Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 517 The Red Rapids of the Lane River

The victory at Sasan did not alleviate the crisis in Valuauna.

On October 11th, the rest at the end of January had just ended. Everyone felt that going to work was a terribly tired thing. At this time, the former commander of the Southern Front, General Galicia, who was responsible for guarding the capital of the Republic, opened the hall of the National Assembly. .

"What? What did you say?" The National Salvation Committee and the congressmen received the news with shocked faces, which cheered everyone up.

The general's voice echoed in the hall. He was calm and powerful, and even spoke a little unhurriedly: "I want to make it clear that there is no ambiguity in my statement. We have discovered the enemy's movements on the north bank of the Line River. Gentlemen, defend Valuauna, defend The time of the Republic has come!”

The members of the military committee did not overreact to the news, but others seemed a little at a loss. Some representatives who came from other places and were not familiar with geography quietly asked people around them: "Where is the Line River?"

General Galicia had already anticipated this, and at his signal the soldiers brought in a huge tactical map.

"Gentlemen, the blue line in the picture is the Rhine River. Its large bay surrounds our capital and then intersects with the Seine River across Valouana near the royal hunting grounds." He used a long wooden pole to It pointed out: "Here, all the places circled in blue there are places where the Imperial Army has arrived or will arrive, and our newly transferred guards are still reorganizing."

Seeing the dense clusters or patches of blue dots, these politicians, who are usually noisy and chattering like animals, immediately stopped talking. They fell silent, and they began to imagine countless gray cattle emerging from the mountains and woodlands, and finally marching unstoppably into the glorious Valuauna, leaving the Republic in dust.

It was the chief of the Military Council who was the first to ask the general: "If the enemy launches an attack along such a vast coast, how should the National Guard respond? How should each of us here provide maximum support?"

"Thank you for your speech!" General Galicia sincerely appreciated the attitude of the committee members. He suddenly became more confident: "220 Thousand Miles! We will devote all our strength to fight them on the river bank! Mobilize and let everyone who can hold a gun Let the men go to the front, let all the women prepare dry food and clothes, let the factory provide enough concrete, steel and ammunition, and my troops need to move flexibly on such a long defense line, I need enough transportation capacity.”

"We will find a way! But how will you save Valuana?" one representative shouted.

"Save? Yes, save, by defeating the opponent. We are not only delaying time for the Western Front Army, but if we fight with such a mentality that has no desire to win, we will not even get a stalemate, only constant defeats and defeats, just like we did in the East Hundreds of thousands of people were lost along the line.

"I am willing to disclose my plans, but only reliable members of the military council will know the full story."

There was a slight commotion in the conference hall, and finally the members of the Military Committee left the meeting tacitly.

"Excellent, gentlemen, your trust and support in me make me feel more at ease than ever before!" Garisha said happily.

"Are you satisfied? The representatives trust you, but you don't trust them." The committee member indicated that he could start explaining, and reminded: "There are many narrow-minded gentlemen who left the meeting. You should be careful in the future, General. "

"First of all, everything is done secretly. The less irrelevant people know about it, the better. Secondly, please allow me to do the test just now, which at least proves that although you are quarreling, you can at least take the overall situation into consideration and unite as one in critical moments."

"Of course, let's get started!"

Soon General Galicia began to introduce his battle plan to the committee members. The committee members seemed to see countless soldiers moving precisely according to his instructions on the battlefield, like a well-coordinated machine, and the final output result was indisputable. victory

"The adventurous gray animals came to gallop on the land of Valois for the second time. Their movements were astonishingly fast, but they would eventually encounter a cliff. The imperial army had long lost the chance to turn around and would only run into it. , the collision will shatter us here to end the enemy’s attack!”

His long stick hit the red mark, which was the intersection of the Seine River and the Line River, the edge of the royal hunting ground in the past, and the arena for deer competition on the mainland today.

In the early morning of the next day, when the sky was about to get bright, a rain kept the world dark again.

The soldiers of the Imperial Army wrapped up their clothes tightly. It was already late autumn, and every rain would make the weather colder. To make matters worse, more and more transport trucks and carriages pulling heavy artillery were stuck in the muddy dirt roads. The supply lines were initially The efficiency is gone.

The good news is that Valuauna is within easy reach, the closest to the enemy's heart for the second time since the war began.

Suddenly there was a sound of artillery, fire flashed across the darkness, and the airship advancing with the Imperial Army sounded a long warning whistle - it was the Valois defenders who took the initiative to attack!

On the 220-kilometer-long front, all the main southern forces brought by Galicia went into battle. Twenty-three regiments charged at the enemy troops who had just crossed the river or were crossing the river, and they collided fiercely. Every riverside and riverside of the Line River was attacked. The sound of fighting suddenly sounded in Baydu.

Since the Imperial Army was still on the move, they had originally grasped the situation that the remnants of the National Guard's Eastern Front Army were retreating, and the southern defenders who had just arrived around Valois were still resting. The Imperial Army's Eastern Front Group advanced straight ahead with the new transport equipment donated by Byrne, but unexpectedly ran into Galishia's combat deployment, and even many troops did not have artillery available immediately because they were preparing to cross the river.

For a while, it was a contest of bullets and bayonets.

On the other side, Valois did not know how many rounds of conscription, and once again "squeezed" several corps of combat soldiers from the enthusiastic masses, and the Iron Crown Knights from Istani were on the way to support.

All the rented carriages in Valois and the ships on the Seine River were dispatched together, as well as a team of Byrne-made trucks that were the main vehicles of the Imperial Army's logistics line.

This team of trucks was originally a convoy to return minerals and transport supplies according to a secret agreement. The magicians of the Starry Tower were responsible for the illusion and concealment. Now they all appeared in unison, carrying guns and brand new soldiers to the front line.

The focus of the battle, the intersection of the Rhine River and the Seine River, was the most intense. Three National Guard corps held on to the hunting ground, and there were imperial troops on both sides. The National Guard firmly wedged in the gap of the imperial army's front line, insisting on not letting the two enemies encircle them.

They were also the first to receive the order from General Galisia:

"Soldiers of Valois, we are participating in a battle that determines the fate of the country. I declare that the stage of retreat has ended. We should go all out from now on to drive the enemy out of our land without leaving a single one! I order: All troops that can fight need to launch attacks without stopping, and all troops that cannot fight must hold their positions and fight to the death!"

The telegram conveyed his message through the telegraph line that once conveyed "Your Majesty's beloved dog Cosette gave birth". Today's message will also go down in history. Countless people died because of it, but the victims believed that the country would be born because of it.

Blood flowed from every battle position into the river, stirring on the surface of the River Rhine.

The sky finally bloomed with light, outlining the outlines of the two airships. The sky is now a battlefield for spellcasters to fight for.

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