Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 591: Collaboration

The mages who stayed in the First Flame Tower all became nutrients for the Mother Goddess to cultivate her minions, and the holy First Flame was polluted and degenerated into a sore on the earth that gushed out pus.

In fact, the corresponding demigod "Fire Thief" had long been corrupted, and the monster "amniotic fluid" that flowed out through the "fire" was the sewage secreted by his rotten internal organs.

At this time, there was no great wizard on the tundra to stop these "earth flies".

Their long limbs exerted their maximum speed, rushing in all directions, using their sense of smell, hearing and innate sensitivity to search for all creatures in the main material plane.

Wherever they passed, plants would quickly mutate, stems, leaves or roots would swell, and then release gray-black spores.

These spores would float for a while in the air as the monsters passed by like the wind, and then they would fall to the ground, killing more creatures and turning into black water like the current situation of the First Flame Tower.

The animals that didn't have time to run were naturally eaten up by the monsters after being caught up. There were also a few "lucky ones" who inhaled the spores that drifted across the ocean before the monsters arrived, and quickly decayed, releasing flying flies from their wounds.

The mages of the Magic Tower of Istani and the Tower of Time rushed to the scene without any defense against these monsters. They were similar to Saga. After hearing the harsh cries and the approaching pollution, they found it difficult to control their will and almost lost their ability to cast spells.

A small number of mages who tried to access the spell cloud miraculously resisted the overwhelming howling. Their minds were at most dull, but with the spell cloud, they could quickly launch attacks in an emergency.

Soon they found that these abominations that rushed into their world and wanted to destroy their homes were surprisingly tenacious.

Magic that kills with energy can be repaired or protected by exoskeletons unless the mouthparts or vents are concentrated.

Using kinetic energy to kill, such as enhanced gun shooting, the mages' own [Flying Arrow] and other means to hit, will certainly cause short-term damage to the "ground fly", but the wounds of the monsters healed quickly,

Not only healed, but also proliferated. Those thick tumors became cushions, and there were tumors with a bag of pus, which could be rounded up to reactive armor.

In short, low- and medium-level magic cannot break the defense.

The mages fought and retreated, and some were bitten by the ground flies without paying attention, and then his body would change, that is, he might turn into a new ground fly, and there was a possibility of spreading fuel.

In short, the situation of the First Fire Tower was greatly beyond the expectations of the magic guild. The reinforcement of the Istani Magic Tower also retreated again and again until it reached the so-called "safe distance".

The chief of the Tower of Time used many precious alchemical props, and for a time his whole body began to shine, and different auras scattered from this center.

This time more spellcasters broke free from the mental interference of the monsters. The Archmage gave everyone a signal again, and performed a large-scale spellcasting ceremony with them.

Everyone had an extra crystal in their hands, which was essential for the Tower of Time, and adjusted their directions so that the refracted light paths converged and shone on the Chief of the Tower of Time.

They began to perform star magic, and although it was still daytime, they forcibly broke through the aurora and the galaxy of the ice field to let it descend.

Whether it was the aurora like a ribbon, or the aurora with a tail like a comet falling to the ground, they accurately found and covered the members of the army of ground flies.

They froze instantly, and had to endure a lot of damage.

Considering that there is a transmutation laminar flow between the main material plane and the astral plane, it is difficult to say what exactly fell, anyway, it is useful.

Unfortunately, for many monsters, it is still a little short of completely destroying them, and just that little short, they will heal and return in a short time.

Unless there is a force that can destroy all these things in one blow.

Well, maybe there really is.

In the starry sky, a ring gradually emerged.

The chief master of the Tower of Time narrowed his eyes. As a member of the Arcane Senate, he certainly recognized what the ring in the air was - this was the super-large ring of the "ladder system"! It was not the first ring of the airship, but the high-altitude ring that relied on the reverse thrust engine to adjust its attitude.

As expected, the ring was lit up, but this time it was not an alien or a flying vehicle that came out of it, but a distinctive airship. They sounded a shrill alarm and sank directly.

It was very strange that the airship used a portal, and the giant portal lasted for a long time, which meant that the distance of the transmission was not far.

The chief of the Tower of Time was really confused until he saw the meaningless majestic horns, brownish skin, and the cabin that looked like a North Sea speedboat on the airship.

It was the dwarf airship fleet! And the upper ring was nearby.

It seems that the cooperation between Byrne and the Dwarf Confederation is progressing rapidly, and even the ladder system can be handed over to them for replication.

The cooperation is good, at least now we urgently need help.

The leader of the "ground flies", the winged creature, saw the airship that was much taller than himself, and was furious, considering these dwarves in the air as mortal enemies.

The monster bent its hind legs, accumulated strength, and kicked with all its strength while frantically flapping its wings, trying to compete for the height of the flight, climb onto the airship and give the passengers inside a fatal blow.

After the appearance, the dwarfs' airship dropped mithril alloy ropes from both sides of the cabin, and the chains were almost blown to the ground. The monsters were immediately excited and kept pulling and climbing on the ropes.

Will the airship be pulled off balance and flipped over by them? Can the leader flap his wings and reach the airship itself?

Impossible. The dwarves certainly won't let this happen.

After releasing the chains, these airship clusters immediately started an action - electrification. Storage, power units transformed into generating capacity

All are released in an extreme time, and the ultra-high voltage currents thunder down along the good conductors, and they can also penetrate the air with each other, forming a heavenly power grid with nowhere to escape.

"By the way, electricity. Thunder and lightning magic has special power on monsters created by the Mother Goddess." This has been verified.

The situation went from terrible to temporarily under control in an instant, but the pollution center continued to produce monster flies, releasing spores and swallowing pollutants.

As long as the airships and mages stop, the balance will tilt towards the Mother Earth again, because she has been able to continuously transfuse blood.

When he was anxious, the ring steps flickered again instead of lighting up continuously, indicating that this transmission came from a very far place again.

What fell this time were several rocket-like objects. They passed through the teleportation headfirst very quickly. When they were about to hit the ground, they only slowed down slightly. The result was that they were half-embedded in the ground and near the source of pollution.

Those are air-dropped anti-magic devices. They are installed in solid shuttle vehicles and start working after being driven into the ground.

It is what Rorschach has been preparing since Orward. It is similar to the No. 1 shell fired by the Empire's cannon, but it is long-lasting and can be quickly dropped to a certain place in groups of six. It has its own energy that can persist. 1 month, and you can replenish the transmutation dust fuel later.

After the device started operating, the superficial spores and small flies began to fall and shrink, and the primary pollution faded away like ice and snow, revealing the devastated ground.

Within the enclosure of the device, the monsters paralyzed by electricity lost the support of the mother goddess' power and fell to the ground in pain.

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