Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 577 The Secret Between the Earth and the Stars

Originally, according to the plan, the starship built by Byrne will be built on the observation platform of the original layer.

The Starry Tower seems to have encountered some difficulties in the development of the platform. The preliminary experimental data sent by the Cavendish team is different from the situation recorded in the ancient books.

Rorschach can see the original layer whenever he wants, so he is naturally indifferent to it. It is better to say that it is just right that he can't catch up with the trip there, so he can put other payloads on this mission.

For example, the laminar tearing device he envisioned.

Compared with the design and manufacture of the ladder ring steps by others, the tearing device will be developed by him personally.

And the research site is not a workshop, but a junction.

There is a lot of information about the transmutation dust laminar flow in the memory of the ancient sage, so the tower spirit who inherited the memory can serve as an advisor to Rorschach and assist him in designing.

"If I take the initiative to trigger the explosion of transmutation dust, let it release energy, and then guide this energy to hedge against other dust, can I create a gap?"

"Yes, based on the knowledge I have, your idea is feasible. But it is necessary to remind you that there is also a risk: this energy will have a chain reaction, and the exploding transmutation dust will ignite the dust around it, and the chain will continue almost infinitely until other accidents or disturbances occur.

"In the era of the transition between the old and new empires, there were a few months when almost half of the sky seemed to be burning, and the people in the north were shrouded in a constantly changing but always bright sky.

"This is a suspected chain reaction event, the cause and the end of the cause are unknown, I advise you not to become the first known perpetrator of a large chain explosion."

It's not impossible, just watch me burn it in one fell swoop. Forget it, it's a pity. Rorschach was just tempted for a while. This kind of blasting the toilet is similar to lighting an oil well, and it's really shameful to waste energy.

Then let's continue with the existing ideas and change the flow of transmutation dust.

The old man had another opinion: "No matter how much the current vortex is strengthened, it can only weaken the thickness, and it is impossible to poke a hole."

"This won't work, that won't work, what do you say we should do?"

The old man raised his gray eyebrows: "I'm just a tower spirit, how can I know?"

"Believe it or not, I'll initialize you."

"My questions and answers are all based on the memory of the ancient sage. Even if you initialize me, the answers you get and my attitude, tone, and demeanor will not change."

"." God is annoying!

Rorschach reconsidered plan one: "Laminar flow, laminar flow. If I adopt plan one, but don't let the energy overflow, can't I avoid the risk of chain explosion?"

"Yes, you can." The tower spirit nodded: "Of course, this is just a guess based on existing experience and intelligence. This tower spirit is not responsible for any consequences caused to you.

"It is worth noting that you must consume a huge mass of transmutation dust, and you must find a way to properly absorb and deal with the energy they release, which is almost impossible. "

Rorschach, too lazy to pay attention to it, began to think about it himself. Here he didn't need to draw any blueprints, but to create a three-dimensional model.

The border was already full of mutated dust, which began to swirl in his hands and then dissipated into the model. Find a high-energy-consuming magic circle? Or find a place to store them

After thinking for a long time, Rorschach had no idea.

He is now in a spiritual state and will not feel physically tired, but his mood will still change. Feeling irritated, he disbanded the model and started walking.

Nothing has changed here, except that the Tree of Law is still growing.

Rorschach is very pleased to support the tree trunk as it becomes thicker and thicker.


Rorschach looked around and re-examined the border. This place and the things contained in this space are both real and illusory symbols, between the two. For example, the soul.

Only two things can always maintain their original form here: energy and information.

"Here. Can the energy released by the transmutation dust be absorbed?"

"If you want, the Tree of Law can absorb magic and divine power like ordinary trees absorb water. But it doesn't make sense. It's already powerful enough. There are a certain number of spellcasters pulling it and contributing to it at all times. "

"No, no, no, this is not a question of whether it is necessary or not. It's settled."

The tower spirit with a wise look said hesitantly: "Your decision may lead to some consequences. We still know very little about the great tree of truth, just like the truth itself."

"Will it be dangerous? Do you know the consequences?"

"It shouldn't be. If there is really a problem with this tree, then injecting new energy will only expose it in advance. As for what the specific consequences will be, I haven't retrieved the relevant memory. "

Rorschach didn't care about it: "That's it. If you don't try, how can you know the result? Isn't the truth explored? ”

He had thought about analyzing the Tree of Law, but the virtual analyzer and Tower Spirit based on it could not analyze it itself; and it was difficult for Rorschach to conduct research - it could not be destroyed at the junction, nor could it be allowed to leave here and enter reality, just as the other one could only be at the top of the original layer.

If it can cause new changes, perhaps more useful information can be obtained. For the black box system, inputting new variables, studying the results, and establishing the relationship between variables and dependent variables is also a means of analysis.

"Watering and fertilizing" is an interesting new variable. After Tower Spirit said this, Rorschach really wanted to see whether the Tree of Law would "bloom" or "bear fruit".

Next, he would experiment to see what would happen if he continued to input energy into the junction.

In fact, as the Tree of Dharma gradually matures and flourishes, this space is also changing. From the earliest vesicle, which was filled with gray nothingness, to now "a different cave", the dome and the crown of the tree have become higher and wider, and the area has become wider. Rorschach is basically certain that it is absorbing fragments of the Kingdom of God to strengthen itself.

Speaking of which, he picked this up because no one wanted it. I originally thought that it was similar to the secondary plane, a vesicle torn off the main plane, or a naturally generated space.

What we see now is that its origin may be as special as the Tree of Law.

"What would happen if the transmutation dust outside the boundary of the junction disappears and is directly exposed to the edge of the star realm and the main material realm?" Rorschach murmured.

Ta Ling immediately answered: "It is recommended that you do not do this. At present, it must be refracted by the transmutation dust to communicate with the real world, otherwise it will regress to the symbolic world.

"If regression does occur, all your Spell Cloud users will lose contact. In short, the consequences will be catastrophic."

"That's it." Luo Xia nodded slowly and suddenly walked towards the concrete "library". As he walked, he looked at the accompanying tower spirit and the shadow of the old man: "How do you know?"

".Generated based on the transferred memory and knowledge"

"The ancient sages knew this place?" Rorschach had already entered the "library". The spells and spell strings stored here now cover the bookcases in the main hall. But his goal is not these, but the memories of the ancient sages deep inside. storage room.

The towering was silent for a long time. This performance showed that there was an answer to Rorschach's question, but it could not tell it.

There are many restrictions in the memories of ancient sages, and the embodied books also appear to be sealed.

When Rorschach picked up a sealed memory book, Talling finally gave a difficult response: "You will know, but not now. I need my permission."

"He is already dead, and his shadow has disappeared. Where can I ask for permission?"

Talling paused for a few more minutes and said slowly: "Life and existence have limited meaning to him."

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