Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 582: The Sin of Pride

The high and mighty Archmage fell to the ground with a bang.

He was tangled up in pain, and it was difficult to concentrate at this time, let alone control the magic to cast spells.

Gregory couldn't suppress his smile, raised his heavy deerskin boots, and kicked Saga. He still felt that it was not enough, so he kicked a few more times, focusing on his face.

"Is this the Archmage? Is this the elder of the Senate of the Arcane? It's just a stray dog ​​on the roadside!" He couldn't suppress his smile at all, and kicked more and more vigorously, and only stopped after a while.

Now, the fires artificially ignited by the Archmage are completely out of control. They are no longer tools to purify the cultists, but a pack of wolves that have run away, and the flames tease and devour everything.

The residents began to flee frantically, but suddenly villains wearing black robes and pointed hoods appeared in the streets and alleys. They were masked and held various weapons in the firelight - knives, flails, sticks, whips.

"Ah!" "Help--"

These crazy servants of God used violence to prevent residents from leaving the fire. Instead, they knocked people to the ground and then picked them up. These beasts were incredibly strong. No matter men, women, young or old, they could easily hold them in their arms and throw them into the fire.

Yes, they were holding a fire sacrifice, and also a living sacrifice.

Every time the flames devoured an innocent person, the painful cry in Saga's mind would be amplified, accelerating the destruction of his spirit.

"In the far east, there is a kind of existence called 'karmic fire'. The holy fire you ignited now is the karmic fire that entangles you."

Gregory showed off his culture, and then excitedly announced: "Feel their pain, let guilt, anger, and grief trouble you and torture you, so that you will finally understand that only the great and tolerant mother can forgive your sins and wash away your karma."

Saga rolled in the mud full of ice chips. Now he could not only hear more and more, stronger screams and cries, but also a faint female voice.

The voice was humming, and it was hard to tell what it was saying or singing, but it had a strong charm to tempt the archmage to listen. Compared with the howling that could sting the brain, it was particularly ethereal, ethereal, grand and transcendent.

"It's almost there, it's almost there. I'm going to offer you a city and a powerful mortal. This is just the beginning." Gregory took out a pile of herbal powder and inhaled it directly from his nasal cavity, and then drank half a pot of strong liquor.

"Ha!" Feeling happy, he opened his eyes again, and now the whites of his eyes were red.

He took out a dark green dagger from his arms. It was very rough and even made of stone.

But it carried the power of the Mother Earth, enough to deal with Saga. Gregory wanted to carve blasphemous runes on the target's body and make him fall completely into his mother's arms.

When the tip of the knife was about to touch the archmage, Saga's hand suddenly twitched.

"Damn it!" Gregory shouted, almost bouncing back. His reaction was correct and agile, because Saga suddenly burst out with four extremely high-temperature arcs, rushing to spread around until all the charges were released.

Although he could not enter the state of focused casting, it was precisely the low female voice that temporarily suppressed the cry of the wronged souls because of the status, allowing the archmage to gain a brief clarity.

Saga did not cast the spell himself, but activated the alchemical ring for self-defense, and released the stored [Moon Bow] at the cost of an expensive crystal.

The four attack entities it released looked like crescents and bows, but they were actually sharp thunderbolts that would light up around the caster's body and shoot out in an instant.

Originally, he no longer needed such alchemical self-defense items, and the ring was just kept as a souvenir. He didn't expect it to come in handy at this moment.

Especially suitable for the alcoholic evil god acolyte.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it!" Gregory cursed three times in a row. His right hand had been separated from his forearm. There was no blood on the broken part, but a burnt smell.

"Do you know what you are doing! Saga, you are rejecting God's salvation, which is unforgivable and seeking death."

The reason why he was particularly angry was not because his hand was chopped off. While he was talking, the burnt and overcooked section began to wriggle disgustingly, and soon a new right hand appeared, but it was slightly different in color from Gregory's other skin.

However, the exquisite, ancient stone dagger fell firmly to the ground and shattered.

It can be very powerful, able to pierce and corrode anyone, even the saints of the Lord of Order; it is also very fragile, like other weapons made of stone, very brittle.

Gregory's arrogance was severely hit just by losing the dagger. He also became painful - it was the punishment of the Mother Goddess for the acolyte who broke the holy object.

Thick and smelly blood seeped out of his leather coat, his self-healing began to go out of control, his internal organs regenerated and devoured each other crazily, and he was quite prone to collapse. Gradually, the demon monk was bleeding everywhere.

But the punishment was limited to this. Gregory could not die. The one who had to die must be the chief of the First Fire Tower, Saga, who committed the crime of arrogance.

The archmage took the time to support himself. He only temporarily got rid of the mental harassment and pollution. Now the shouts from all over the city began to echo and stir in his head again.

It happened that in the current state, the chief needed to re-control all the fires while fighting this demon monk.

The other party knew that he was a great mage, and he was still very confident. It was just a simple fight, but Gregory's move almost made him lose the ability to move, so he couldn't be careless.

He had to go all out.

Saga, who had made up his mind, began to transform. The temperature of his body surface began to rise sharply. First, the moisture in his body evaporated and instantly turned into rising white mist in the winter night air.

Then his robes and clothes burst open. The whole person was growing taller, breaking away from the awkward body shape between dwarf and human, and was still growing.

The fires from all over the city were inspired and gathered on Saga like gusts of wind.

Whether it was collected from the outside or burned from his chest, he had now turned into a thorough elemental creature.

Gregory had restrained his anger and watched the transformation of the archmage gloomily: "Molten Lord. Should I admire you - a small body has great energy?"

After all, the Molten Lord was almost four meters tall at this time, with flames all over his body, and he could easily shape a magic weapon condensed by pure flames.

In this state, it seemed that the tricks Gregory had used before were also ineffective. Whether it was the howling of the burned people or the seductive voice of the mother goddess who tempted people to fall into her arms, they were all swept away in his mind at this moment, if Saga still had a brain structure in this state.

He began to swing the sword, and the sword that seemed less than two meters long suddenly became longer when it pointed at the demon monk, and it erupted with a sharp and hot attack comparable to the surface of the scorching sun.

Gregory was pierced and carbonized, but he smiled calmly.

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