things up and packing his luggage.

Qiao An noticed that the teacher's mood was not right, and asked him what he was doing.

"If you have to go, boy, then I don't want to stay here anymore. If you want to go, let's go together. Let's go to the principal to resign!"

"Look at how old you are, why do you still say such childish silly things!"

Qiao Ann was both funny and moved, and quickly persuaded Master Rawls to dispel his sullen thoughts.

"If you also leave Leiden College, what can Thomas, Edward, and Allen do? Those three poor guys will not become'motherless children'? You can't be so impulsive even for the sake of students."

"Then if you say so, why do you have to go, kid?" Master Rawls asked angrily.

"My situation is different from yours. First, I don’t have a fixed faculty position at Leiden College. I don’t have to worry about leaving when I want to leave. Secondly, even if there is no change yesterday, I have decided to leave Leiden College and return to Midgard. Deal with some personal affairs." Qiao An explained.

"Oh! By the way! Midgard University, this summer's annual meeting!"

Master Rawls remembered that Qiao An was invited to attend the annual meeting scheduled to be held at Midgard University this summer, and he also assisted his tutor, Professor Moriarty, to prepare a speech on "Smallpox Prevention" as the annual meeting. The finale on the show is indeed not suitable for staying at Leiden College to waste talent and energy.

As parting is approaching, Master Rawls feels complicated. He is not only reluctant to be the most proud student in his life, but also proud of the achievements and honors he has achieved far beyond him at a young age.

There was a knock on the door, and the school worker sent a heavy postal parcel.

The mailing address posted on the postal parcel was "Leiden College-Robert Rawls Laboratory", and the recipient column read "Dr. Vader". Qiao An first investigated and confirmed that it was not poisonous or For dangerous items that are easy to explode, open the package and take out five brand-new sample publications of Austrian Law Exploration.

This summer issue is about one-third thicker than the spring issue he received last time. The number of papers published is 12. The extra space is mainly used by his "Ecology and Society of Niefalheim". "Introduction to Religion" is accounted for, with an academic score of 92 points!

Qiao An put one of the sample publications right on the desk that had been emptied. It was regarded as a parting gift to thank Master Rawls and his alma mater for their cultivation.

(End of this volume)


·Historical materials Jefferson’s "Royal Water Army" James Callander ("Jefferson" [America] Joseph J. Ellis)

There are some things Adams did not say publicly, but he must think so, that is, for Jefferson, these accusations are undoubtedly worthy of the crime.

Because this incident first originated from a person who used to work hard for the Republican Party and spread scandals everywhere. This person was named James Callander. He had previously discredited his opponents under the support and instruction of Jefferson. Of course, Adams was included. The same disregard of the truth, a brazen way.

Callander disclosed Hamilton’s extramarital affairs scandal to the world in 1797. The following year, in a pamphlet called "Our Prospects" (TheProspectBeforeUs), he slandered Adams as "from Braintree". Depraved, authoritarian tyrant".

Jefferson praised "Our Prospects" and provided financial support.

But Callender's only constant talent is betrayal. When Jefferson refused to use the post of Richmond Postmaster as a reward for his work, Callender immediately betrayed Jefferson.

According to a Federalist, but it may not be true, Callander had wandered outside the presidential residence for a few days, hoping to receive a personal interview from the president.

When he saw Jefferson appearing next to the window on the second floor, he yelled: "Sir, you know, I lied everywhere that made you sit on the presidential throne. I will tell the truth and take you Pull it down, don't want to stop my mouth."

Jefferson denounced Callander, saying that he was "a traitor to republicanism full of lies."

Jefferson also asked Monroe, then governor of Virginia, to issue a statement denying that Jefferson had interacted with Callander or provided him with financial support, which had nothing to do with his previous defaming of Adams.

But Callander left Jefferson's letter, and he immediately handed it to the Federalist newspaper as a crime.

Jefferson mentioned "Our Prospects" in his letter to Callander: "Thank you for the proofs attached. These will definitely produce the best results."

The duplicity and inconsistency that he showed when dealing with Callander were completely in line with Jefferson's character.

This is a recurrence of "Frenno slander" and "Mezer farce". Jefferson denied that he was involved in those political deceptions behind the scenes, but it was shocking when the truth was revealed.

Now, his incomplete letters to Callander have been made public, and his lies have been exposed, which is indeed a bad result.

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