Mage Of The Abyss

Chapter 28 - 20 ~ Bath

"Let's see, I'm gonna eat this thing."

{Blue Fermented Jelly / Increase Max Mana by 2% for 8 hours}

"Got 10 of them, so nothing to worry about saving, and 20 more Jelly potion to replenish my Mana back to full. Just in case if I encounter a formidable foe."

{Blue Jelly Potion / Tier 2 / Recover up to 30% of Max Mana, the leftover portion will be used to heal both Health and Stamina for up to 10% of their maximum capacity}

"Right, gotta be careful about the toxin."

The mechanic behind the Toxin effect is that it will be activated in Overconsumption, for potions, the limit is 5 (full) potions per 6 hours. Any more during the duration when the Toxin is active, its tier will go up by one.

{Toxin / I / Remove all (Internal) beneficial Active Effect for 1 hour in addition to a reduction of 5% stats to all Secondary Attributes}

Food on the other hand, well, I only have to worry about Exhaustion which only reduces my stamina by a bit – not that I will ever be in that situation though.

Whipping out my axe, "Let's see, 60% should be good enough to get a foot soldier."

Pointing my axe at the ground.

*Crack *Bwooosh

The surfaces of the earth at the pointed ground were shattered and changed to a completely flat surface. After a gush of wind burst from the center, Arcane Symbols – a dark magic circle – appeared all around it.

"Alright, Ekolia. Show me what a Rank S skill is able to do."

"Sovereign Ritual!"

All of a sudden, my Mana is flowing out uncontrollably, 'What the— I need to control it manually? Come on now, why can't you do it the same as the other spells.'

"Whatever. Connecting my reserve to this magic circle ain't that hard anyway. Just need to concentrate the line it flows into the output, and there you go."

! {Ritual Summon – Successful}

Skeleton hand emerged from the glowing circle. When its forearmed was shown, two more of the same right hand grabbed the first one, and what emerged from the magic circle is an abdominal monster that I have never seen before.

3ft tall, round with a decayed skin. No legs, but has 3 human arms on its back. The monster has no eyes, no ears, no hairs, but a mouth with a few broken small-but-long fangs.

! {Summoned Creature}

~ {UnSombak (Infant) / Level 6 / Ghost-Demon / Health: 1 / Mana: None / Stamina: Infinite / Ability: Immortality (Rank 4) / Physical Attack: 0 / Magical Attack: 0 / Physical Defense: 0 / Magical Defense: 100}

~ {The Summoned Creature is tamable}

'Geh, a ghost-type monster. No wait, it's a demon, but for it to be a ghost means that it was already dead. Killed, possibly.'

There are rules when it comes to naming, generalization of it at least, generic monsters will have the name of Di when it comes to Demonic and Un when it already died. These snakes earlier were demonic and not a boss-type monster, and thus, having the name of Di along with its name. I believe the "Takagea" got something to do with its habitat.

Have to look the net about this when I have the time, not all creatures have this unique of a name.

The abdominal creature looked at me while moving its mouth.

"Hm?" I don't understand what it's saying, "You're hungry or something? But you're a ghost though, can you really eat?"

Its tongue twisted as it came out, not only that it's large, it's also quite long.

"Well, guess I'll take that as a yes."

"Here, you like some meat?"

{Smoked Beef / Increase Max Health by 2% and Max Stamina by 10% for 2 hours, Restore 1 Health per second outside of Combat for the rest of the day}

Only have 4 of these, but whatever.




"Well, I'm sure we can find something for you around here."

One is supposed to be taming the creature they summoned first, unlike summoning which is automatically being tamed, Ritual creature needs to be tame manually once it's summoned since it is the real deal and not a replica.

Not to be confused with miss Replica of course.

'Domination, huh…"

After thinking about it, I decided to offer my hand instead, "Let's go."

The monster hesitates, but then, all three of its hands hold mine. This journey of mine continues as this little monster and I delved deeper into the forest.


"Oh man, I can't believe we actually let them be after giving that amount of food. It's not even gonna last us for the next 'harvest' that they're doing."

Several men in tight leather and fur armor are brushing aside the bushes as they walk. Five at the back, one at the center, one at the front.

The one with the thickest armor in the center said, "Shut it. Think you got the time to do what they did with those seeds? We gotta keep them alive until the war settled down."

"Yeah, patrol on the outskirt has been tight lately."

"It's all because of those Travelers putting fuel in the stove."

"You mean adding fuel to the fire, boss?"

"Doesn't matter! If those Travelers hadn't told the guild about us, we wouldn't even be scratching some no-name 'village' just to keep ourselves fed!"

"Boss, hold up!"


"Shh! I heard something…" the one at the front who is wearing lighter armor than the rest of them hears a vague sound coming from his left, "Someone's coming."

The group went, "Seriously? Adventurers, at this time?"

"How many?" asked the boss.

"Just one, I think."

"Hmm, better not be hasty. Go hide, we'll take them by surprise."

The subordinates nod and hide in the bushes, one on top of a branch, and the boss hiding behind the same tree with his axe ready to withdraw.


The vague sound becoming clearer and clearer, and it was a voice of a woman.

"So, you don't eat beef and definitely not a vegetarian, so I assume you prefer other meat instead, yeah? But which one is it exactly? Agh, I wish you can talk."

As her steps sounded closer and closer, the boss widened his eyes and throw his axe after muttering, "Power Throw."



The woman's head was severed as a glimmer of light passes through her silver hair. Soon, her body fell with her blood gushing to the dirty ground, jolting by the shock.

"Wooh! Nice one, boss!"

"As expected of—"

The boss raised his arm to shut them up and look at the corpse.

"She was talking with someone," said the man on top of the tree, "but I couldn't see the other one anywhere, nor do I hear them."

"All of you, go look around."

"Y-Yes, boss."

The 5 men scattered as the boss is still looking at the corpse of the woman he just killed and he felt nothing in his heart for his action.

On the other end of the area.

"Hmm, just where is that f.u.c.ker."

"Ye, I want this to be over with already."

"Wait, why are you here. Go look somewhere else, idiot."

"Tch, come on, it's fine as long as we look for them together."

"Hell no! You swing that way or something? Just go search for em there - somewhere, might even found a gold c.h.e.s.t for all I care. We're not doing this!"

"Tch, fine, fine. You don't have to shout like that, what if boss heard—"



"What are you still standing there for? Hurry up and git!"

"Wait, I heard something."

"Heard something, my a.s.s. Think you're a scout or what?"

"…" cl.i.c.k.i.n.g his tongue, "Shit, I swear I heard something, man. F.u.c.k. If there's a monster poppin' up on your a.s.s, I ain't gonna help you."

Double thumbs down, "Who's gonna need YOUR help, shithead?! You better find that piece of shit who ran or I'll—" as soon as he turns, his vision caught something round stretching all-around before everything went dark.

"Your Power Throw is quite something boss. What's your level? Have you gone up from the last raid?"

"Why do you care?"

"I mean, even I'm curious about it. It's fine if you don't want to tell me though."


Ignoring the subordinate and continue to look at the corpse, "Where's the head?"

"You chopped it off, boss."

"That's not it."

"Oh you want me to find it? I believe it's around here somewhere…" searching in the thick grass, "There it is!"

Pulling the tail of her silver hair and rotates it, he saw the expression she makes and was about to laugh – especially when her tongue is out and the two of her eyes are rolling.

"Bwahaha! Look, boss. Quite the expression, eh?"

"Hmph, toss it away and take her equipment. Those clothes seem valuable."

"Yes, boss, and oh, would you mind if I um… you know…" fidgeting, "Have fun with her a bit?"

The boss has the expression of disgust, "Whatever, as long as you properly strip her b.a.r.e from the equipment."

"Leave it to me, boss!"

He left them alone right away.

The subordinate can no longer contain his smirk and awful grin, he turned the corpse around and tries to put her head and body together, imagining the full look.

The beautiful her in one piece.

"Hehe, hehehehe~" he set her head aside, "Let's see, they may not be fruitful right now but nothing beats the soft feeling of—"


His eyes widened.

A stinging pain went up to his brain and it came from the lower part of his head, his neck that is stabbed by a dagger from the hand of the corpse he's holding.

The other hand of the corpse held his weakened head.

"Nngh… Mmph… Nghk…"

Struggling to escape, but the blade kept getting deeper and deeper. In tears of pain, he's directly looking at the corpse without the head, the leaking blood from the severed neck dirtied her black robe.

"Even the people in this world are calling me flat…"

Shifting his glance to where the voice came from, the severed head – her eyes – looking directly at him.

"Die, limp d.i.c.k."

Shaking and trembling, his entire body shook before his vision split into two.

About an hour later.

"Tsk, where the hell did they go? I told them to look for the other guy, not to disappear like this!"

No matter where he searches, he couldn't find any of his subordinates even after he shouts for them out loud.


He decided to return back to where the corpse was, "Hey, are you done yet?! I need you to find the rest of the boys. They've gone missing for some…" his eyes widened by the scenery of a warm light shining his subordinate.

An axe is stuck inside his head, but he is not alone.

The corpse of the woman. With her head is intact, she's standing beside his subordinate with her hand on the handle of the axe.


Blood showered her body as she pulled it out.

"What was it again? Power Throw?" her head turns with blood still running out of her once decapitated neck, "Mind teaching it to me?"

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