Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 593: Trying to clean up the mess

During Rorschach's "Q\u0026A session", the impact of the explosion dissipated. The cracks still existed, and the broken space was even thinner. However, it was obvious that the parts that had become illusory were much quieter, and no active light groups or colors could be seen in them. It should be that the monsters in the other world were also cleaned up.

The Senate arranged this "observation meeting" to remind all walks of life of the great threat of the Mother Goddess, and also to show military strength. I believe that those who appreciate the "ultimate art" can recognize the reality and actively cooperate with the guild.

After Rorschach completed his task, it was the other mages' effort.

The ring still floated in the air, projecting a device to suppress pollution.

However, this time, the advanced version - the magic weaver was inserted into the ground. They surrounded the city ruins and formed a matrix to reshape the magic environment.

The Tower of Mysticism is now closely connected with Rorschach. Naturally, they are close to the water and get the moon first. Many members can already use string magic. With Feuerbach as the leader, they began to reorganize the field of Opfer.

They used secret techniques from ancient books and integrated them with new spellcasting techniques like a genius.

During the chanting and ritual, the magic net reorganized by the weaver began to twist. The warp and weft of this net can penetrate and connect the broken reality and illusion, allowing the material world that was originally collapsing towards the symbolic field where the Mother Goddess is temporarily stabilized.

In abstract terms, those fragments are hanging on the net, and the casters of many secret towers use the magic net to cover the decaying reality.

Then Master Feuerbach will start to melt and cast. All abnormal information, existence, and energy in this space are concentrated in the center, where the magic net is most densely intertwined and overlapped.

These dregs projected by the Mother Goddess into the main material world can no longer be compressed or eliminated. Monsters are just the easiest to deal with. What is really indelible is the influence caused by the gods, such as the fusion of the material world and the symbolic field where the Mother Goddess is located. The latter's originally non-substantial symbol is immediately registered in the real world, from "less than nothing" to "existence, but nothing".

Feuerbach could tell the difference between the two, and he also knew that he could not completely reverse it. In the end, he chose to complete the last secret technique.

The process of melting the world fragments and reshaping the concentrated pollution lasted for three days and three nights. After confirming that the pollution could not be eradicated, the Senate decided to separate a part of the main material world to take over the pollution, and then seal the plane fragments layer by layer.

This plan also came from the old scrolls collected by the Secret Tower. According to the steps recorded in detail, the seal was successful, and with the magic weaver, there was no possibility of leakage.

Perhaps the visual impact of peeling off a part of the plane was not as great as Rorschach's "Ultimate Art", but the difficulty and the represented spellcasting skills were not small at all. In the end, this miracle equivalent to super-class magic was barely completed by the cooperation of almost all the elders, great wizards and many intermediate spellcasters.

First, Feuerbach, Poincare, the chiefs of the Tower of Time and the Tower of Space cracked the rituals and runes in the records into spells, extracted the spell prototype, and Rorschach registered it in the Tree of Law.

Then, the first step of the spellcasting was completed by using the magic weaver and the spell cloud. Finally, several great wizards jointly guided the spell, precisely prying the plane, and separating the field where the city was located from the multiple concepts of time, space and symbolism.

This plane is very small compared to the mother body, just like scraping a grain of gold powder from a gold brick.

The attempt was very successful. If they wanted, they could hide and exile the tiny plane that was cut off.

But the problem was that it was too successful.

The chief of the Dark Tower did not participate, but after listening to the reports of several elders at the continuation meeting, he slowly said something creepy:

"You can reproduce such a special seal according to the ancient books. Does it mean that similar situations have happened in ancient times? Are there still many plane fragments carrying pollution around us?

"If so, how long can these seals last?

"Also, now the infection of the Mother Goddess is very significant, so the profound impact on our real world has been revealed. Sealing is indeed a very difficult thing. So, was the previous purification really thorough?"

"." The other wizards were speechless for a while.

The final result of the meeting was to add three more ladder systems, plus the second one operated by the dwarves, to cover low latitudes to high latitudes and speed up the connection with the outside world.

Some monsters still slipped out of the city, or they might not have invaded from the cracks in Opfer. In the countryside in the central part of the empire, the belief in the Mother Goddess of the Earth developed rapidly due to the panic caused by the war.

Some soldiers who returned home due to injuries also became minions of the Mother Goddess Cult, because for them, the promise of the Cult to restore their broken hands, feet and faces was an irresistible condition.

Gregory's preparations were not only to hold sacrifices in the city and hunt down the archmages of the First Fire Tower. The entire cult tried to tear open a long chaotic zone from the center of the empire, launch an army blessed by the Mother Goddess, and attack the Empire, the Alliance and the Republic.

The legion born after sacrifice and blessing by the Mother Goddess was not strong. Small, corrupt mosquitoes could be regarded as cannon fodder. Groups of various monsters kept wandering and launched unprovoked attacks when they encountered settlements.

Among them, the swarms of "ground flies" encountered by Rorschach and Feuerbach are considered elite units, and those with wings that can fly are the elite among the elite.

The chirping sounds from their pores are mental poisons for ordinary people. After hearing them, they will be paralyzed, spasmed, and lose their will, waiting to be drilled into their bodies by sharp mouthparts and sucked out of their flesh and blood.

After eating and drinking, the ground flies will inject their larvae into the skin sac, which will develop into soft and fat maggots in the development stage, driving the skin sac to find food. When the metamorphosis is completed, the new ground flies will join the team to hunt and destroy the creatures on the surface.

These elites have a certain degree of wisdom and are considered commanders in the legion. There are also believers who have been blessed by the mother goddess and turned into undead creatures, "heavy armored infantry" with tumors and keratin hyperplasia, and scouts flying up and down.

When the monster army accumulates to a certain number, a huge meat ball that constantly vomits pus will be born. It is piled up by "combat power items" and is corrupted all the time, both inside and outside. The pus that flows out will become temporary supplies for the monsters when they can't find humans and animals. That is, when marching, the meat ball is food and baggage.

When it reaches a village, especially a fortified city, the big meat ball becomes a siege weapon - it rolls its huge eroded body, stops in front of the city wall or gate, and after a spasm, it sprays out the corrosive digestive fluid and secretions carrying countless germs.

If it hits, the guards' leather armor and wooden poles will melt on the spot, and the survivors' wounds will fester and secrete pus like the meat ball, spreading deadly diseases into the city.

The spread is in all directions. For areas where infectious diseases are rampant and mutant plants and fungi are everywhere, the four-legged constructs originally used to break through trenches and destroy fortresses have a new use.

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