Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 575 The Purpose of Metalworking Practice

It was the end of February, and there should have been signs of spring.

But the cold wind was still there. When the Empire and Valois had not yet clearly decided who would win, the National Salvation Alliance was developing slowly.

Because the command center in Bomya was not perfect, the new Bain Corps operated cautiously within the border and resisted several tentative attacks by the Empire Army.

In other areas, those who supported the Empire, those who supported the Alliance, those who supported the war and those who opposed the war were in a mess. In the vast territory of the former Empire, there was a confrontation between the East and the West, and the border was like an ulcer, with unrest from time to time.

Since January, there has been less and less news from the palace. William II has become reclusive and has been extremely cautious in summoning ministers.

At this time, at the Space Center, the manufacturing of the starship has come to an end. This is a very extreme speed. Within a few months, almost all the talents in the world who can help the project have been gathered here to create a miracle together with the most advanced industrial bodies in the continent.

When it was nearly completed, many engineers and workers did not rest as scheduled, and they received new tasks.

The specific content of the mission has been broken down into many small projects. Each group is like a blind man touching an elephant, unable to distinguish and imagine what the current work is for.

There is also a group of Byrne soldiers who have withdrawn from Bomya who have joined in. They line up neatly in and out of the space center, which intensifies the mysterious atmosphere.

Of course, even the soldiers are not clear about the meaning of their duties.

For example, Tanya, the leader of the Second Regiment of the Air Knights, was asked to learn a new craft.

The air knights who were replaced from the front line were asked to practice riveting, welding and other jobs, and were also taught some knowledge of mechanical mechanics. A whole metalworking internship.

Today is the third day of training, and it is the welder's turn. The new instructor pinched the stopwatch and asked them to use two pieces of iron, and the time was limited to 30 seconds.

The welding gun is connected to the source of magic power. After starting, the tip will emit a small heat ray, and the high temperature will weld the welding rod and the components on both sides together.

"Nineteen. Eight. Seven."

Don't rush, be steady. The welding rod has become shorter, and the speed of lowering the welding rod should be accelerated. Tanya silently repeated the experience taught by the master in her heart.

When there were five seconds left in the countdown, Tanya completed the welding. She did not take off the protective mask immediately, although it was very hot and blocked the light.

"Stop, take off the mask, I will check." The welder master who was a temporary instructor finished the countdown and passed the training results in front of these knights one by one.

He knocked off the solder on the surface with a small round hammer, and then knocked on the welding marks.

After checking Tanya, the master nodded slowly, picked up Tanya's work and looked at it, and raised it: "This is well welded! The little girl is careful, some of you eat so much food and grow so tall for nothing, but you can't work well."

"Report, Lady Tanya is our leader!"

After someone couldn't help but say it, cheerful laughter suddenly rang out in the training field.

"Quiet!" Tanya suppressed her shyness and yelled fiercely, and the whole place was silent.

"Sorry, I don't understand the situation." The master had been communicating with several captains in the group. He thought that the captain would not participate in the training, but he didn't expect that it was the short girl following the third team.

After a group of people were selected for the practical training, they were required to wear mobile devices and complete what they had learned before in the air five meters above the ground.

Suddenly, the originally simple work became difficult.

At first, it was a piece of iron suspended in the air by a rope, and then the welding object gradually changed from a piece of iron to an arc-shaped iron pipe.

Finally, they were taken to the sky by the airship. A wizard cast a spell on the strange structure to reduce its weight.

Several other airships pulled up several iron ropes to form a polygon that was similar to a ring.

According to the instructions, every two air knights carried a component and mounted it on the iron rope.

The iron rope was stretched straight, and more and more components were mounted on it. The wind in the sky whistled past, and all the airship and mobile device drivers were struggling to adjust their posture.

In an instant, the wind suddenly stopped, and the airship began to make the final adjustments quickly. When the polygon was as close to the correct shape as possible, the airship flagship broadcasted a call:

"Start assembly, time three minutes."

The ring component has two pipes, a metal plate facing the inside of the ring, and a support composed of several steel bars.

They first riveted the support, basically aligned the components, and then welded the pipes and metal surfaces.

The diameter of the ring is about 20 meters, and it is towed by eight airships and suspended in the air. A beam of light extended from the airship to the steel cable, and from then on they no longer swayed, as if they temporarily gained structural rigidity.

The wind came back, and the operation was completed.

The mage and the welder instructor each made a round of inspection and found several unqualified defective sections. The first drill ended here.

"Damn, so nervous" All the team members returned to the airship cabin, all sweating. Time, accuracy. All requirements made them nervous to the limit.

Even so, three people's work was still unqualified.

"North Section 3/4, Northwest Section 1/2, Southeast Section 4/5. The three people responsible for the connection of the above sections step out." The instructor called the three people away with a gloomy face. Obviously, they did not meet the requirements in the first drill.

Tanya was relieved that she was not there, but she soon realized that her team members had problems and followed them.

The next drill had a disassembly session. Each of them carried a cutting machine to destroy rivets, cut steel pipes and metal surfaces.

When the air knights cut the metal surface, they were surprised to find that the surface facing the inside of the ring was engraved with exquisite magic circuits.

"Cut. You only have two minutes." As if knowing that the cutter was hesitating, the broadcast once again issued an order.

For the next ten days, they had to perform three disassembly and assembly cycles every day, from morning training to evening training.

The appearance of the circular ring components was constantly changing, and it was not until the seventh day that it stabilized and no longer had major adjustments.

The intensity of the training was very high, but fortunately there was a lot of spare time between assembly and disassembly. The windows of the airship where they rested were all covered, so the air knights didn't know what to do in the interval between assembly and disassembly.

The more you are not allowed to see, the more curious it is. Fortunately, the confidentiality of the participants did not last too long. After a wizard signed a contract with each person, they were allowed to participate in the whole process and witness what the big iron ring in the air they assembled was used for.

"Start installation." "Installation completed, check for defects, adjust posture." "Check the line, start charging." "Charging completed."

The airship in the east position is the flagship, and its broadcast issued a command: "The first full-process experiment begins."

Energy rushed out from the belly of the eight airships, filling the entire circular portal along the pipelines on the iron cable, and a "membrane" that divided the space and connected thousands of miles away gradually closed.

Its energy is extremely high, and the surrounding space is distorted when it becomes complete.

Through the porthole, the air knights witnessed the whole process.

The next second, a high-speed airborne aircraft appeared out of thin air from the center of the portal, soaring into the sky, and the broken portal became part of the trail.

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