Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 449 The End of the Second Fortress Battle

Six days have passed since the "Second Battle of Moncado Fortress".

In a luxurious and magnificent manor castle, the maid gently knocked on the door of the bedroom. She stood outside the door: "Master, your breakfast has been brought to you, as well as the newspaper."

The door opened, and Richard stood in the gap without any intention of letting the maid in. His voice was low and gentle: "Thank you."

The tall, handsome, gentle and mage young master came home to recuperate for the first time since joining the army. He had an indescribable temperament and a bit of melancholy in his steady eyes. The maid forced herself to remain calm in front of him, and then endured Don't live in the deserted corridor and skip away.

With my young master around, all the novels popular among maids and young ladies are boring.

Bang, the door closed, Richard put the meal aside and just read the newspaper.

During the Second Battle of Moncado, the Republic focused on the first half: the heroic National Guard defeated the Imperial Army, which could not even defend the fortress; the Empire promoted the second half: everything was the new marshal's plan to lure the enemy. After going deep, the airship troops dropped a large number of aerial bombs, destroying the fortress in one fell swoop.

Who won? Anyway, the National Guard suffered heavy casualties, the National Salvation Committee of the Republic condemned the enemy for using immoral and even evil rituals of mass destruction, and the propaganda of collusion between the Empire and the evil gods has been broadcast in the streets of Valuana. The empire did not take back the Condi area that it had given up. Instead, it moved the main force eastward, seemingly to avoid this strange boundary.

The truth has been buried among those who have experienced it. Some of them do not know the whole story, and some are unwilling to recall what they have experienced.

Richard falls into the latter category.

The strangest winner in the incident was undoubtedly an unknown military mage who was originally a technical expert. He actually boldly attacked and severely damaged the enemy while serving as the temporary command of the formation and undergoing debugging.

His attack, which was originally contrary to common sense and military orders, ended up being a success for the empire's mysterious retreat. The empire's newspapers attributed all the "contributions" of the Necromancer and Mother Earth to the technical officer, and accepted the new The marshal's interview and commendation, as well as a series of exceptional promotions.

The newspaper showed the bright smiles of the two people. The novelty of "photos" finally appeared in the newspapers, quickly replacing the hand-painted engravings and matching headlines.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is an example set by the new marshal. He later delivered a series of speeches to encourage officers at all levels to seize opportunities and act flexibly.

"Humph, Hell's Angels of the Empire." Richard only found such a boast ridiculous. The reporter who wrote the report must have read too many chivalric novels or third-rate vulgar dramas. No, this may also be a propaganda strategy of the empire, and civilians will just accept this.

He stretched his weakened body. Most of the traces of his hard training in the army have disappeared, and several scars and hidden wounds have even been healed. However, his spellcasting skills have also seriously deteriorated, and he cannot even cast the most powerful [Dragon Breath Technique] he used to master.

Aftereffects. Richard realized that he was no longer an intermediate mage. What worried him most was doubting whether he could return to his peak strength. He did not doubt Luo Xia, a good classmate and good person, but he did not expect Luo Xia to be so powerful that he could reverse the zombie transformation performed by the Necromancer Master.

Rorschach did not show any powerful magic in front of Richard, but he showed enough magic just by treating him.

Should I have chosen to study at the Magic Tower?

Just when Richard was thinking wildly, a crackle of electricity rang in his ears, followed by a harsh and noisy voice: "Hello, hello? The office of the chief assistant to the military mage is calling the colonel."

"Received." Recently, all the army mages have been required to learn a weird spell - [Radio Wave Communication Technique]. It is even weirder than the machine that Richard captured personally. It actually mixes the unrelated lightning magic with [Messaging Technique]. At the same time, it was also vigorously promoted, and a supporting transfer station was established to imitate the guild's communication system.

The intermittent voice continued to come, but fortunately it was repeated enough times to ensure that Richard received it clearly: "The chief's backup bodies No. 1, No. 3 and No. 4 have all released the static force field and have been transferred to the ice." In the library. Please confirm the status of No. 2 and No. 7."

The spare body refers to the body of the Necromancer Master that is ready to turn around at any time. It is the product of the nine-ring spell [Stasis Clone Technique]. There are 9 bodies in total, and the chief will reshape these "resurrection points" regularly when conditions permit. As a student valued by the chief, Richard knew the hiding locations of spare bodies No. 2 and No. 7.

He has even seen the disgusting process of cloning.

"It's all rotten, it's over."

"What? What? Colonel, please repeat." Snap, Richard released the [Electric Claw], and the final out-of-control electromagnetic wave should give the person communicating at the other end a small "explosion of ears."

That person is really dead. At this moment, Richard finally believed that what Rorschach said was true.

He took out a crumpled piece of paper from his storage ring, with Rorschach's message written on it: "If you encounter difficulties in subsequent casting, you can activate the following magic circle. Welcome to Bain to find me and Bart. Please keep it confidential."

Below the message is a schematic diagram of the crooked magic circle. Regardless of the drawing specifications or the materials used, it is impossible for the magic circle on this side strip to take effect, but Richard can redraw it on the scroll with alchemical ink.

He did so, and his knowledge of magic circles told Richard that this might be a portable communication magic circle.

"Hannah, don't put it wrong!"

"No mistake. The caller's identification information corresponds to "New Edition of Primary and Intermediate Spells (Open Source Edition)" and "Developer's Manual". I'll send it over right away." Hannah picked up the printed scroll and placed it on the teleportation array. This was the first time that the two scrolls were sent out.

What is this? Richard got two new scrolls from a message scroll. He spread them out and tried to inject magic power. After a while, he responded slowly, and the ink changed to form its content.

"What is this?" It seemed to be a textbook, but what did that "source open" mean? He injected his magic power according to the prompts, and the ink changed again: Successfully registered in magic feature analysis!

Richard's eyes never left the scroll again, and he quickly swiped two scrolls until the ink showed: Congratulations, you have browsed to the end. If you want to return to the homepage, please enter magic power in the lower left corner. If you want to return to the previous page, please enter magic power in the lower right corner. Return to the directory in the upper left corner.

When he put down the scroll and could no longer sense Richard's magic power, the handwriting immediately changed to the first chapter of "Three Kings' Mandate Spellcasters".

Disguise? But publishing a vulgar novel on an expensive alchemical scroll is too strange, isn't it? Richard didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He felt better for some reason, picked up the cold breakfast and began to read the scroll while eating. What interested him most was not the method of restoring strength, but the most bizarre and interesting developer manual in the past.

Rorschach had brunch with Kano and others in the Sky Restaurant of the Starlight Torch Tower. Paul was also inconvenient to move after being seriously injured. He could only eat with the [Mage's Hand], but Pascal only needed to open his mouth to be fed.

Big Brother, you have won at this moment!

Rorschach was suddenly startled, and the shrimp wrapped in scrambled eggs rolled off the fork.

"What's wrong?" Caroline asked.


Someone uploaded a new magic to the spell cloud. Rorschach learned from the tower spirit that the new spell was called [Electric Wave Communication].

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