Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 561 It has to be the dwarf brother

To be honest, the conversation with the elf delegation made Rorschach a little unhappy, from beginning to end. If it was just Hill visiting, he would be happy to take her around.

"I hope the dwarves are not as awkward as those long-eared ones." Rorschach sighed. He didn't know whether Andre did it on purpose or accidentally arranged it. The reception room of the dwarf delegation was next to the elves.

"Mr. Rorschach, you are here! I am Ruger Lu Shivano, the senior diplomatic commissioner of the Dwarf Confederation, and I am here to visit."

Fortunately, it was not Singrev, and it was not the kind of segment where the old characters appeared one by one at the end of the animation. Rorschach was so annoyed by the elves that he began to complain about himself.

This diplomatic commissioner had a middle name of "Lu", which was a symbol of nobility. The dwarves Singer and Johnson, who Rorschach knew before, were civilians, so naturally they didn't have it. Similar noble middle names include "Hammer", "Pickaxe", "Gold", etc.

"Since Mr. Shivano is a diplomat, he shouldn't come to me when he comes to Byrne." In order to avoid embarrassment again, Rorschach took the initiative to practice Tai Chi.

"Haha, don't think we are all rough people, we are very meticulous in some places."

Where are we meticulous? Elaborate

The dwarf, who didn't know what Rorschach was thinking about, patted his chest proudly: "We had inquired clearly before coming here. You are the one who keeps your word here, Uncle Rorschach."

"Not only that, we knew the elves were coming to you."


Ruger showed his undisguised disdain: "Are they always talking about the survival of the race? They are selling misery and then asking Uncle Rorschach for help?

"Other than that, they can't come up with anything real."

Well. After saying this, Rorschach also came to his senses. He sympathized with the tragic experience of the elves themselves, especially the gray elves, and he also felt sorry for the villages that had been destroyed in the Black Forest.

When Hill herself talked about her identity as a princess, Rorschach was also a little shaken, thinking that it was too heavy for her to bear the fate of the entire race alone.

Thinking carefully, it seems that he only got a wooden mask and a blank check?

Damn, if he really agrees to them, then Rorschach is really kinder than the god of open source, Ma Sheng. His Mars ticket is a real empty ticket.

Seeing Rorschach's expression, Ruger had a triumphant smile: "Ha, they have always been like this. When they are in power, they are high and mighty, pointing fingers at humans and us, and criticizing us for not being environmentally friendly.

"Now that they are finally miserable, they are trying to win sympathy everywhere. In fact, they are not soft-hearted when they cheat their own people. If the guys who call themselves "high elves" don't step on the gray elves, the Istani royal family will not be overthrown until today."

Andre, who came to the reception room to deliver wine, also said: "It is said that the wandering elves who settle down are also restless. They are unwilling to farm and prefer to do business. They have cheated people a lot in the past.

"When there are more elves settling down, they will be xenophobic and want to turn the land that takes them in into their own. So teacher, I suggest you control the number of long ears in the special zone.

"There are also many wandering gray elves who know some ancient witchcraft, and it is very likely that the source of power is the mother goddess. ”

How come you were born in Valois? That’s fine. Since it can be verified by multiple parties, it means it’s not groundless. It’s just that this racial characteristic sounds familiar.

Although it was a "diplomatic occasion", Ruger and his colleagues grabbed the bottle without hesitation and drank it all: "Ah! Good wine, but it’s a pity that it’s not strong enough."

He wiped the wine off his beard elegantly with a handkerchief: "This little brother is right, elves are like this."

After the dwarf and Andre enjoyed being racial knights, the reception room was filled with lively air.

Rorschach, who silently used magic to enhance the sound insulation effect, decided to get the topic back on track: "Since you despise the elves' behavior, what price are you and the Confederation you represent willing to pay for the ticket?"

"Ticket? We don't want a ticket!" After drinking, Mr. Ruger became more cheerful. Although he was quite open-minded, his voice made the whole room shake:

"We want to buy your technology! Oh my, I never thought that one day we would have to introduce it to humans. Speaking of which, the more our civil war goes on, the more miserable everyone becomes. When you humans fight, apart from other things, your technology level gets better and better. "

The dwarves want the technology to build starships.

They are also troubled by the disaster caused by the resurrection of the Mother Goddess. Now many deep mining areas have experienced landslides and other accidents because the geology is abnormally active, and there are many mutated monsters and activated unknown creatures that threaten mining operations.

The Dwarf Confederation has just finished the civil war and is very troubled by these threats.

When the dwarves who cooperated with humans brought back the information about the starship plan, these dwarves suddenly became energetic:

"We have to change places to mine! Now it is getting harder and harder to find mines in the main plane, and there is also the Mother Earth, which is unbearable.

"If we can build a large ship that can shuttle between stars, it would be amazing. We can go to the fire plane, the bottom of the water plane, and other secondary planes. Hahaha."

If it is teleportation magic, loss and transportation capacity are both problems, especially since the dwarves are not good at these magics.

In the past, when the dwarves were prosperous, they could dig everywhere, and the mines were endless. They could also drive a small boat to travel around, and rob the coastal villages of humans and elves when they came across them. Life was wonderful.

After the rise of the empire, their sphere of influence gradually shrank to the northern end of today's continent. Except for the many hot springs and the northern lights, there was nothing good about it. The soil was frozen, and they had to compete with the Istani for sea areas and fishing grounds. It was so frustrating.

After the civil war, the fierce mother of the earth came again. Life is unbearable!

So when they heard that the great human technologist had created a ship that could run in the universe, which was resistant to burning and divine power, and had an incredible power, the dwarves, who were so excited that their furnaces were about to explode, took action immediately and came to politely ask for the price.

"Don't worry, we are not the downtrodden and shameless people like Long Ears. We can provide more good materials for Uncle Rorschach's industry. We can get you any alloys, and no matter how difficult the parts are, we can find a way to help you make them."

He even said without restraint: "Everyone knows that the empire is not good, and the northerners can't beat the southerners. Especially when a child is the emperor, he is a fool, and those who revolve around him are also fools."

Ruger suddenly thought that Rorschach was not old, and was still a child by the standards of the dwarves. He quickly made up for it: "Uncle Rorschach is an exception. You are the uncle, and you are all like this." He raised his short and thick thumbs.

It was refreshing to talk to the old guys, because they gave too much. Although Rorschach still said that he would discuss with other elders, he privately told Ruger that he would strive for a successful cooperation in the Senate.

Not only that, Rorschach also mentioned that a large number of dwarf engineers were involved in the original design of the engine. This wave is not called technology introduction, but "joint self-research"!

The hearty laughter of Ruger Lu Shivano and other dwarves, even with Rorschach's sound insulation, can still penetrate a little and be heard by the elf elders lying on the wall.

"Hey, these dwarves are really arrogant. It seems that we have to increase the stakes." Lao Deng stood up with the help of the wall.

They walked to Hill tremblingly: "Your Highness, for the sake of the whole family, please sacrifice yourself once!"

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