"The roads here are comparable to those near the imperial capital." Humboldt was already prepared to break his butt, but he found that Rorschach's car had good shock absorbers, and coupled with the road network in the south of the Byrne Kingdom, at least from Munich The main road all the way to Kempson is relatively flat and wide.

Luo Xia did not take the words of the Archmage as a compliment: "Master, I have studied in the Imperial Capital for several years. When will the roads in the Imperial Capital be comparable to our new roads?"

The capital of a kingdom or empire is the most beautiful place. The main road is also part of the facade. The width and beauty will be considered, and expensive stone slabs will be used.

But what Rorschach considered was not aesthetics. He pursued smoothness, durability and ease of inspection and maintenance. It doesn’t matter whether it’s marble or any other rock, it’s not as good as concrete, and it’s more expensive.

The road is darker in color and is a "fake asphalt road" made from a large amount of tar and cinders produced by steel plants and coking plants. They kept passing slow oxcarts and packhorse teams. Obviously, it was a huge waste of roads of this standard to be used for animal-powered vehicles.

Master Humboldt finally realized that Rorschach’s desire to promote vehicles was no lie. Otherwise, why would he need such expensive infrastructure?

On the way, Rorschach wanted to ask Humboldt why the chancellor came with him. Unexpectedly, the Archmage took the initiative to speak on the road: "Are you curious why the Prime Minister chose to walk with me in the teleportation formation instead of sitting on the airship?"

"For safety?" Luo Xia thought about the plane crash he encountered the first time he came to Bain.

Humboldt nodded: "Originally, airships have been flying across the entire continent for a long time. Although hidden dangers exist, the trading companies and spellcasters who operate them have worked hard to ensure their stability. However, accidents have increased sharply in recent years, not because of the accidents of the airships themselves. In the end, there were people investigating for factors.

"It is said that some important people in the empire died in an airship crash a few days ago. The prime minister may know some inside information, so he asked me to pay a visit to the imperial capital."

Humboldt did not go into details, but he still remembered what Mr. Otto said when he commissioned him: "If I were to sit on an airship going to Byrne, it would most likely have an irreparable accident. So I want to tell you I ask you for help, looking for a secret and safe way to enter Byrne.”

Alexander von Humboldt did not ask in detail. He was unwilling to be too involved in matters other than the empire's farming affairs. However, his next stop happened to be the Kingdom of Byrne, and the guild's transmission could perfectly meet the needs of the prime minister, so Humboldt then Use the authority of the Archmage to help Mr. Otto.

The carriage formed a relatively closed space, and the three of them saw the scenery outside the side window, and suspicious people and animals quickly passing by. In this way, the passengers' separation from the environment will create a sense of privacy, which will allow people to naturally reveal more information that they would not say in public.

Therefore, for the nobles, the coachman is as important as the personal servant or housekeeper and requires loyalty. He can not only control the life and death of the passengers, but also has a pair of ears that are most easily ignored by the people talking in the carriage.

Humboldt continued: "The imperial capital has not been peaceful recently. The defeat in the war has caused various factions to attack each other. It is said that the relationship between the crown prince and the prime minister is not good, and the appointment of the new marshal has also caused controversy. However, the emperor wants to see me and cannot refuse."

The Forest Tower can be regarded as a mage tower that is deeply involved in the empire. It can express goodwill to the empire on behalf of the guild and is responsible for "singing the red face". In addition to researching and assisting the empire's agriculture on food issues, he also occasionally treated difficult and complicated diseases for the rulers.

This is not completely flattery and overtures. There is no church in the Holy Kingdom in the empire. If a big noble has a physical problem, it is easy to attract some evil mages and cults to "treat" them and then contaminate and control them. Therefore, guild members must occupy them. Point it out, even if it cannot be cured, it will still make people die.

There are no more than one person in the empire who can recruit Master Humboldt. The reason why factions in the imperial capital are ready to stir up troubles and frequent unnatural deaths occur is because of the uncertainty of the war, as well as the uncertainty of the emperor's physical condition. .

Judging from the fact that the Crown Prince's friend Helmut, whose military exploits were downplayed by all the generals, became the marshal, one faction temporarily gained an advantage.

All of the above, even if Humboldt was willing to tell Rorschach, he could only use the rhetorical techniques he had learned throughout his life and the use of impression flow literature. He finally commented on the current scene in the imperial capital: "Do you know the structure of a muscle? A muscle attached to a bone. , composed of multiple fleshy fibers in the same direction gathered together.

"When the muscles of our arms punch the enemy, all the fleshy fibers should work together. But now, each has its own thoughts, trapping and restraining each other, like a spasm. Some people and factions are like lying on the ground. The maggots on the flesh knitted and squirmed. They usually pretended to be part of the body, blending into it and sucking blood quietly, but now they showed their true colors a little.

"I was originally surprised to hear that the Imperial Army was defeated. After visiting the Imperial Capital, I realized that this was bound to happen."

As for the emperor's condition, Humboldt did not reveal a word, or even specify who he was trying to treat, telling Rorschach only: "It is in vain to prolong the suffering of a distinguished patient."

The emperor suffered from the "curse of flesh and blood", and a certain organ in his body became diseased, which was a condition called "cancer" in Rorschach's original world. Can it be cured? If you use ordinary healing spells, it will only cause the "curse of flesh and blood" to explode. Ordinary healing spells will increase the risk of the recipient getting the "curse".

Ancient people speculated that the healing spells offended the God of Death and brought malice to those who violated the laws of life and death.

Radical methods may be used to cure it, such as using mycelium found in the black forest. The idea is the same as curing tuberculosis. Find the lesions and replace them with cultured symbiotic bacteria.

The lungs can be said to be one of the simplest organs. The emperor's diseased organ also has a secretory function, so it is much more complicated. But it is not completely impossible. The treatment process requires obtaining the emperor's flesh and blood, especially the bones and blood, and merging them with the bacteria for cultivation. It's a pity that no one in the palace or empire dares to authorize the spell caster to do this.

"So I envy you for being able to find the nearest row of auditoriums when two giants are fighting." Humboldt looked at the peaceful and peaceful Byrne pastoral scenery.

The distance from Munich to Kempsen is not long. It is about 160 kilometers on the main route. It takes a day to travel by horse carriage, but it can be done in the morning and evening by fast horse and light horse. After the road was built, the speed of vehicles could basically be maintained at 40 kilometers per hour, which took less than half the time of a fast horse. The machine won't get tired, and the three casters sitting in it don't have to worry about the consumption of magic power.

The car stopped, the door opened, and the relatively closed space was gone. The passengers in the car stepped on solid ground again and walked out of the car. Master Humboldt reminded: "But Rorschach, these good days are coming to an end, and the Prime Minister's arrival in Byrne is the beginning."

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