Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 200 The face of profiteers

"Mariano is not a heartless person. I got a top grade in the assessment. Now the parliament has approved a budget of three thousand gold coins, but it will take at least until the end of the year or even next year to complete the payment process. The budget given by my father and father-in-law is eight thousand six thousand gold coins." Each of us will pay half of the hundred gold, but Milly and I agreed to keep some of it."

Wow, is your father or father-in-law still missing a son? I feel like I'm quite short of money recently. As for Bart, Rorschach could only say that he worked at his own expense. This young man must be someone who has escaped from vulgar taste. However, Rorschach observed Bart's dark circles and the more moisturized Amelia, which can only be said to be partially detached.

The three of them sat around the table, and Bart spread out the drawings of the mage tower given by the designer.

"The following are the latest standardized drawings. All of Bain's resident mage towers and personal mage towers are modifications of the following three models, corresponding to three different construction price points."

The estimated price is 5,000 gold eagle coins, 8,000 gold eagle coins, and 13,000 gold eagle coins. This is the design of a medium cup, a large cup, and an extra large cup. Rorschach looked carefully at the difference.

"Because the basement and storage room are not damaged, part of it can be saved. If we only rely on the above allocation, it will just cover the most basic." Bart explained.

The cheapest Rorschach has experienced that the defensive measures are completely ineffective. There are no rooms with any special functions. It is just a watchtower with a small library and accommodation area, pretending to be a mage tower.

If you go to the other extreme and go to the Super Cup, the engineering team allows customers like Bart who are not short of money to pay later. Therefore, if you use all your father's sponsorship and then wait for the funds to settle before settling, it is not impossible to win the top match.

With only 13,000, you can obtain the technology of the Holy Kingdom, the original stargazing scope produced by Bain Precision Instrument Preparation Workshop, the basic alchemy room, and the empire's internal letter transmission array.

"The empire has also established its own letter transmission array?" Luo Xia accidentally received an incredible piece of news. No, it was very difficult for him to communicate with the agency.

Bart scratched his head: "It is said that it is not yet open for trial operation. For the sake of my excellent performance in the assessment, I will be given a location in Würzburg."

It turned out that Rorschach had obtained the qualification for internal testing. He nodded to express his understanding and wondered if he could ask the director of the agency for a mobile port teleportation array scroll.

There are also formations that can actively mobilize the magic power in the environment. The effect is to artificially increase the magic power concentration in the tower. It can be used to enhance the magic of the mage in the tower, and it can also keep the defensive array in a pre-charged state. This makes Rorschach very concerned. There is also such black technology, which makes him a little greedy.

The middle-range configuration eliminates the stargazing room and the magic circle that gathers magic power. In short, the three sets of configurations have precise knife skills and strict levels. The more accurate the knife is, the more entangled the customer Bart will be.

How can this work? I have to convince my good friend to go to the super cup and let me take a look at the magic circle that gathers magic power.

Bart pointed to the drawing in the middle: "My opinion and that of Amelia is to choose the specification of eight thousand gold. After deducting the cost of the foundation and basement, there will probably be nearly two thousand gold left. After adding the appropriation, the money will be considerable. Amelia Leah wanted to run a private winery that could expand on what we have here now.”

At this time, Rorschach's location was already a manor with a wine cellar and grape vines. It was a secret gift from the king, but the grape fields were not large enough and the yield was not enough to match the spacious cellar.

Why does it feel like a computer? Luo Xia had already made up his mind to see what the magic circle was about, and suddenly he was possessed by a profiteer from the computer city in his previous life: "Yes, the middle price is the most suitable now.

"And I have to remind you, Bart, although I can participate in the design of the defensive array, the material cost is still indispensable, and I'm afraid I have to leave some budget space."

However, this is the profiteer Rorschach's strategy of taking retreat before advancing: "But when it comes to defense facilities, based on my real experience, the original measures are completely ineffective. Even if I draw a new magic circuit, if it cannot be in the pre-charged state, I’m afraid its role in emergencies is still limited.”

Rorschach remembered that when the Lowe Chamber of Commerce headquarters building caught fire, all the magical structures originally used to prevent fires failed to work. Subsequently, he sued the Magic Guild and the contractor to court and even appeared in the Valuana newspaper.

Bart was still struggling, and Amelia immediately grabbed his hand: "Dear, since there is danger now, we should give priority to safety. Being good at protecting yourself is not the behavior of a coward but a wise man."

She and Bart had seen the collapsed ruins together, and could not understand how such a solid stone wall could be cut. The blood stains and masonry really made Amelia realize the dangers of magic fighting.

Seeing that the offensive was taking effect, the culprit behind the collapse of the mage tower hurriedly struck while the iron was hot: "Look, in fact, you don't need any stargazing skills to deal with emergencies in the city, right? There is an alchemy room to prepare simple potions and occasionally cast spells. So, Stargazing equipment can be cut down and a fortune can be saved.”

It's like the saying "your laptop doesn't need such a high-end CPU to play games". Sure enough, as soon as Rorschach said this, Bart, who was already shaken by Amelia, hesitated even more. The hand pointing at the middle drawing unconsciously placed it on top of the top version.


But Bart sighed again: "But the completion of Millie's winery will be delayed. You should be able to think of other ways. Rorschach, I heard that you can get blue crystals that contain a lot of magic power."

The two of them came from rich and noble backgrounds, but now Bart only has the salary of the resident mage and the dividends from the Chamber of Commerce. The latter is a fixed pocket money assigned by his father when he was born. He has to maintain the life of the princess and so many servants. , it’s enough but it’s a bit difficult to come up with large sums of money.

Why do you want to take advantage of me? Before Rorschach could say anything, Amelia immediately scolded: "Bart, how can you force Rorschach to help you again? Your friend has already blocked a life-threatening attack for you, and promised to help you repair the new tower, and then ask Not too demanding, right?"

"That's not what I meant. I can pay for it. Look, Rorschach, as long as I reserve enough crystals, can it replace the energy-gathering array?"

This is like the difference between selling a charger and a battery. Unfortunately, Luo Xia could only shake his head and refuse, not because he wanted to have a glimpse of the energy gathering array, but because there was indeed something wrong with the crystal: "The blue energy storage crystal you are talking about is called 'passivation' Transform into dust'.

"At least for now, after it is created, it will continue to decay until it expires. If you keep replenishing it, I'm afraid it will be far less effective than using the energy-gathering array."

"Okay." Bart finally gave up the struggle, chose the most expensive option, and said sorry to Amelia.

Amelia herself has a restless temper, but now that she is no longer a child, she cannot waste her energy on riding horses in the mountains. She is the mistress of this new family, but the princess of the kingdom does not want to be limited to the one-third of an acre of land that is not as big as any palace in front of her.

"Your Highness Amelia, are you willing to be the representative of 'Fonda'?" Rorschach suddenly spoke, surprising the newlyweds.


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