Mage Joan

Chapter 2927: Newborn Colossus

The buildings and creatures in the area affected by the "tsunami technique" will be hit by the raging waves, and the damage they will receive will decrease from the center to the edge, with an average of about 15 energy levels.

As we all know, waves are a form of radiation. The "tsunami technique" that spreads around the caster can of course be strengthened by the "mythical radiation". The height and diffusion radius of the waves are doubled, causing damage to the creatures impacted by the torrent. The damage has almost doubled!

This super tsunami lasted only a few minutes. After that, the accumulated water disappeared on its own and refilled the Mijiu River, but it caused a devastating blow to the Winterhold Corps on the battlefield.

Nearly half of the evil wolves and snow monsters were hit by this man-made tsunami, and most of them were killed on the spot. After the torrent swept through, there were corpses everywhere. A few strong mutant snow monsters survived, but they were scared and fleeing.

The crest of the tsunami stretched westward to the vicinity of the position, and the defenders watched the rolling torrent impact, and the white waves filled their vision, and their faces were frightened until the waves receded. There was no trickle of water that disappeared from their eyes in a miraculous way, soldiers. The heart that we mentioned in the throat fell back into the belly.

On the east side of the battlefield, the Knights of Winterhold, riding a raptor dragon, were not so lucky.

A hundred-foot-high raging wave swept over, and before the frost giants had time to figure out the situation, they were overturned by the waves from the back of the dinosaurs, struggling hard in the torrent.

Qiao An rose into the air after casting the spell, lest the floods wet the bee's wings. He saw the Knights of Winterhold being affected by the "tsunami technique" from a distance, and fluttered his wings and flew over. With the legendary magic "Slavery of Mass Giants", 20 Frost Giants were randomly selected, transformed into puppets under their control, and sent out spiritual instructions to order them to rebel.

After the flood receded, the Frost Giants fell into cannibalism, and temporarily ignored the attack on Shizhu Town.

At the same time, the fierce battle in the air has been divided, Trim's White Dragon Guard suffered heavy casualties and was forced to withdraw.

Slud finally vacated his body and led the "wing cavalry squadron" to cover the giant eagle bombing team, flew over the western battlefield, and threw bombs on the heads of the wolf, snow monster and frost giant who had just escaped the impact of the flood.

Smoke and dust billowed on the ground, shrapnel flew horizontally, and gunpowder smoke filled.

The Winterhold Corps was blocked one after another, with heavy casualties and paralyzed offensive.

When Qiao An saw his own air force coming to support, he just breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly felt the temperature drop sharply, and then received a warning from "Tears of God".


Mythological induction: Discovery of the 7th-order mythological construct!


"Huh? This familiar cold wave... Could it be that my old friend "Ice Base Colossus" has appeared again?"

Qiao An looked at the direction indicated by the "mythological induction", and saw a towering ice sculpture appear on the battlefield. Compared with three years ago, his size was nearly doubled, and he looked more majestic and breathtaking.

Three years ago, in order to win Winterhold against the colonists of Midgard, the Walsung family of Stone Pillars had to accept Trim's threat and agreed to marry Slud to Trim's adopted son, Wignir.

For various reasons, Qiao Ann opposed this marriage, and broke into the wedding banquet without invitation to make (big) talk (make trouble) and (1) persuade (the scene), and also kidnapped the ice barrier colossus by the way.

He originally wanted to drive this "big toy" home to play, but he didn't expect Trim to become angry, and even cruelly activated the self-destructing device installed in the colossus. The poor colossus was blown up on the spot, which made him deeply regretful.

Later, Joan heard that Trim had spent a lot of money to invite a master builder to help him restore the ice barrier colossus, and greatly strengthened it on the original basis.

This news made him feel curious for a while, and he wanted to know who other than himself, there are other constructers in the world who are good at making and repairing legendary colossus.

If given the opportunity, Qiao An would be happy to gather with his colleagues, hold an academic seminar, and exchange ideas about the construction of the legendary colossus.

Witnessing the renewed ice barrier colossus once again, the defenders on the position felt the biting chill radiated by the "Master of Ice", shivering from the cold, and their hearts were also shocked by the towering glacier-like colossus, as the colossus strode. As he approached, the footsteps that shook the earth echoed in his ears, and his fighting spirit plummeted with the temperature, barely restraining the urge to turn around and escape.

Only Qiao An looked at the giant statue in the distance, his eyes gleaming, and a smile of relief raised at the corners of his lips.

"I thought where Trim could find a construction expert. Judging from the restoration style of this colossus, it is clearly the work of Moriarty's teacher!"

After a second thought, he thought again that the flesh and blood colossus of Queen Huai Ya was destroyed by himself with the "Steel Cube", and later he also asked Professor Moriarty to repair and install an "emergency avoidance system" that specifically restrains airdrops from heavy objects. , Then the ice barrier colossus, which was also modified by Professor Moriarty, will be equipped with a new system to resist airdrops, in addition to its power attributes and mobility performance.

"Little Colossus, let the big brother take a look, what new skills do you have!"

Qiao An rubbed his hands, opened the storage bag, and searched for "Steel Cube".

At this moment, the powerful roar of the magic steam engine came from the air, which caught his attention.

Turning to look around, I saw a blue and white painted "Wing Cavalry" flying in the direction of the ice barrier colossus. It was the "Wing Cavalry" captain driven by Slud, and four silver wingmen behind him.

The five armored knights headed by Slud kept suspended a thousand feet above the head of the ice barrier colossus, and each took out a metal cube with shining silver light from the magazine, aimed at the striding colossus on the ground, and worked hard. Throw it down.

Seeing this scene, Qiao An couldn't help but laugh secretly.

It seems that the "anti-colossus tactics" that I invented in the "vein war" five years ago have spread throughout the New World, from Delin Town to Shizhu Town, it seems that everyone has learned the method of manufacturing and airdropping "Steel Cube".

The problem is that the tactic of airdropping the "Steel Cube" can only achieve miraculous effects if it is unexpectedly used. Trim is not a fool. He must have heard the news that the flesh and blood colossus was destroyed by the "Steel Cube". Is he still defenseless?

The answer is of course no.

The small "steel cube" fell to a height of about 700 feet above the head of the ice barrier colossus. The moment it touched the "mythical anti-magic field", the "shrinking object technique" was automatically released and turned into a huge steel meteorite.

At the same time, the Ice Barrier Colossus also noticed the heavy objects falling directly above it at high speed, and immediately activated the "Advanced Trigger", a chain of instantaneous magic, and a large cloud of thick fog mixed with frost immediately appeared above its head, as if propped up. Big white umbrella.

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