Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 421 Prelude to Spring Thunder

Chapter 421 Spring Thunder Rolling·Prologue

The spring thunder is rolling, and many things that happened this spring are just like the thunder and lightning, which fall one after another, disturbing the birds and animals in the forest, and making the people on the continent of Feralun panic.

Rorschach received dizzying news:

The empire admitted defeat in the war for the first time, causing a huge shock in the domestic market; the imperial marshal Count Thrifen resigned, and the marshal and chief of the general staff was replaced by Helmut, his student and friend of the crown prince; Valois consumed a once noble The head transformed into a republic; Otto secretly visited the Byrne Kingdom.

This Otto does not refer to His Highness the Prince, but to the Prime Minister of the Empire. There are currently no public reports on the Prime Minister's itinerary.

At the landing point of Munich's airship, the eldest prince accompanied his father. The Byrne First and Second Legions he nominally led had returned to the kingdom.

The prime minister's car, which was no different from other airships, landed from the clouds. The giant beast slowly crawled to the ground and opened its belly. The prime minister's special car, motley horses, secretaries, servants and bodyguards came out of the "belly".

The horses must be parti-colored because the Prime Minister is honest and friendly to the people, but the horses must be transported by air because these "part-color" horses are pure blood and have received strict training since their four hooves kicked the ground. They can obey orders and prohibitions even if the sky falls. Frightened.

In this way, the four horses were harnessed and pulled the carriage to meet the team.

Amidst the sound of drum music, the eldest prince looked unhappy because he did not see the imperial prime minister coming out of the airship. Did he plan to meet the father and son in a carriage? If true, it is extremely arrogant and disrespectful. In addition, such an attitude should be interpreted as the empire's attitude towards Byrne.

The old King Albert was indifferent. From now on, he had a strong premonition: Prime Minister Otto was not on the airship.

Before the carriage could reach them, a secretary in civilian uniform trotted up to the king and the eldest prince on the carpet. The secretary saluted and announced: "Your Majesty, Your Highness, the prime minister did not take this airship. Your Excellency insisted on entering in another way. Byrne, so I'm very sorry."

"Then how does he want to come?"

The secretary lowered his head and did not raise it again: "The incident happened suddenly and my subordinates did not know it. The prime minister asked me to tell your majesty that he will solemnly extend his endless apology when he formally meets with you."

"Well, we will wait in the palace." The king rubbed his cane, already guessing how the visitor arrived and where he is now.

The secretary who bowed his head bowed his head and thanked her again. The eldest prince, who had been restraining his emotions, couldn't hide his surprise, as if to say: That's it?

In front of the magic guild building in Munich, there was a strange car parked. Its paint was bright red, and its luster and texture were comparable to the most exquisite and expensive porcelain in the Far East.

The shape of the car is mainly curved, and the whole body is relatively rounded. As for the streamlined shape, the current speed of the car is not qualified to consider the wind resistance.

There is no biodynamic source in front of it, whether it is two-legged or four-legged. In short, this vehicle is still a strange existence even if it is parked at the entrance of the magic guild.

The people in the car got out, including Rorschach in a mage's robe and Andre in an apprentice's robe. This was the first time they had put on the "formal attire" of a spell caster for a long time, because today they were going to welcome the Master of the Tower of Forest who was guiding the spring plowing work. . According to reliable information from a certain old man, the person who came was actually the Archmage Alexander von Humboldt.

It should be true to guide spring plowing, but the great mage came to worship just to work in the fields. Who would believe it?

Andre is now becoming more and more proficient in [Messaging Technique]: "The spring plowing is almost over, what will Master do?" He didn't know how to comment: "Say that the Forest Tower values ​​us, they have already sent a round of communication to all parts of the empire. Mage, Bain should be the last stop, right? It’s the Archmage again.”

"So...forget it, don't be heard." Rorschach has the experience of being caught using the [Messaging Technique]. This spell is not reliable in front of people with high perception. It's okay to chat in a Muggle field. Now they But in the magic guild.

Rorschach took out Cobber's token and handed it to the staff. After verification, the two were taken to the negative floor, the guild's communication system hall. Originally, after Byrne's telegraph was set up, the related business of the guild was somewhat deserted for a while, but now the world's nerves are highly tense, and these "synapses" are busy transmitting information media again.

But they are not here to receive letters, but to receive living people. This matter was kept confidential, and non-essential staff left with their business. The teleportation array suspended the transmission of other items and started communicating with the other end at full capacity.

Andre's eyes widened. This was the first time he knew and saw the guild's teleportation circle play its original role. Rorschach read back the information Kanona got by the way: "The teleportation system can teleport people after the peak power is opened. Now only the Archmage has the authority to use it, and only one person can be teleported at a time."

Then the rainbow light shone and faded, and two more figures appeared on the magic circle.

"." No, this is a dangerous operation. What's the difference between two people passing through the gate? Rorschach silently made a note that the slap in the face today must be transferred to Master Kano's face.

Of course, one of the teleported people was Master Humboldt. He was no different from the last time they met. He smiled and greeted Rorschach.

"This is apprentice Andre."

"Nice to meet you." Humboldt stretched out his palm as wide as birch bark - smooth but feeling tough. It was the first time for Andre to shake hands with the Archmage, and he was a little excited.

When it was Humboldt's turn to introduce the "private goods" he had brought with him, the master simply said: "This is Byrne's guest."

Rorschach had been observing the old man for a long time. His gray mustache was well groomed and his eyes were firm, but they would flicker from time to time. He should be glancing around with his peripheral vision - presumably like Andre, this Everything was the first time for him.

Humboldt wanted to help the old man, but he refused, and he walked down from the stage of the magic circle with his palms on his hands. His body shape and face are like those of an old man from Bain who likes to drink beer, but his demeanor and beard give him an aura of calmness and self-reliance.

Observing the aura showed that he did not carry any casting materials with him, but there was light in his cufflinks and rings, and there was a faint glow on his chest, which should be the pendant he wore inside. This kind of jewelry with aura hidden inside is probably not for good looks, but a passively triggered magic item. It is probably a defensive jewelry to protect the upper body.

Luo Xia thought of the news circulating in the market and guessed the identity of this uninvited guest. He bowed slightly to the old man and said, "I didn't expect that you would come to Byrne through the guild's transmission. Welcome, Prime Minister."

"Master Rorschach, I have heard your name in the imperial capital." The prime minister who took Master Humboldt's "downwind formation" nodded to Rorschach.

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