Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 431 Ending the Civil War

"Tun Tun" died, the elder trembled from the bottom of his heart. Although the mage he followed when he was young was powerful, he had to take a detour when encountering such a mythical beast. But the young man in front of him actually destroyed it with one blow.

Now at the bottom of the plane, a thick recombinant air mass has set off a turbulent wave. Perhaps the density of the atmosphere at the bottom is thick enough, or it may be that there is indeed a shadow of elemental creatures in the essence of the Kronos sky beast. Its remains were not immediately Continue to settle, but slowly float and disperse.

Several dragon roars were heard from below, and there were faint wings hovering among the wreckage. Dragons on the main material plane have been classified as legendary endangered species, but some clues of their existence can be seen here. They appeared first after the death of the giant beast, and seemed to be ready to feast.

The little pterosaurs that were running around before had amazing intelligence. At least they immediately understood what was happening below. The jets just now frightened these little guys, but now they have begun to squawk and fly back to a level where the atmospheric concentration is suitable for them, and are responding to them. The "endless" flesh and blood of the beast is coveted.

These cunning, screeching creatures did not sprint as hard as they had when fleeing for their lives. Now they circled cautiously and slowly. They flew around the human spellcaster and finally crawled at Rorschach's feet.

"It's been a long time since I've moved my muscles and bones, it's great!" Luo Xia has been busy with various affairs since arriving in Bain. Before, he was acting as a clone, and the spells he cast were limited in terms of power and level. After arriving in the vast air elemental plane, he finally Able to simply "have a shot".

Caroline re-stabilized the "sewage outlet": "The danger is temporarily relieved. But the movement just now was so loud, will it attract other creatures?"

Luo Xia raised his fist and said, "Come and I'll hit each one. If you can't beat them, let's run away."

Caroline had no doubts about Rorschach's almost joking remarks. She was first shocked by the giant beast, and then by her former student. Although this spell was not the first time Rorschach had cast it, Caroline thought it was with the help of the Archmage. Now that Rorschach is acting alone, his power has only increased.

Archmage, what level is this young man at now? After the Istani incident, Rorschach no longer fully trusted the Magic Guild. In Byrne, he did not participate in the guild's test and registration, and had no intention of updating his rating. It would be better to say that he always maintained a relationship with the guild. If there is no distance. Caroline didn't know that Rorschach saw the symbol in the magic guild badge on the Thoth Temple, and she didn't know the specific process of being promoted to Archmage.

Rorschach didn't know that the mage around him was thinking so much. He was in a good mood. While recovering his magic power, he observed the scene of the "whale falling" under his feet fighting for food. I saw a creature that looked like a flying dragon appearing in the brown and yellow air masses, tearing apart the flesh and blood limbs left by the giant beast.

"It would be great if we could also descend to take a look. The biological system of the gaseous elemental plane is richer than I thought. Master Humboldt, who refused to come, did not expect that there are so many lives and aborigines. "As he spoke, Rorschach's attention returned to the little blue man beside him.

These guys no longer fight with each other, because the jet released after the "black ball" was saturated just now threw a large amount of bottom material and the flesh and blood of the giant beast high into the sky, which is the level where Rorschach and the villain are. For them, all condensed matter items are precious resources. Most of the artifacts and clothes are from beasts with the ability to fly. In addition to the meat to eat, the bones can also be used to make various gadgets.

The jet just now was a "good gift falling from the sky". Although most of them fell below immediately, there were still many light components that were either still floating or falling slowly, which were collected by the little blue man. Chance. They pulled at a large area of ​​membrane, and some picked up tendons.

The luckiest thing was a floating raft, which was hit by half of an animal bone. This bone may only be the smallest and most minute in the body of the giant beast, but it is almost as big as the floating raft. If the floating raft was not called the "battleship" of the tribe, it would probably fall apart, and the passengers and bones on it would fall into nothingness. The bottom plane of the bottom.

But wherever Rorschach glanced, the villain stopped what he was doing and looked at him uneasily.

Can I stop a baby from crying at night? Rorschach didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but at least they didn't fight again.

The elder came over again with his flying recliner and said tremblingly: "Sir, your power is something I have never heard of. Please accept it from our entire clan."

"Stop, stop, stop!" Rorschach couldn't wait for him to say something cliché. He calculated the time before he and Caroline should go back, and said directly: "You won't fight anymore, will you?" For the tribe, this is a civil war that will go down in history. But in the eyes of the two outside mages, this was just a fight.

"No, absolutely not." The elder pointed at the current clan members with a walking stick: "You killed Tun Tun and brought the legacy of the giant beast. Now our tribe has enough supplies, there is no need to fight for it anymore. I said Right?"

His voice suddenly rose at the last sentence, obviously not meant for Rorschach. As soon as the elder finished speaking, two sturdy individuals came out of the two waves of aboriginal vehicles. They were the heads of the two major families, and they respectfully promised Luo Xia not to fight anymore.

It would be best for this tribe to stay at the outlet and serve as maintenance personnel for Rorschach. Of course, Rorschach is in charge today and "Tun Tun"'s remains are available to replenish supplies, which can alleviate the conflicts within the tribe, but it does not guarantee that they will continue to fight in the future. After Luo Xia decided to let them be the operation and maintenance personnel of the "sewage outlet", he decided to intervene and told them that peace was the most important thing and that any conflicts could be negotiated and so on.

This is what the elders said to the two major families in the past, but who would listen to the nonsense of an old man who was half-informed when they were competing for actual interests? It's different now. Similar words, spoken from the mouth of a spellcaster who critically attacked the "divine beast", are iron rules and mantras.

The elder with the most "wisdom roots" was elected as Rorschach's dog-leg representative. When Rorschach is not in the air elemental plane, his words should be like Rorschach's will.

"You will be regarded as a god by them." Caroline teased after watching Rorschach tell the elder.

"What role can these little goblin-like 'empty spirits' play? Just help us take care of the sewage outlet and don't block it and let elemental creatures break in. In addition, I have repeatedly emphasized that we cannot engage in personality worship." He said this , but he taught the elders how to draw symbols that pointed to him.

The magical environment of the air elemental plane is similar to that of the main material plane. Rorschach thinks it would be good to get some power of faith. Although he is not sure how to use the power of faith generated by these "Smurfs", it doesn't cost money anyway. , rub rub, rub rub.

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