Mage Of The Abyss

Chapter 22 - 14 ~ The Ruins

As expected for this kind of place, there isn't much to see after coming into the entrance as it is in fact deserted. There's no one here, not even a single monster.

Going in, with the darkness surround me and my vision, I'm really glad that miss Replica is accompanying me – even though, not physically.

Walking in this narrow straight line of the road with both sides leading to instant death brings me chills whenever I glanced at either side.

[They once said that it was a place of worship]

"Hmm…" leaning a bit to the depth beneath, I saw glimmering light from below, "And who are they?"

[Some rogue from the Ancient Elven civilization]

"Wait, Elves? Are you talking about the same elves who like to eat grass or the ones who eat meat?"

[The former]

"But that doesn't make sense though. Why would elves even live in this place, there's nothing for them to eat here."

[While it is true today, but around 600 years ago, that desert used to be a part of the southern forest. It was full of bright colors of the wilderness]

"Okay... What happened?"

"Whaaat… poor elves."

That doesn't make sense though. As far as I know, the Divine Order is the beacon of hope for the people in this world, it becomes a symbol of justice and faith. Worshipping them like a dog serving its master. Then again, I know nothing much about the lives here in the first place so... not my place to assume anything.

"Have you been here before, miss Replica?"


"Then, why didn't you take the Artifact with you?"

[Because I couldn't find it]


[I'm certain that it's there. I've once encountered an unexplainable phenomenon when I was in the area. An illusion of sort]

"Can you describe it for me?"

[Hmm… a barrier. The kind where you touch it and it wasn't there and you kept on walking and walking without realizing that you're just going in a circle]

"What, you're going around in a circle? Like a dog?"


[Listen here, you piece of shit. If you don't get the item by nighttime, I'm going to pull you out of there and castrate your body to the dogs guarding your graveyard!]


"Wait, miss Replica! I didn't mean to say like you were um…"


"Miss Replica?"


With no answers given from the other side, I am now alone yet again.

She told me that this place used to be an Elven Fortress, "But it sure doesn't look like it at all. Even the aesthetics doesn't resemble the graceful nature of elves."

Upon arrival to the bottom floor, music and a melancholic humbling voice of a woman were suddenly heard under my eardrums.

! {You have entered a Safe Zone}

~ {Gaia's Tooth}

Narrowing my eyes down, "Gaia? So it IS elven."

"But also, Safe Zone... Hmm..."

Large cities are usually the spot for a "Safe Zone", it's a non-combat area for both players and monsters. I mean, of course, monsters wouldn't be able to-

'Wait a minute, where's my starter pack?'


Everything about this "Realism Mode" is bugged!

"Whatever, I bet it's just some potions and food."

The bottom floor was dark and I can barely see anything from here, but upon igniting myself aflame, I can see that there is nothing here at all.

"Despite the open space, there's not even a stream of water flowing to this place."

But when I took my first step, my eyes shook violently. Pinning my head from all sides without a single warning.

[You're close]

Her voice made my eyes widened.

[The barrier will not pose a problem with those eyes in your sockets, just be sure to bring me the artifact without appraising them]

'Hm? Why is she talking in whispers?'

I look around. Each step I took gives me a different effect. Sometimes it hurts me, but other times it eased me. I chose to follow the former and it leads me to a wall under the bridge where I came from.

Laying my hand onto the wall, a magical pattern glows up in green, lighting the 4 edges of the entire wall.

The sound came from behind me. A platform emerged and it stays float about 3ft above the ground. A blue magical sphere being tidily wrapped by some branches and leaves.

"An abandoned shrine."

Insert a name for the god you worship, and it can be a Temple of Gathering for all believers of the said god. A place for nearby players to return after death without going through the empty world of Limbo.

'Think I might be able to earn a deed if I put the name of the god that the faction worship or simply put 'Purgatory' there. I'm sure it'll work and that'll give me points for the faction, but…'

'An abandoned shrine is not something that can be found so often.'


'I'll keep it for later,' looking back at the wall, "I'm here for something else…"

That said, nothing happened, nothing is happening. The wall continues to light up but there is no sign of… anything about to happen.

'But I can still feel something around here."

Maybe I was not supposed to touch the wall but instead, dig the sand beneath me. So I did, and after a long digging with my own two delicate hands, I found a book.

A large book, tightly wrapped by some black cloth. I tore it all away and found the book to be captivating, "This is…"

Even after I touch it, there is no notification popping up telling me what it is. The urge to appraise it is high, but I know that I shouldn't do it. I was only tasked to collect this thing and bring it back home.


I can't even put it in my inventory.

"Oh well, guess I can only keep it in my arms then."

"Miss Replica, I think I found the item."


"Um, miss Replica?"


"Helloooo, miss Replica, are you there?"


"Damn it, just where did she go?"

I walked around tirelessly, tapping my foot on the ground repeatedly as I glanced at the abandoned shrine. It wasn't shining, but I can feel its radiance from here.

"I should mark this place on the map. Gonna come back later for that thing."

Pulling out the map, I typed the name of my location as "Home" and mark it permanently with the suitable legend.

Without a proper heads up, a black portal appeared. The same one at the time miss Replica summon hers, "Guess, that's my cue to return."

"Man, I was expecting to find a lot of monsters and stuff, getting into some cool battle and fight awesome bosses, but then again, I'm still as weak as a candy cane."

"Welp, maybe next time."

"Now, I'm gonna surprise miss Replica with this amazing result!"

With a fluttering heart, my lips went to the edges of my ears as I jumped to the portal and present her with the artifact.


Holding it up high.


*Gasp *Gasp

'Hm? Why is there more than one of them?'

When I took a glance at the surrounding area as I bring the book into my arms, I realized that it was not the place I expected to be. Not the gladiator's battleground, but the Throne Room of the Prison Realm's castle.

Miss Replica, Ludtleth— I mean Lord Ludtleth, and that skeleton.

'Wait, why are those two (Replica and Ludtleth) looked shocked though. Oh, I get it. Fufu, bet they didn't expect someone like me to be able to bring such artifact back here.'

'Nufufu, I can feel my contribution points piling up already.'


Upon her mentioning that name, sudden weight burdened my shoulders, making my body fell on my legs. Chills running down my spine as my throat dried within an instant.

I tried to lift my head as tears of fear flowing down my cheeks. I saw miss Replica being choked by Lord Ludtleth with her feet no longer touches the ground.

"You DARE to utter that name in front of his majesty."

"M-My Lord, it is not what you think. I-I was simply calling her – that wanderer – by the name she was given."

'Wait a minute, I know something's bad with that name, but you were the one who told me not to mutter it carelessly, and yet you were the one who also...'

His grip went tighter and tighter, but suddenly, he looked straight at me, "You,,, TELL ME! Who gave you that name?!"

I flinched – my whole body trembled.


With a cracking voice followed by striking thunder, the skeleton spoke.

Ludtleth releases miss Replica. As she fell to the ground, she struggles with the immense pain surging through her neck.

The skeleton rise from his seat and Lord Ludtleth kneel before him.

"Stop creating discourse among yourselves… and explain to me," pointing his bony finger at me, "Why is that book… is in your hand?"

For the first time in a while, I felt cold inside, "M-M-Miss Replica tasked me to—"


I flinched once more.

"Your majesty, I was only asked her to find that worm you've tasked me to kill. But not only that THAT WENCH stole the core of Ignimulnir for herself, but she also met a Traveler and traded with him!"


The chills grew stronger as the flame in the skeleton's eyes is turning red.

'Wait a minute, what's going on here. Clearly, miss Replica knew that I was taking it because it wasn't something that precious, right? She's a Transcendental, why is she mad about me taking that worm's core? And why did she flip the event with Galax like that?!'

"Show me."

The disturbing voice of the skeleton, right in front of me, made my body shaking uncontrollably until…


His steps shattered the floor he stepped on.

"Show me it."

Flinching once again, I instinctively took out the worm's core and presented it to him with both hands. He slowly grabbed it and after a short while, it dissipates into the air.

"Y-Your Majesty, that wanderer is a spy sent by the gods to—"


She clamped up.

He swings his hand and a black portal appeared out of thin air, and he dragged my hand with him, "W-W-Wait, I-I'm not a spy. Miss Replica, wh-why are you doing this to me?"

The skeleton went inside the portal and I will soon follow.

"W-Wait! Please, Lord Ludtleth, it wasn't like that. Miss Replica, please! I did everything you asked for, why are you—"

It wasn't until half of miss Replica's face turning into a sinister smirk that I realize what exactly is going on.

My eyes were slashed, "YOU F.U.C.K.I.N.G BI—"

The sight of the throne room and that wretched woman disappears as my body went inside the portal.

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