Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 430 The air element plane biological chain

"Tuntun" is the name of the aboriginal people. Because of the primitive language, it seems a bit cute.

But its appearance is by no means cute, or in other words, few people can see the full picture. Very little information is known about the "Kronos Sky Behemoth". In the materials circulated on the main material plane, most of its images are hidden in thick air masses. Its only notable and remembered features are its large size. Mouth and thunderous belly.

The size of this giant beast would be unbelievable in the main material plane, and it could be called a mythical beast, but in the thin and vast air elemental plane, its living space is not necessarily restrictive. Whether this kind of beast is a creature of flesh and blood or an elemental life is a topic of endless debate among scholars.

Its body is based on a huge digestive cavity that can accommodate a city. It can drive the gas inside to rub against each other and generate a huge amount of electric charge. In other words, its stomach is always in a state of lightning and thunder, and the constantly flowing thunder and lightning replaces the function of stomach acid, and is even better:

On the one hand, it can use lightning to convert nitrogen into usable nitrogen oxides, and on the other hand, it continuously devours those living creatures in the lower layers of the plane. To "Tuntun", these foods, which are like plankton and small shrimps, will be continuously attacked. The lightning in the wreckage kills, carbonizes and vaporizes it, and then the organic matter, inorganic salts, etc. in the wreckage are used by the behemoths in the sky.

The appearance of "Kronos Sky Beast" is definitely not accidental, and it is definitely not caused by Rorschach's bad physique. In fact, the whole process can be traced:

The tribe of little blue people in the shallow layer of the plane has a fixed "gas collection well" and their food is gradually getting richer. Those foods will inevitably fall, attracting the pterosaur population in the lower levels of the plane to pick up the trash and eat it.

Originally, the tribe's "living by air" life would not cause problems, but after settling down, more and more debris was left behind, and the population of pterosaurs living permanently in the lower levels became larger and larger. Although it is unknown whether there are seasons in the gaseous plane, life in the entire material world seems to have a wonderful synchronicity. The gradually expanding pterosaurs begin to communicate with each other and give birth to the next generation after spring in the main plane.

The process of these flying beasts mating and exchanging genetic material is very noisy, and Rorschach has already experienced that annoying scream. The chattering of the group finally attracted Tun Tun who was wandering nearby.

"How come this guy can move so fast!" Luo Xia traveled through time for so long, and suddenly wanted to shout: This is unscientific!

No, it's not magic either. You can tell that from Caroline's surprised expression. In just a moment, the outline of the mouth was no longer visible, only the abyss under the huge mouth could be seen. The esophagus behind the mouth was also surging with gas, and now it was still glowing with a burning orange light.

Rorschach and Carolyn didn't know the way this giant beast moved to rush for prey. Its skin and esophageal sieve plate would normally prevent oxygen from entering its belly. Only when it was about to move quickly would it rapidly release and absorb oxygen from the atmosphere, causing its belly to explode. combustible gas in it.

While the volume of gas in the belly expands rapidly, it compresses its giant stomach pouch. Under two reactions, extremely high-pressure gas spurts out from the excretion chamber and the ventilating holes on the side of the back, giving the "Tantun" Rocket-like thrust.

When it sprints close to the prey target, the stomach bag expands again, and the negative pressure generated will suck the small creature into the bag irresistibly.

Now is the acceleration stage. The giant beast cannot leave the high-density air mass in the lower layer of the plane for too long, which means that it will soon start to inhale gas and meals crazily.

"Are you ready to teleport?" Caroline began to prepare, while holding onto Rorschach's hand. She wanted to bring Rorschach back to the main material plane and immediately close all sewage outlets and teleportation arrays.

If a spell caster is swallowed by such a giant beast, he should not die for a while, but she is worried that the magic environment in the belly of the giant beast will change, hindering their subsequent casting and teleportation. It is not impossible for an existence that is almost a mythical creature to be able to change the magical environment on its own.

But Rorschach pulled out his hand and decided to have a friendly exchange with Tuntun: "If something happens here, all the factories on the other side of us will be destroyed. If the giant beast is good at swallowing, use 'devour' to deal with it."

Caroline had no choice but to deploy her shield to block the impact of the pterosaur for herself and Rorschach, who was in the spell-casting state. Rorschach sharply inhaled the magic power of the elemental plane of air, recreating the last large spell he cast in Istani.

Under the surge of a large amount of magic power, the material world and the symbolic world began to artificially intersect, which in turn caused space oscillations. Under Rorschach's operation, the distortion and fluctuation of space condensed into two entities that were opposed and attracted to each other. They rotated rapidly, and Rorschach Xia reluctantly restrained them from getting close to each other.

Speed ​​is mass, and mass distorts space. Time and space begin to tremble as the relative motion of the two spherical entities soars. The exhaust port and Caroline's barrier are both in danger.

Just when the transmission port was on the verge of collapse and Caroline's barrier could no longer hold up and shattered from the inside, Rorschach used the ether membrane he learned to create in [Compression] to encapsulate the two entities transformed from space fluctuations.

The entire ether membrane takes on a spherical shape after being wrapped. The light path inside is distorted and dimmed after being shielded by the membrane, turning into an extremely simple and extremely dangerous black sphere. Two of the quasi-celestial bodies are still moving at high speed, even with Rorschach's constraints, encapsulating them The ether membrane is also constantly deforming and will collapse soon.

From birthing the ball to restraining the dangerous existence inside, both steps consumed Rorschach's huge amount of magic power. The amount he inhaled could not make up for the output. He felt exhausted for the first time in a long time.

That's enough. Even if you can eat an entire city, my spell can overturn a city!

The pure black sphere fell and was naturally swallowed by the giant beast.

In the environment of lightning and thunder, the ether membrane was attacked from the outside and collapsed instantly, releasing the terrifying and twisted entity.

Compression, inhalation. Because the light is distorted and bound, an unknown black hole appears in the giant mouth. It is too small, so when viewed from Caroline from top to bottom, it is just an unidentifiable black spot. But it is powerful enough, and the colored air mass inside the giant beast clearly shows the trajectory of rushing towards the black spot, and then it is the turn of the giant beast's body.

Its body structure suffered irresistible distortion and deformation, intertwined with the air current, and pulled out abnormal color blocks and lines. The scene was like a naughty child stretching out a finger to a painting where the paint was still wet, and smearing it towards a central point.

However, the entangled body created by Rorschach is still far from a real black hole. It reaches saturation in an instant and can no longer absorb energy and matter. If you eat too much, you will spit it out. The jets from the giant beast's body will spurt out, spraying out all the energy and flesh and blood twisted into the black ball, and also ejecting the remaining body of "Kronos" to the shallow layer and even throughout the atmosphere.

The clouds opened and the fog dispersed, and after the jets extinguished, a "hole" was poked out of the entire gaseous plane from the bottom to the top. From the hole, you could see the light blue starry sky, with a beautiful silver ring crossing it.

The little blue people who didn't have time to run away witnessed all this. They looked up and looked at Rorschach, the spellcaster who killed the giant beast with one blow. These aborigines have been living in the "empty" and saw the "sky" for the first time.

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