Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 452 Reward

The opening remarks that made War Commissioner Georges Jacques sweat dripping from his body were just a temporary speech made by Maxim based on the conversation between the mages. The two came to meet with everyone in the Tower of Stars in person. The first purpose was to find out what happened in Condi's Moncado Fortress.

Over the past few days, the National Assembly has been trying to figure out what prompted such massive attrition in the National Guard.

They finally heard a description that was different from that of soldiers and ordinary officers. It turned out that the black air in the sky was necromancy, and that there was also the involvement of evil gods later, and that the imperial airship actually played the role of reversing the situation and saving most people.

Of course, none of the above information can be leaked easily, so the club's mansion has become an ideal place to contact the mages secretly.

After listening to Kano's statement, Maxim asked cautiously: "So, similar incidents will not happen again in the short term?" This is what the two committee members and the National Salvation Committee are concerned about, and they hope to get a positive answer. The nightmare of Fortress Moncado will never happen again.

Hearing this, Kano and others at the table shook their heads. The Archmage told them a fact that was difficult to accept: "Since a few decades ago, the activities of the evil god named Earth Mother have become more frequent. Whether it is the mages or the church, We have made a lot of efforts to suppress his resurgence. Last year, from the continent of Ferallon to Istani, his large-scale invasion of reality was once thwarted. We once thought that his activities were over.

"Now it seems that if the intensity of the war continues to increase, it is difficult to say whether the battlefield will trigger activities related to Him. Death, destruction. Even if it is only in a symbolic sense, when these misfortunes commonly occur, He will draw strength from them and also When the situation deteriorates, underground beliefs lose control."

After Maxim received the bad news, he was silent for a moment and asked the Archmage: "From your description, the Empire has developed technology to block divine power. Can the Tower of Stars or the Guild conquer it so that the Republic can also gain defense against the evil god? ? If the research and development is difficult, the committee is willing to provide funding to you. ”

Snow suddenly put down his glass and said: "Mr. Commissioner, there is no need to write a bad check. You just need to urge the National Assembly and the Finance Office to settle the payment as soon as possible."

Since Rorschach left, the number of collectors in the Alchemy Department has increased sharply to 16. Their uses are the same as those of Rorschach's machines, and they have all been put into production. The various enterprises under the Magic Guild were in crisis in Valois. We have cooperated as much as possible.

It was precisely because workers worked in two shifts and machines roared day and night that the expanded National Guard could have enough guns and ammunition, and the artillery that Valois relied on most could be installed in large numbers.

The collection process of the National Salvation Committee is very tough. It basically makes direct apportionments to companies and then issues special bonds, which is also called IOUs. Of course, the companies affiliated to the guild were not polite, and instead used the bonds as payment and wage substitutes to transfer them to raw material suppliers and employees.

Maybe the new little pieces of paper represent new economic disasters in the future, but whatever it is now, win the war first. Only by winning can those bonds that are closely related to the war have value and can be cashed in.

Maxim was choked by the creditor's representative's casual words, but Georges Jacques immediately answered: "This matter is not within the scope of today's discussion."

The atmosphere suddenly became a bit awkward. To this day, the relationship between the helmsmen of Valois and the mages is like this. They are tied to the same boat as the Republic, but they are full of awkwardness. Whether it is the National Assembly or the media that bites like mad dogs, they all maintain a tacit understanding:

Carefully avoid discussing matters related to the mage community and magic.

The guild and the mage tower are the elephant in the room. The only good thing is that the attitude of the "elephant" is in support of the Republic.

Rorschach didn't know the meaning of Kano allowing him to participate in such a private meeting. Anyway, he just came to eat and eat. Authentic Valouana cuisine is so authentic. In terms of the richness of cooking techniques and styles, it is better than I don’t know where the apples and sausages were after turning over and over.

In fact, the two of them, and even the entire committee, have received the report, and now they are communicating with the Archmage in person to confirm the details. The conversation also led to their second purpose:

Reward two spellcasters who risked their lives to delay the Master of Necromancer's super magic.

Because of their identities, the committee chose not to publicly commend them. At the same time, the truth of the incident will be kept secret to avoid complicating the relationship between the general public and the mage.

The propaganda machine and the National Guard headquarters would only emphasize that it was "two heroic citizens" who played a key role in thwarting the enemy's plot.

Georges Jacques took out two commendation orders: "After many inquiries, we learned that two heroic citizens played a key role in exposing the evil rituals of the empire, so the committee will commend them. Are you two here? "

The Archmage nodded, and then used [Messaging Technique] to notify Pascal and Paul outside the door. When the two came in, they were still being supported by the old man from the Alchemy Department, and their whole bodies were tied with zip ties - obviously the damage caused by the eighth-level spell could not be easily solved by the healing spell.

Speaking of which, the two brothers and fellow disciples also had some kind of misfortune - if they were transferred later, they would have the opportunity to enjoy Dryac's treatment, and maybe they would not have to suffer today's pain and be cured on the spot.

Although they looked a little miserable, they were all in good spirits. Pascal saw an old acquaintance from the club after a long absence and said hello naturally.

Although they both belong to the core of the Mountain sect, Pascal's temperament is completely different from the two of them. He is still young and has the clarity of a boy. For similar roles, the Mountain sect only needs one signature.

"It turns out to be our veteran, 'Apprentice Thor'!" George Jacques joked: "If you want to return to the conference hall, you are more suitable to be the War Commissioner than me. After all, I have never been on the battlefield. And you have been proved to be brave. The people and we, the Montagnards, welcome the great hero with the tricolor medal.”

Pascal responded calmly: "I'm not sure if I'm good at fighting, but I'm pretty sure I'm not good at fighting with words." It's not so much that I'm not good at it, but rather that I hate it.

"What a pity." There was no regret on George Jacques's face at all.

Maxim read out the commendation order in the presence of all the spellcasters, and personally wore the three-color medal on the chests of the two of them. After he put it on Paul, the artillery lieutenant gave a military salute: "Thank you, First Citizen."

Maxim stopped and said seriously: "Please don't call me that. All members of the Republic are equal. The previous distinction between active and passive citizens was a serious mistake made by royalists and wealthy people and should be corrected. "

"Really? I think this title is not bad." Georges Jacques reconciled for the second time after arriving at the mansion: "I think it is just the young man's way of expressing respect. It doesn't have to be too rigid and give others instructions."

Maxim took a deep breath, sighed and exhaled: "Our mission has been completed, there are still important things to do, excuse me." After that, he walked out quickly.

Georges Jacques, who was more lively than Carnot, did not leave. He unceremoniously pulled out a soft chair and sat down: "Look, Citizen Maxim has the same advantages and disadvantages. He is upright and stubborn to the point of being unbearable." He was satisfied with himself. Serve the wine, smell it intoxicatedly, and then lock your eyes on Rorschach, who has been eating:

"So, I will talk about what Mr. First Citizen doesn't want to say. Nice to meet you, Master Rorschach from Byrne."

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