Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 122 Even small ones are cute

Failed? Rorschach was a little stunned.

He released it again. Although it was the same as last time, this time Rorschach concentrated on sensing the changes in the ether around him. It's clutter. It seems that only the core first step of "magic control" and random "frequency vibration" are in effect.

Is this a conflict between "dissociation" and random vibration? Rorschach thought for a while, worked in the panel, and tried to place them on rings at different levels. Still not working, Rorschach could feel dissociation and etheric vibrations occurring one after another, but they were not emitted in the form of projectiles.

Why didn't it work? Rorschach changed "projectile" to "ray", and with a flash, an invisible wave of restless ether shot out from his fingertips and hit the practice target, but the target was intact.

That is to say, "ray" is effective, but "dissociation" is not. Rorschach quickly thought of a way to verify whether the orderly flow of ether could be disrupted:

He applied [Feather Falling Technique] to the experimental target, and then in [Arcane Vision], there was a continuously scattered magical aura floating around the target. If the random "frequency vibration" also took effect, then the [Feathers] attached to the target would Falling Technique] should be lifted.

From this, Rorschach experimented again. In his vision, the spiritual light was hit by a violently trembling and changing light point, and then rapidly collapsed centered on the hit point.

Then it is also effective, but what is interesting is that Rorschach obviously uses the form of "rays", but in arcane vision, the form of "clutter" is flickering and changing light points, more like being transmitted through ether rays .

Until this point Rorschach can determine that the random etheric tremors currently have no interference with "rays", but have interference with "dissociation" and "projectiles".

He changed his mind. His so-called "random" ether clutter still couldn't achieve the effect of oscillating crystal release. It could also strongly interfere with and suppress the caster, so he simply tried another method.

Rorschach currently has a certain ability to control magic power, which means that the maximum environmental ether that can be mobilized has a limit. So under a certain output power, he should create oscillations with the highest frequency as possible to concentrate the impact ability, and at the same time avoid the corresponding ones of other entries. Casting frequency band, so as to achieve the desired effect.

Adjusting the oscillation frequency of the ether is completely unimaginable to those who have no experience in casting spells. For a mage, it is like a singer singing, but this time what is needed may be "dolphin sound", and not everyone can do it.

Fortunately, his "Magic Control" is orange proficiency. In terms of skills alone, he can probably be said to be Vitus among spell casters.

Experimenting again, this time the target that was hit was just as Rorschach expected. First, the enchanted aura of [Feather Falling Technique] was instantly dispersed, and then the target disintegrated with the impact point as the center. The closer it got to the impact point, the more it disintegrated. The smaller the crumbs.

Success! Although they are rays, it seems that both effects are emitted forward in the form of light points in the "etheric column" controlled by Rorschach. The rays he constructed are more like pipes or strings, transmitting the spells and contacting them. Target, break out after losing restraint.

Since "dissociation" and "frequency vibration" no longer conflict, can they be placed in the same ring? Rorschach tried to restore the four-ring structure of core-"dissociation"-"vibration"-"ray" to three layers, and then during the experiment he clearly felt that the "light spots" in the rays emitted faster.

It seems that the distance between the panel and the starting point of the spell "Magic Control" will affect the magic distribution of the entry.

The "ray" was also placed on the second floor. Sure enough, it failed! It’s not that the closer the better, unconditionally!

Finally, he tried to replace "ray" with "missile", but the result was not satisfactory. It seemed that the energy was dispersed. On the one hand, the magical aura of [Featherfall Technique] first experienced fluctuations and then collapsed, and the speed was slower than that of rays. In addition, the "dissociation" effect is also very weak, and it only shatters the surface of the new target.

It seems that ray is the appropriate form. Rorschach looked at the panel. The final spell was named [Rorschach's Little Splinter Technique]. The explanation was: Because the output power of the young spellcaster was not strong enough, the effect on magic and entities was only unsatisfactory. But it doesn’t matter, it’s cute even though it’s small, and it might be useful at a critical moment.

I shouldn't have read the comments! At the same time, Rorschach erased the word "small" from the name. It is not small, but it has a promising future!

The boy then adjusted the ratio of magic power allocated to vibration and decomposition, and finally succeeded in causing the target with the [Feather Falling Technique] attached to it to completely explode into smithereens.

However, Rorschach can also roughly figure out that if the ether movement of the enchanted item is more orderly, such as multiple magics are applied or it is given a specialized protective spell, his current level of "ether tremor" should not be able to disruptive and breakthrough.

In the same way, this kind of tremor may cause some interference to the caster when chanting and charging, but obviously the "magic explosion" produced by the charged oscillating quartz completely shields and suppresses the casting process, which is the current optimal state.

But Rorschach had other plans - a large number of spells were started with "magic drive" or "magic control". After all, no mage can cast all magic by relying only on his own ether.

If he can exert targeted interference on the step of driving the external ether, then [Forbidden Demonic Scream] can be achieved without relying on oscillating quartz, and it can be effective for many spells.

Rorschach was even more dizzy when he came out of the practice room. He wanted to go back to the dormitory and sleep for a while, but was stopped by Talling. It turned out that Poincaré was looking for him.

"This is a designed magic circle, but you should be able to make it yourself now." After this month of auditing, Rorschach would also ask Professor Poincaré questions, ranging from very basic to basic questions related to magic circle design. On the cutting edge, the professor is well aware of the current level of Rorschach.

"You can continue to consult me ​​if you encounter any problems, but simply ask your own mentor first."

"Thank you very much!" However, Rorschach just said thank you. During this period, he asked the professor to invite the professor to dinner but was declined. As for the rest of the paper, he will talk about it later. Rorschach felt that it was still far away from practical application.

"Don't say that. The Elf Totem you brought is very interesting and has benefited me and my students a lot." The professor handed the manuscript that he and his (students) copied to Rorschach: "You are talented. , don’t waste it on wine, cards and socializing like someone else.”

"." Luo Xia didn't know how to answer this.

"However, Master Kano has coordinated many relationships with guilds, kingdoms and even churches for our Tower of Stars. The past few years have been the best time for the research environment of the Magic Tower. Your mentor has contributed a lot, and it is appropriate to become the chief."

My mentor is still in good health, so I don’t need you to “put the final word” here, right? Rorschach resigned from Poincaré's office.

The next day, in the research building, Rorschach went to the research room to find Kano.

"Ahhhh!" Kano couldn't hold it back and sneezed in front of Rorschach.

It turns out that the Archmage can also sneeze: "Do you have a cold?"

"No, if I catch a cold, I can just go to the Alchemy Department to get medicine or cast spells. I don't know why, but I always get like this when spring comes. I see a lot of people have this problem."

It's probably a pollen allergy. Isn't this treatment or magic able to help? First of all, pollen is lingering in the air this season, and the greenery around the research building and the Stella Garden at the entrance to the Tower of Stars are full of allergens. Secondly, allergies are not technically considered a disease? Just an overactive immune system

“You can wear a mask.”

Apparently Cano confused the face shield with the mask Rorschach was referring to. "It's better for me to carry an epidemic doctor's beak than to hold an [air filter bubble]." The archmage just did it, and a burst of light lit up, wrapping his head. After the light faded, it was not clear whether there was any There are no "air bubbles".

"This is the first draft of my device design. Who should I contact if I want to customize it? Should I contact the workshop myself?" Rorschach decided to make a brass cylinder first, lay it flat, burn his magic circle inside, and then surround it. , use [Melting Ray] to weld. I should still remember the skills I learned during the metalworking internship.

"Don't worry, you have to get the funding for the proposal report first before it can be approved. Valuauna Normal University is already preparing to open a preparatory class. Maybe you will go there in the second half of the month to teach basic alchemy. Have you selected the teaching materials? If you choose, you will be given first. Let me take a look, there can’t be anything involving magic.”

Damn it! Rorschach, who hadn't used bad language in the original world for a long time, completely forgot about it in the past month.

Thanks to "Book Friends 20220520060559341", "Life Menu", "Book Friends 20210425191137751", "Book Friends 20230419234-dC", "Win and Fight", "Ice Traveler" and "Sun and Moon Source Che" for their monthly support!

Thanks to "book friend 20230419234-dC", "number one fan", "very naive Hanhan" and other book friends for their recommendation votes and encouragement! Waiting for book friends’ recommendation votes and encouragement!

This cold is more uncomfortable than the last time (although it’s only been a week, so I’ve got the antibodies) (T-T)

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