Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 254 We want bread!

"Also due to technical reasons, we don't want the church to know. We can detect supernatural movements throughout the city. So this time we rented an entire house across the street from the church, which can be used not only for surveillance, but also for digging holes in the ground."

Due to the funeral customs of the kingdom, there are tombs under every church, especially for ancient ones like St. Miller. There are many layers of underground chambers, and most of the burials are the deceased with relatively high status among the believers.

So the Star Robe Troops and the original cultists came up with the idea of ​​digging into the church's walls from underground.

However, these convoys with "committing tools" were blocked on the road.

"The roads are getting worse and worse now! The streets are full of people and cars gathering together!"

No, they might be protesters. Rorschach looked out of the car window and saw that it was a bakery on the roadside.

Common people have neither the conditions nor the time to make bread. Bakeries and bakers are indispensable elements of a city and are the basis for feeding a city.

But today, citing the shortage of raw materials, bakeries have not only increased prices but also limited quantities.

"What? A pound of bread costs six copper coins? Not yet?" Then Rorschach and the other mages saw a bread basket and women with empty stomachs, only filled with anger.

Their husbands are working, their children are growing, and they themselves have to do a lot of labor. Today, they queued in front of the bakery and waited all morning, and were finally told that they could not buy anything.

"No more, just no more. Oops!" The bakery owner was hit on the head by a brick. He covered his head and quickly closed the door.

Bang bang bang! After the women knocked on the doors and windows to no avail, a bold person actually suggested: "The profiteers must have something to eat, and they are just waiting for the price to increase. We can't survive this day, let's go to His Majesty the King to appeal!"

"Go to the palace!"

"Look for your Majesty!"

The mages in the car were in disbelief: "Did I hear correctly?"

Rorschach shrugged: "The time has come to test your king's benevolence."

The inability to buy bread and rising prices are by no means an isolated phenomenon. In fact, families at the bottom have generally begun to starve! The women carried bread baskets and brooms, huffing and puffing, towards the palace, and more and more people joined them.

"We want bread! We want bread!"

Outside the palace, the guards tried to perform their duties: "Stop!" However, several guards hesitated when they saw the huge crowd, even though they were holding bayonet spears, and the other party was almost unarmed.

"Sir, we just want to talk to His Majesty and let our saint know that his people are starving!" The woman in the lead held up the bread basket to show that it was empty inside.

"Let us in!"

"Let us in!"

The sound got louder and louder, and some of the guards turned around and left: "I'll report to the guard chief!"

This opened a gap, and the women ignored it and started to squeeze in through the gap in the human wall, and finally filed in.

Want to stop it? The guards looked at the intruders. They were not soldiers from an enemy country, nor men without trousers, nor people with divine or magical powers. They were just women wearing aprons and coarse cloth headscarves.

Some were older, like their mother, and some were younger, like their sisters. In short, no guards wanted to attack these simple and bold intruders. They just tried to stop them with their guns in front of them. But there were too many people, and the gun was pushed away by the bread basket made of rattan and wheat stalks.

"Guards! King's Guards!"

Amidst the shouts of the palace servants, the intruders had arrived at the palace hall. The luxurious decoration distracted these women. They slowed down as they walked through the courtyards and halls, allowing the palace guards to regroup.

The captain of the guard and the members of the guard who are noble children have no psychological burden. The captain of the guard took out his exquisite short musket and fired a shot upward. This behavior was taboo in the palace, but when the captain of the guard saw hundreds of people with numb scalps, he had to use gunpowder smoke and loud noises to encourage himself.

This shot brought everyone's attention back. The leader was really a hero. Just like the saint who led the people of the kingdom to fight against Istany a hundred years ago, she walked towards the guard captain with her head held high.

"We are here to petition. We just want to say a few words to His Majesty the King. Sir, if we continue like this, we will starve to death anyway. Are we still afraid of your gun?"

The bread basket became her holy shield, and the broom became her holy sword. Although the shield could not protect anyone and the sword could not hurt anyone, the woman's inexplicable courage allowed her to move forward.

Followers followed one after another, and for the first time the marble steps of the palace were stepped on by so many "low-class people".

"Crazy. Crazy bitch!" The captain of the guard dropped these words and hurriedly hid in the room. It must be to "protect the important people on the second floor of the palace."

Oops! The captain of the guard entered the queen's tea room. The maid yelled loudly: "Your Excellency, Captain of the Guard, what's wrong with you? You fired a gun outside again, and you broke in here without permission!"

Queen Mary was not as blind and impatient as the maid: "Captain of the Guard, what happened?"

"There are intruders! Her Majesty the Queen, they are coming!"

At this time, the queen quickly stood up. The women had already broken in. In fact, they were brought here by the captain of the guard.

The woman in front of me is so beautiful and graceful, her dress seems to be glowing, and her hair is so smooth, and the afternoon tea snacks on one side are arranged on several levels like a tower. Because they are so exquisite, women who have never seen pastries don't even realize it. They are edible.

"What are you going to do?!" The questioning, panic, and overall emotion caused the beautiful woman's face to deform, and the white makeup powder was flying in the sun, exuding fragrance.

"This is Her Royal Highness the Queen! You should stop this!" The guard chief stepped forward to protect the Queen, and now he had regained his courage.

That beautiful woman is indeed the queen! Many women who came in had such thoughts and questions: Why is the queen afraid of us?

This intrusion approaching the queen's palace finally alarmed Charles XVI. After the queen cried out and the captain of the guard added jealousy and tried hard to avoid responsibility, the king decided to "take a risk" and meet the brave housewives.

"Your Majesty the King!"

No introduction is needed. The short man in front of him does have an otherworldly temperament. Look, he is the only one in the entire palace who can still show a gentle smile, which is in sharp contrast to the nervousness, fear, and resentment of the others.

"I understand your demands. Yes, everyone must eat bread to survive! I can't blame you. It's me and my ministers who failed to fulfill their due responsibilities.

"I assure you that the supply of bread in Valuauna will be restored. I will not spare any profiteers!"

Charles XVI was indeed a benevolent king! At least he is happy to have the support of the people - as long as it does not sacrifice his pleasure and status.

When Du Plessis arrived, the women had already left with a lot of thanks. The king looked at the palace with countless mud footprints, and his friendly smile had long since turned into a black face:

"Chief Guard, let all the grain merchants spit out the supplies they have hoarded! Catch two serious traffickers and hang them in public to declare my anger and calm the anger of the people!"

Then the king turned to Du Plessis: "Sir Du Plessis, convene the three-level meeting as quickly as possible! Also, let Necker come back, immediately! No matter where he is hiding, I will order this guy to come back. Wipe everything clean!”

The king's hands were shaking as he pointed at the muddy footprints.

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