Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 569 I really don’t know

"This volume is much larger than the first ship launched by the Star Tower." Humboldt looked up at the No. 1 ship under construction, which was still in its lying state.

At this time, all sections of the starship have taken shape. With the existing material strength, letting a larger and heavier ship lie horizontally will cause unacceptable deformation.

So a static force field was simply installed in the workshop. Many arched columns were installed on the starship, continuously releasing the field based on [levitation].

It is unlikely to construct a weightless environment, but both the ship and the personnel working in the force field environment can experience a low-gravity environment similar to the moon.

"Yes, the number of people transported next can be expanded to dozens. Counting the built-in space expansion spell, it is possible to accommodate hundreds of people after arriving at the star realm." Rorschach was still very proud when introducing it.

If the space expanded by spells inside can remain stable when passing through the transmutation dust layer flow, it is not impossible to carry thousands of people in the future.

Of course, this only considers the space, not the propulsion load. Fortunately, the weight of transmutation dust as fuel is not large, and its efficiency is much higher than the chemical fuel in Rorschach's previous life.

Humboldt didn't understand it, but it didn't stop him from liking it, just like the nature spirit liked the small mask.

"If it can really carry hundreds of people, all members of our entire Forest Tower can be packed and sent up at once."

What, you are the earth repairers, but you are actually the escape faction? ! Rorschach was shocked.

Since the master is very interested in the starship, of course he needs to show the cost to calm him down. The meaning of currency here is not great. After cooperating with the dwarves, everything from raw materials to manufacturing is operated within the organization or bartered, and technology is exchanged for resources. So what made Master Humboldt silent was the resource consumption.

"You. Even mithril and fine gold are used by tons?" He glanced at the watch head, and it was only monthly, and he almost blacked out.

"Last month, the static force field was installed, so the consumption was a bit higher." Rorschach explained. That being said, the consumption and throughput of resources by industrial bodies still exceeded the imagination of the Forest Tower Mage, even if there was a mage like Humboldt who was born in an aristocratic family.

He was well-informed. I had never seen this before.

In fact, the industries of the Empire and Valois should be comparable, but they are the result of the calculation of several industrial clusters. And Bayern is special. One district accounts for 70% of the industrial output value, and the remaining two districts are in a state of happy running. If the gas car factory was not located in the Munich-Nurem region, the proportion would be even more outrageous.

After visiting the space center, the expedition team finally entered the elemental plane.

Caroline, who had not met Rorschach for a while, was responsible for opening the portal. Humboldt was also concerned about the teleportation array to the plane: "Are there any restrictions on the teleportation array? Can a constant portal in the plane be built to transport bulk goods?" Now there are professions everywhere that he does not understand but needs to use, so the great mage must also ask humbly.

"The energy consumption of transmission can be seen as the multiplication of three factors: distance, flux and duration. The current semi-constant transmission array can only be used to discharge exhaust gas, and it is difficult to transport on a large scale. Otherwise, [Summoning Technique] would not have been developed."

Caroline also said: "Originally, the main plane can be seen as blocked by the transmutation dust drift layer, but the communication with other elemental planes is still the gods in the past, especially the gods related to the elements, in order to expand their own domains, they left some channels that can be used by us. If the transmutation dust layer flow disappears one day, those kingdoms of God are converted into energy, and whether the existing channels can be maintained is also a problem."

"Don't worry about it, at worst we can build the channel ourselves." Rorschach always insists on looking at problems from a development perspective. The layer flow cannot hinder people from going to the astral world. That is, the main road is open, so why worry about the small road?

"You said it lightly, yes, you are amazing, nothing can stop you."

Master Humboldt didn't know why the two of them had some gunpowder in their words, so he quickly intervened in the conversation: "What do you mean?"

"You will know when you see it with your own eyes."

The City of Plenty, the sky base where the "Devourer" clan is entrenched.

Around the "Well of Blessing", layers of fortresses and palaces float. When the well discharges precious gases and some magical acids, they will be collected and classified. Clan members will use them seriously with awe and gratitude, and dare not waste a penny. They will use these gases to feed the fungi in the fields, and make fuel, glue and paint.

Now these little blue men have gotten rid of the stage of relying on animal skins and bones, using polymers as skins, and sails are lighter. The most luxurious buildings in the city are not only made of plastic, but also supported by hollow aluminum structures.

In their port, many other clans come to exchange extremely valuable resources, including "fabrics given by the upper country", salt and spices, and all kinds of unheard-of things. The treasures and products of each tribe are dwarfed by each other. Fortunately, the benevolent Great Sage King generously accepts all kinds of transactions.

The entire clan has entered civilization. The evidence is that all members have mastered the simplest common language. This is the king's order promoted by the Great Sage King. Everyone can only speak "holy words" on a daily basis. The king's order also affects the clans that come to trade, allowing more and more people to learn and bargain in the language of the main plane.

The name of the city's wealth spreads throughout the large air mass area, but no one dares to covet the wealth of these chosen people, because everything is given by the strong in the main plane, and it is not only wealth, but also power.

The hostile tribes that were dazzled by the temptation of material things had tried various attacks, but as long as the flag of the "Devourer" clan was raised and the symbol representing that adult appeared on the battlefield, it meant that those advanced weapons would also join the battle and the clan would win another victory. The artifact called the crossbow in their hands alone had far greater accuracy, range and power than the slingshot.

The poor slingshot could not penetrate the clan's ultimate battleship at all. It was so huge that it was a mobile fortress that could never crash. What was even more pitiful was that those challengers were either destroyed or forced to surrender. Of course, there were also those who took the initiative to join the "Devourer".

When did the obsolete airships get sent here? You still use the plastic sheeting of the greenhouse? Rorschach was stunned when he revisited the old place.

They teleported to the place where Rorschach Caroline first came in the past, but it was no longer in the air, but indoors, in an open hall to the outside, where an old airship could be seen slowly floating by, and many special decorations were also mounted.

The plastic sheet of the greenhouse was used by the clan members to create a solemn beauty. It fell from the high dome to the floor in a white and light manner. Looking back, Rorschach's regular hexagonal rune was depicted as particularly huge. Below was the altar, and many little blue men were still worshipping.

"It's the saint, the saint has come!" "Lord Rorschach!" "Quickly notify His Royal Highness the Great Sage King!" The little blue men immediately became a mess of chatter, and they were actually arguing in a poor common language.

The members of Humboldt and Forest Tower looked at Rorschach and their expressions became subtle: "The \u003cAir Element Plane Ecology Report\u003e doesn't write about these interesting situations." It was clearly saying: Brother Rorschach, you are having a lot of fun here

"Can I say that I haven't read any reports and don't know what happened here? Really, you have to believe me!" Rorschach was completely twisted, and he wanted to get to the bottom of the plane. Caroline definitely did it on purpose!

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