Mage Joan

Chapter 2423: Save you weapon

Among these murderous "children of the magic flower", Qiao An saw several familiar faces.

Leading the young officer carrying the ice-blue giant sword, and the white-robed priest holding an enchanted rifle beside him, it was Arnold and Lowry!

Seeing the lost comrades in arms, Angel and Ryan couldn't help being a little excited, and quickly asked Qiao'an how they could help Arnold and others regain their sanity.

"There is more than one way to awaken the'Children of the Demon Flower," and the easiest way is to eliminate the'Primitive Demon Flower.' But before that, we have to eliminate Arnold's interference."

Qiao An stared at the eight "Children of the Demon Flower" who were walking here, calculating how to control them as soon as possible without causing serious harm.

"We have had conflicts with this kind of half-human, half-tree creatures. The good news is that after they become like ghosts, their mental attributes have been reduced to a level not much stronger than that of wild beasts. They cannot use magic and other things that require brainstorming. Ability; the bad news is that their physiology has become more like plants than humans, and the control magic will not work for them."

Hailar reminded his companions.

At this moment Arnold seemed to have spotted them, holding up the enchanted giant sword named "Frost Inscription", roaring like a beast from his mouth, and rushing up.

Audrey hurriedly raised the big shield to block the chilling giant sword in Arnold's hand, swinging the sheathed long sword with her right hand, acting as a club and smashing it against Arnold's arm, trying to force him to drop the weapon.

Arnold became a "son of the magic flower", and his physique became as resilient as a tree, his pain nerves were greatly degraded, and Audrey's arm was hit hard, without the slightest pain on his face, but he became more fierce. Swinging and slashing frantically.

The remaining seven "children of the magic flower" also joined the battle. Including Lowry, there are a total of three people holding guns and transforming them into "children of the magic flower", their shooting skills have not degraded in the slightest.

Qiao An saw that these three gunmen were the most threatening to his own side. Before they could shoot, he used the 7th circle spell to "disarm the snake", turning all three rifles into pythons and entangled their owners.

The second after Qiao'an cast the spell, Lowry also cast "Fossil to Mud", turning the grass under the feet of the three gunmen into a quagmire.

The hands and feet of Lowry and others were all entangled by pythons, unable to escape the trap in time, and fell into the quagmire below the waist in a blink of an eye.


Angel seized the opportunity to make up for a round of "turning mud into stone", turning the quagmire back into solid sand.

The lower half of Lowry and the others were buried in the ground, and their weapons were turned into pythons by Qiao'an, entangled their arms and completely lost their ability to move.

Qiao An turned to look at Arnold and the others who were besieging Audrey and Hailar. He suddenly remembered that Hailar had just said that human beings had been transformed into "sons of the magic flower", and the species type had become supernatural plants, immune to confusing spells.

Deduced according to this line of thinking, the magic that is specifically used to control plants, such as the 4th ring "command plants" and the 8th ring "control plants", should also affect the "child of the magic flower".

With the help of the magic power of the "Branch of Ilminsur", Qiao An can use "Control Plants" once a day, which has been used to control the leaf ray cluster.

He also analyzed the "Command Plant" from the "Hanging Warlord", which is equivalent to a weakened version of the "Manipulation Plant". Each time a spell is cast, only one target can be controlled, and the opponent's upper limit of vitality cannot exceed 15 levels.

Arnold and his three companions did not exceed the upper limit of the magic power of the "command plant". This strategy is worth trying.

Spending a piece of "mythical power", Qiao An cooperated with the "spell chain" to super-magic the "command plant" to level 7, turning it from a single spell into a group effect.


Qiao An chanted the spell, raised his hand to shoot a golden beam, first hit Arnold, and then split three beams, deflected to the other three "children of the magic flower", and successfully controlled all of them.

The experimental results showed that this trick was very effective. Qiao An nodded with satisfaction and turned to look at the original magic flower. Unfortunately, the life level of this monster is too high. Regardless of the "command plant" or the higher level "control plant", it will be treated. Does not work.

There is a spiritual link between the original magic flower and the "child of the magic flower", and when the "child of the magic flower" is subdued by Qiao'an, the original magic flower is immediately noticed, and the branches are dancing wildly with anger, spraying acid mist, and the leaves all over the body. The sharp alarm seemed to be summoning the "son of the magic flower" who was far away from the town to come and protect him.

"Have you found that there are fewer enemies left behind in the town than expected? It stands to reason that the Primordial Magic Flower should leave more puppets to protect itself, but where did all the other people go?" Ao Dai Li said questioningly.

"Perhaps in addition to us, there are other teams that are also active in the'Oz Wonderland', distracting the enemy's forces and inadvertently providing us with convenience." Angel guessed.

"It makes sense!" Hailar said bitterly, "Since we entered this ghost place, we have been in bad luck, and now we are finally running. Taking advantage of the enemy's nest to defend against the emptiness, let's quickly solve the magic flower!"

Looking up at the huge magic flower and twelve green snake-like rattans, Hailar stuck out his tongue, shoved the sword into its sheath, and then took out the birthday gift Joan gave her—the enchanted revolver. , Aiming at the fiery red stamens blooming in the moonlight and pulling the trigger.

At the same time as the gunfire sounded, Primordial Magic Flower had already sensed Hailar's attacking intention, and raised a thick vine in advance to block the shooting route.

The lead bullet hits the vine, and it is bounced back!

Fortunately, Audrey lifted the shield in time to block the lead bullet that turned back to Hailar.

"This magic flower seems to have a magical supernatural ability. It can predict the shooting from a distance in advance, and it can also reverse the bullet back..." Ryan murmured.

"I'll try it." Angel showed the magic wand inlaid with rubies, and said to Joan and Ryan, "If the original magic flower can also reverse the magic attack, you have to counter the fireball that flew back for me in time. !"

"You can try boldly, if the fireball bounces back, I will cast it as soon as possible to disperse it." Qiao An patted Angel on the shoulder, looking forward to the results of the experiment.

Angel raised his wand and pointed it at the original magic flower. The jewel at the head of the wand glowed, and the magic power was guided out and turned into a fiery fireball and blasted out.

The original magic flower really predicted the attack path in advance, swung the vines to hit the fireball, and the fireball exploded at the moment of collision. Although it failed to hit the main stem of the magic flower, it exploded the vine used to block it, and the wound leaked out. A lot of plasma-like juice.

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