Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 427 Three-point Plan

When the prime minister's motorcade drove into the factory under the guidance of Bart, the people lined the streets to welcome him finally stopped working and lined up according to the list registered at the beginning to receive wages and breakfast.

Bart and Andre were responsible for receiving the Prime Minister. Because the preparations were relatively hasty, the Prime Minister was able to see everything about Kempson more completely.

Especially the advanced smelting plant built around the original mine gave Mr. Otto a slight shock.

During this period, the convoy encountered a group of constructs crossing the road. The huge and four-legged climbing mechanism made the prime minister's guards nervous again, and even the trained horses became restless. Bart and Andre had to explain again and again that those dangerous-looking creations were just farm tools.

farm tools? Otto's beard was twitching as he looked at the "farming tools". Under the geometric lines, there was the roughness and roughness of metal machinery, and there was also a behavior that imitated living things. They seemed more flexible and relaxed than horse-drawn carriages when going uphill and over ravines. As if to confirm the claim that this was a "farming tool," the last "big reptile" carried Master Humboldt.

He just sat on his back. After noticing the Prime Minister's motorcade, he nodded to the confused Otto.

"Is that Alexander?"

"Ah, yes, Master Humboldt, he should have taken over the team from the Forest Tower." Of course, the Archmage cannot be the only one to carry out the work. The follow-up wizards from the Forest Tower and the team mainly composed of apprentices are taking the Come over in the airship. As for why the Master is sitting on the construct?

Andre discovered that Master Humboldt's hobby seemed to be various vehicles. After seeing these four-legged reptiles, he immediately shifted his interest from small "gas vehicles" to them.

"How do those farm tools work?"

"You only need to install the corresponding modules, such as special plows, clamps, shovels, etc., which can complete work such as soil plowing, sowing and harvesting, and can also be of great use in land reclamation. Master Rorschach has proposed an idea, taking into account The load capacity of the structure is sufficient, and a linkage mechanism can be designed to complete the preliminary threshing and separation of grains, wheat straw and leaves. "

Rorschach is only responsible for talking now, and Andre records it, and then he makes it into a task book, splits it into different projects and assigns them to several companies. As for the designers at the precision factory who complained that they couldn't do it, they were asked to go to the fields and ask old farmers how to complete these tasks, and then use this as inspiration to design machinery.

Andre and Bart all answered the Prime Minister's questions, because what he said was currently in the publicity materials of the Zweigling Farming Company.

"Farming tools. Farming tools are good." The prime minister stared at the retreating construct team, and the team finally continued to move forward.

At first, the prime minister was a little bored with Bart because of his excessive attentiveness, but as the exchange deepened, he gradually changed his view of the young mage. Just labels such as "the king's son-in-law" and "Rorschach's roommate" were worthy of him. After listening to Bart's introduction on how to resettle the refugees, the prime minister recognized this young man's ability.

It turns out that Master Rorschach said that he was the one who aspired to become an imperial councillor. He was the person who could break through in Byrne's heart. The prime minister believed that even in the Byrne Kingdom there were divisions between independent factions and imperial factions. When the faction was weak, it was worthwhile to spend a certain amount of time and energy and make some gestures to win them over.

Not to mention that this young man’s eyes were full of longing and excitement, Otto would never let this go. As for the other young man, by talking about Rorschach, he could learn more about Master Rorschach, but that was all.

After finally completing a circle, the Prime Minister finally got the opportunity to have personal contact with Bart, but the price was that Rorschach did not appear for a long time.

Andre explained that there was an accident in the factory yesterday and Master Rorschach needed to deal with it urgently. Under the urging of the prime minister, Andrei left the reception conference room.

The old man waved again, and the guards and other irrelevant personnel left the room, leaving only three people including the personal secretary. Bart finally realized that the prime minister had something to say to him.

"On the first day I arrived in Byrne, I met Master Rorschach. He mentioned that a friend wanted to enter the Imperial Parliament. Is that you?"

Bart was overwhelmed by the direct hit, and what made him even more confused was the following words from the prime minister: "But it's impossible." The Kingdom of Byrne holds six seats in the Imperial Parliament. There will be no public suffrage, but the royal family and the municipal government. Recommended and designated by the hall, it is a different world to promote filial piety and integrity.

"Then, these prestigious seats will only be controlled by members of the royal family, and they are all old men who are as old as me. With your relationship with the royal family, maybe the queue can last... twenty years? Thirty years ? Even if you can enter the parliament, you are just a puppet of the royal family, a sitting statue without a soul. "

In the directly governed states and free states in the empire, they will determine the members based on elections, although only recognized citizens are eligible to vote and be elected, and different weights will be given based on land and assets, even if such elections are unfair. The process is also better than Byrne's current situation.

Bart and Amelia also discussed this matter. Among the six seats in the Imperial Parliament, three seats must be for noble representatives, two seats belong to the city hall, and businessmen can only get one seat. Bart must achieve results and open up various joints. I hope to get into the queue of candidates, and then there is a long queue to sit and eat fruits.

"If a new system can be implemented like the empire's direct states and free states, then with Bart's ability and popularity among the refugees, coupled with the support of Master Rorschach, he will definitely be able to replace the corpses and enter and exit the Imperial Parliament. , representing your hometown.”

The prime minister's bewitching words stirred up Bart's heart, and he shook his head slightly: "That's impossible, the Ludwig family can't allow it."

The prime minister narrowed his eyes and struck while the iron was hot: "What if the current situation can change? I can tell you that the Imperial Parliament is about to undergo reforms, changing from a large constituency to a small constituency system and adding new seats.

"The empire will respect the special characteristics of the Byrne Kingdom. Whether to participate in the reform is entirely up to you. If the new system can be implemented in the kingdom, the initial plan is to divide it into three constituencies."

The secretary took out a map and pencil, and the prime minister drew it casually: "The northern constituency with Würzburg as the center has two to three seats; the eastern constituency with Nulen and Munich as the axis has at least three seats and at most five seats, and... "

The traces drawn by the pencil in his hand suddenly turned around and put Lanster to Kempson together: "There is also the western constituency, at least three seats." Since Lanster is close to Munich, it was forcibly drawn together with Kempson. , from the map it looks like chewing off a piece of the eastern constituency.

In fact, the so-called "preliminary plan" is just the prime minister's temporary idea. The reform of small constituencies is to be implemented, but Byrne is about to "retreat", and there is no such division.

Based on what he saw and heard during this period, Otto roughly divided the agricultural area in the north, the industrial and commercial area centered on the royal capital in the east, and the industrial area in the west. He knows that inconsistencies in economic foundation will inevitably lead to inconsistencies in demands in these regions. Just throwing out these plans can inspire many people.

He put down his pencil: "If the Byrne Kingdom continues to use the old system and only adds seats, I may have a greater chance of realizing my dream. But if we can win the change of the small constituency, let the western constituency win the equal status of the Empire Free State." , its representatives will be free from the constraints of the royal family, and its parliamentarians will live up to their reputation.”

Seeing that Bart was staring at the map and couldn't take his eyes away, the prime minister pushed the map to the young man beside him and encouraged him kindly: "It depends on the human effort."

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