Mage Lord: The Tech Tree is Skewed by Me

Chapter 259 Philip: Am I a viscount?

Birds flitted across the branches, and the breeze blew through the treetops.

On this crisp autumn afternoon, Leon, who had just finished his agricultural research work, finally returned to his lord's castle.

The window on one side of the study was open.

Just standing by the window, you can see the golden wheat fields not far away.

For Leon, this is an autumn day full of hope and joy.

The war ends and peace comes.

Antolia had a good harvest and the bond issue was a success.

The improvement of the situation in the northern continent also allowed Leon to finally free up his hands to seriously handle the internal affairs of Antolia and plan the future of the Jimena family.

Just a few days ago, the veterans of Antolia had already set off to various parts of the kingdom and began to build an intelligence network for Antolia.

Although when he first made this decision, Leon was worried that asking these veterans who fought on the battlefield to collect intelligence would sound as outrageous as asking Zhang Fei to go to the hydrangea ball. .

But in fact, after these days of training, the hard facts have made Leon understand that such worries are completely unnecessary.

The veterans of Antolia are not stupid!

After retreating from the Antolian mercenaries, they followed the Antolian caravan and traveled north and south.

They have seen the customs and customs of different regions, and have seen the businessmen's emphasis on profit over justice.

Not only can they fight, but they also know how to restrain themselves.

Even though he might be a little unfamiliar at the beginning, but... Leon will never underestimate the Antorians' ability to adapt and accept new things.

In addition to the construction of the Antolia intelligence network, the issuance of bonds also allowed Leon to further spread the Antolia Bank established by himself in the southern lands of the kingdom.

The reason is simple and readily available.

That is to facilitate the nobles from all over the kingdom to withdraw their income and principal in time when the bonds mature.

You know, at least on the land of Antolia, the Antolia Bank has gained the trust of gold diggers.

Compared to carrying your hard-earned money with you, it is obviously much more convenient to store it in Antolia Bank.

This approach has also greatly improved the influence of Antolia Bank in the southern part of the kingdom, at least among the mercenary groups.

after all……

Most of the gold diggers who go to the Sunken Wood Forest are mercenaries from the Kingdom of Andal!

The mercenary group can be said to be the richest group of people among the civilian class in a sense.

For these guys who are used to living a life of licking blood on the tip of a knife, what they hope most is to have a reliable place to store their commissions.

Just right.

Antolia Bank, which deeply explores industry trends and vigorously develops blue ocean industries, perfectly meets their needs.

Therefore, Leon naturally wants to seize this opportunity and expand the distribution of Antolia Bank's branches as soon as possible.

Although it is still difficult for Antolia Bank to win the trust of the nobles at this moment, the food must be eaten one bite at a time and the steps must be taken step by step. Being the first to gain the trust of mercenaries from all over the country is undoubtedly a pretty good breakthrough!

Leon has always believed that one day, even if it is just to allow mercenaries to receive commissions from noble lords faster, Antolia Bank will be present in every noble territory in the entire Kingdom of Andal.

Dong dong dong!

Just as Leon was thinking about the development path of Antolia Bank, there was a knock on the door of the study room.

Leon's cousin, Felipe Jimena, pushed open the door and entered.

Your Majesty the Marquis!

Phillip's face was full of joy.

As a side member of the Jimena family, Philip had long given up the hope of inheriting his father's title - the title of Viscount Naplin in the Duchy of Doron.

after all……

There are two older brothers above him.

At best, Philip can only be regarded as the third heir to the title of Viscount Naplin.

It was precisely for this reason that he came to Antolia, hoping to make a career for himself with his cousin, a marquis.

And Leon was naturally happy to do so.

Compared to the rest, Philip, who is also a member of the Jimena family, is obviously more credible.

Therefore, after the gold mine in Shenmulin was discovered, Leon sent Philip to Shenmulin, on the one hand, to exercise his abilities, and on the other hand, it also allowed him to accumulate some experience.

Should I call you Viscount of Shuanghu Town now?!

Looking at Philip with a happy face, Leon said with a smile.

The Antolian army achieved a major victory at the Norton Battlefield, which was once regarded as a turning point in the war in the Principality of Norton.

For King Wilbert I of the Andals, it was obviously unrealistic to add additional titles to Leon, who already controlled the south bank of the Meyerson River.

From viscount to duke in two years?

This is somewhat sensational.

So in return, the title of Viscount of Shuanghu Town was placed on Philip's head under Leon's operation.

For Philip, this was a completely unexpected surprise.

He thought that the title of Viscount depended on him fighting bloody battles on the battlefield, but he didn't expect that his brother was so awesome that Philip was completely stunned by this sudden surprise.

Isn’t this?

As soon as he received the edict from King Wilbert I, he came to the Thorn Territory without hesitation.

Philip's idea is actually very simple.

The title of Viscount of Shuanghu Town was obtained by Leon for himself, and Leon was the patriarch of the Jimena family.

In this case, before he went to Shuanghu Town to take up his post, he naturally had to pay a visit to Leon first.

after all……

As both members of the Jimena family, he and Leon can be said to be naturally on the same front.

The greater Leon's power, the stronger the Jimena family will be, and Philip will be able to get more care from the family.

I don't really ask much from you, that is to establish good relations with the nobles in the western part of the kingdom.

Shuanghu Town is located north of the Meyerson River. If Antolia's caravan goes north to the Kingdom of Walras in the future, then Shuanghu Town will undoubtedly be the only way to go.

Since the Principality of Norton was divided between the Kingdom of Andal and the Kingdom of Idrit, most of the nobles around Shuanghu Town have close ties with the Duke of Mercia in the west of the kingdom. Therefore, it is particularly important to have good relations with the nobles in the west of the kingdom!

Leon warned extremely seriously.

Why did he give Philip the title of Viscount of Shuanghu Town?

Just for future trade!

With your own people watching over there, the stability of the trade route will undoubtedly be guaranteed to the greatest extent.

after all……

In exchange for the old Walrasian war god who was knocked unconscious by Leon's scabbard, the Walrasian people came up with two trade permits!

For Leon, this is a rare good thing!

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