Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 539 Day and Night

The mages all gathered together to act. They did not split up, nor did they disperse and hide.

Because before and just after entering the city, the characteristics of the flesh granulation monsters are that they are numerous, blind and stupid, and they will only speed up when they are close to living people.

So it is the right choice not to get separated and take care of each other. When the monsters are the most numerous and dense, if they disperse, it is likely that the gaps in the team's power-up spells will allow the attackers to succeed.

However, this strategy has now become a deadly trap, especially when the blood cavalry charged, the mages all made wrong judgments and released spells into the air.

However, the danger is breaking out of the ground, and the effect is outstanding.

Even though the mages in combat almost all have self-defense spells, it is a pity that most of them are only low-level, and most of them use one-ring [Spirit Armor], with at most one damage reduction enchantment.

Richard raised his hand, and the arc covered his fists. In order to avoid accidentally injuring his companions, he fought the blood knight in close combat in this way.

Pascal admired this fighting style and was eager to follow. The senior brother cast [Battle Inspiration] on himself and also used [Electric Claw] to fight the enemy in close combat.

Without Paulina, [Battle Inspiration] could only work at this time.

Paul shouted in his heart, Richard's fists were strong, his body was flexible and solid, and he could be seen to have practiced, and he could fight back and forth with the Ilzhov guards who were holding blood knives and mutated into monsters, while Pascal was just a fancy move, relying on spells and Paul's constant shielding for Pascal to make up for the flaws.

The last blood cavalryman wanted to trample Pascal with his warhorse, but the senior brother clenched his fist and exerted force, and at the same time as he hooked, [Lightning Beam] burst out from bottom to top, piercing through the enemy, and the monster turned into scattered pus splashing.

At the same time, Paul's shield cleverly unfolded above Pascal's head to block these possible sources of pollution. Pascal also asked himself excitedly how he performed.

"Isn't it cool? You're so cool, you alchemical stinky mud!" Paul wished he had a piece of stinky mud in his hand - it often appears in alchemical cauldrons with strange raw materials, long-term unwashed, or even with the residue of failed potions evaporated. At this time, he should smear it on the face of his ungrateful senior brother.

"I'm injured, hurry up, who has a healing scroll?" The blood knight's surprise attack still caused damage to the mages in the team. The uniforms, lining soft armor, and low-level protection were all ineffective against the enemy's sabers. Some people were split from their shoulder blades. If they went deeper, they would not need treatment.

Wait, treatment. "Don't use the scroll!" "Stop!" Paul and Richard, the mage leaders of the two countries reminded at the same time, but they still finished one step.

The companions of the injured mage were afraid that he would bleed too much, so they used the scroll at an extremely fast speed. However, the originally mellow green light was now weird. The light flashed, and there were hyperplastic granulations on the wound, but there was no sign of healing at all.

The screams of pain from the mage being "treated" became more and more tragic, the proliferating granulation tissue expanded and spread rapidly, and continued to tear the wound.

Ugh. Ugh. The companion holding the scroll after use had a turbulent stomach. He was the closest and clearly saw how he had kindly accelerated the death of the other party.

Richard gathered the still moving meat strips and organs in the air, and the other mages tacitly used various rays to completely "evaporate" their former companions.

"Sure enough, the healing spells are all abnormal." Paul pinched his eyebrows: "We have come to such a dangerous area, why are you so reckless?"

"Everyone has experienced too many battles, and perhaps their energy has been consumed." Richard followed the words and blushed, then shouted seriously: "But a moment of trance is fatal! Cheer up!"

Speaking of this, Richard himself felt tired, but the sky was still bright, and he could not see the sun, let alone the changes in daylight and time.

He took out his pocket watch and found that the hands had stopped moving. Was it damaged and stopped during the battle? Richard suppressed the urge to yawn and discussed the next move with Paul and other Valois mages.

The garrison mage who was navigating for the crowd was still in fear. If it weren't for the cooperation of the three people, he would have been chopped through from top to bottom. Now this "local" made a suggestion: "In addition to the damaged long-term magic-suppression device, this city also has an old-model machine that has been sealed. It should be said that the current situation is more suitable for starting the old machine to stop all kinds of abnormal phenomena.

"The power supply device has been dismantled"

"It doesn't matter. We have so many spellcasters. We can try it." Richard became interested. He asked the guide to identify the map, and the other party knocked near the magic guild.

This is not surprising. The devices prepared by the empire in the city are aimed at the guild's base first.

"In this case, we can go to the guild base first. If there are still spellcasters resisting there, we can gain more power. "Compared to finding an impact device, Paul wanted to see the situation of the magic guild and establish communication with the outside world as soon as possible.

It stands to reason that the evacuated National Guard should have taken the news out of the area and let the outside world know, but there has been no new reinforcement so far.

Strange, why does it feel like a long time has passed and it is noon now, and the sky has not changed. Paul also took out a pocket watch, but the pointer was swinging around, obviously broken.


More than one person heard the shouting, and the spellcasters used various means to detect and found that it was the people running in the neighboring streets, and behind them was a new wave of monsters.

Irzhov took in the North Shore city from top to bottom, paying special attention to the mages.

Now the Mage Corps is near the former parade ground and the requisitioned barracks of the defending army. There are few soldiers and residents left here, and the other survivors are either hiding in the buildings or lucky enough to move to the guild station.

Ilzhov has completed the control of many monsters and plans to drive all the survivors still in the buildings to the guild station.

First, let everyone in the city go to the guild to increase the pressure on the defense system of the station, and then force the foreign Mage Corps there, and finally catch them all in one fell swoop!

Ilzhov's plan is mediocre, but he has a good helper - the flesh and blood film on the surface of the street surges, and his barbarian guards appear again with their horses, accepting the orders of their master to continue to prepare to harass Richard, Paul and others and block other forks.

"It's really difficult to deal with low-level spellcasters gathering together, but they don't have the decisive and overwhelming power to reverse our rituals." As the moment approached, Ilzhov became calmer. He took out a silver wine bottle and took a sip. Gregory saw him and stared at him for a long time.

"Okay, it's almost time." The general yawned deeply and started the prelude to the last song:

Another round of ashes that could ignite the world began to fall, like the heavy snow in Ilzhov and Gregory's hometown.

Rorschach suddenly woke up from his sleep. After becoming a great wizard, he could stay awake for a long time, but he was still willing to give his brain a rest when time allowed. But this time he woke up inexplicably in the middle of the night and couldn't fall asleep again.

The night outside the window was dark.

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