Mage Joan

Chapter 3125: Vinda Foundation

Facing the look in the emperor's expectation, Qiao An shook his head helplessly.

"Your Majesty, the cosmic scale corresponding to the crystal wall system is almost infinite. You must know that no matter how superimposed the finite scale is, it is impossible to rise to infinity."

"Indeed, I can set up a few more'magic power sources'. As long as I am willing to spend time and work, it is not difficult to spread the magic net in your hometown, Blue Star, but Is Tianyu only such a planet? Is it Blue Star? The inhabitants of do not want to rush out of the atmosphere and explore outer space, or even outer planes?"

"In the face of the vast and boundless universe, the source of magic power seems too small, and the network architecture based on the source of magic power is not a long-term solution after all."

"Dr. Vader, you are a scholar, and your thirst for knowledge is endless. But frankly speaking, I don’t have the broad-mindedness of your mind about the universe. I can’t imagine long-term things. Xing is included in the cloud network service area...I even take a step back. If you can first include my country of birth into the cloud network service area, I am already very satisfied."

Roland shrugged and spread his hands, with a wry smile on his face.

"As for the foreigners, and the's not too late to think about it slowly in the future."

Qiao An frowned, wondering why the Emperor is a little weird today. He always takes a long-term and far-sighted approach in doing things. Isn't it this kind of mentality of "the little rich is safe"?

This is not the vision and vision that a talented and rough emperor should have!

Perhaps it was because Ms. Valentina's ascent into the God Realm caused a too strong impact on his heart, so that he appeared depressed and depressed?

Qiao An hopes that His Majesty the Emperor can get rid of the troubles of melancholy, adjust his mentality as soon as possible, and cheer up, but he can't think of any words of encouragement, so he can only remain silent.

The two men paced side by side in the quiet forest shrouded in moonlight, relatively speechless.

The silence is like night, deepening the melancholy atmosphere.

I don't know how long it took, Roland stopped and looked up at the night sky. The clear moonlight and the snow all over the area reflected the brilliance. When he was in this situation, he confided in his heart.

"Dr. Vader, I have dealt with a lot of people. I have met many people. I have met many people. There are very few people who refuse to be flattened by life and insist on idealism. You are the purest of them. "

"I may say this a little bit eloquently, but I really admire your purity. I hope you can always keep your ideals and your innocence, do you know why?"

Qiao Ann shook his head, both moved and confused.

"Because I can't do it myself."

Roland smiled bitterly.

"Facing you, I seem to see myself through the corridor of time. However, the age of innocence has long passed away from me. I have taken on a lot of responsibilities and expectations of others. What is heavier than this is my own desire. I I have been fighting against the devil in my heart."

"Because of being in the dark, Dr. Vader, I can see the light on you. I hope you can become my'day star'. When I worry about losing my way, I can look up at your light Know how far you are from the edge of hell."


We talked until midnight on the moon, and it was almost midnight before Qiao An left his majesty the emperor, returned to his guest room, sat in front of the desk, opened the pen and paper, and immersed himself in writing a project proposal.

It has been a long time since he wrote such a formal official article, as if he had returned to his in university and felt like writing an opening report.

The theme of this project is to create a charity organization named after Qiao An's own surname-Vinda Foundation.

Qiao An had long thought of doing some public welfare undertakings, but lacked operational experience. It wasn't until after a deep talk with Roland tonight, under the guidance of His Majesty, that his thinking became clear.

The funding for the "Vinda Foundation" is entirely from Qiao An's personal donations. He intends to donate the dividends of the shares he holds on the board of directors of Yunwang-no less than 10 million Kintal per year-mainly for two things.

One is to cooperate with Leiden College, Midgard University and Colasburg University to create a bursary program to provide interest-free student loans for students from poor families.

Qiao An had a difficult life in his early years. During his studies, he was troubled with raising tuition fees, and once owed high-interest debts.

Now he no longer needs to worry about his livelihood. The money is too much to use up, but he can’t forget the suffering he suffered when he was young and the poverty he suffered. Help, avoid debt pressure, and complete your studies safely.

Qiao An's second mission for the "Vinda Foundation" is to create an online open source library based on the cloud network.

As His Majesty said, Qiao An is somewhat naive and "idealistic". He disagrees with the practice of turning university libraries into profit-making institutions and charging high fees to students for access to literature and magic. He believes that knowledge is open source and shared. , Will become the direction of the future development of human spiritual civilization.

Qiao An intends to upload the books, documents and spell configurations that he has collected, sorted out, and original over the years to the online library, and provide them for free to all cloud network users to share. At the same time, he also accepts academic materials uploaded by other users to enrich the book collection.

These open source content, unless authorized by the original author, shall not be directly used for commercial activities for profit-making purposes.

When he said this idea, he was immediately ridiculed by Roland.

His Majesty the Emperor skillfully used various economic principles and pointed out that his so-called "open source" thinking only looks beautiful, but in fact it violates the economic laws that human society relies on for organization and operation. It is against "intellectual property" and " It is hard to say whether the rebellion of the Patent Protection Law will be more pros or cons when it is actually implemented.

Qiao An is no longer the ignorant boy before, but he will not be easily persuaded by others.

In response to His Majesty’s criticism, he only responded with a short rhetorical question: "Whether the advantages are big or the disadvantages are big, how do you know if you don't try it?"

"People don't need to jump off a cliff to know that they will die if they fall from a height. The laws of economics are there. Why do you have to hit the wall with your head?" Roland retorted with a smile.

"If your economic laws are really so reliable, under your wise leadership, why did the Far East once show signs of an economic crisis?"

Qiao An didn't save the emperor's face in the slightest, and said sharply:

"If it didn’t happen that the War of Independence broke out in the New World, you seized the opportunity to restart the military industrial machinery and used your ingenious set of "financial magic" to convert the excess domestic production capacity in the Far East into the war debts of all of our Wilnoans. The contradiction of exporting to foreign countries eases the pressure of unemployment in the country. Far Easterners are still uncertain about what life they are going to live!"

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