Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 597 Additional Investment

"Mr. Baron, you can really help me." William called the new guard chief: "This old gentleman is tired, please ask him to go down and rest."

"The old minister can still hold on." The baron was politely invited out of the palace hall by the new guard chief.

"Don't hold on, I can't hold on any longer." William II yawned: "Find that guy for me." He wanted to call the name, but gave up after confirming that he had forgotten it: "That technical officer come here."

After the technical leader of the development and deployment of the anti-magic device was brought to the emperor, the emperor said impatiently: "Are you sure you didn't recommend a crazy liar to me? He is definitely not a serious baron, at least not from the empire."

"The title of nobility is insignificant to him." The technical officer did not think that he was despising the emperor and the group he represented: "Without him, there would be no today's project of ours. He is the father of the anti-magic machine!"

William II was shocked, but that was all. He would not "invite the gentleman back quickly" or "treat him as a guest of honor."

The emperor just demonstrated it again with two pieces of paper and the button left by the old man: "So, can what he said be realized?"


"Can you get the conclusion so quickly?"

"Because it was said by the Baron. In the past, everything the Baron said publicly was considered crazy, but they were all verified one by one." The technical officer felt that there was nothing more satisfying than this - it's not my theory that is wrong, it's your era!

William II did not comment: "Then can you realize it? Do you need to ask him to take charge of the overall situation?"

"Of course not, Your Majesty, the Institute will do it. That gentleman just needs to point out the direction, and we will be responsible for the realization. Theory is theory, and technology is technology." The technical officer just worships the mysterious baron, not recognizes his father. If His Majesty invites the old man back, then where will he, the current top leader, put himself? Researchers are very rigorous people, one code is one code, academic is academic, and establishment is establishment.

The technical officer hesitated for a moment, and finally asked carefully: "Your Majesty, there are many spellcasters in the research team. They have been a little uneasy recently and feel that our empire is not friendly to them."

"Tell them that the magic-forbidden machine is to protect the core area of ​​the empire from being touched by the Mother Goddess. The threat of the evil god is not what I said, nor is it what the empire said. This is what their magic guild has been shouting about. Please explain it clearly for me. It is just a protective restriction for all mages. If you don't adapt, I won't force you to leave."

"I will definitely convey your meaning." In fact, the technical officer should not have been the leader. It was also thanks to William's tendency to alienate spellcasters that he was able to stand out from a group of mage researchers.

Most of the mages who are still in the empire are still in the military sequence. Most of the ordinary recruited soldiers have successfully returned home. William II specifically asked the military to keep the mages in the team. Now they have a very important task-to investigate and deal with the infiltration of the power of the Mother Goddess in the core area of ​​the empire (in the Kingdom of Marin) and the disasters caused by the cult.

After sending away those who worked for him, His Majesty the Emperor needed to deal with those who paid him.

That's right, logically speaking, the Emperor's treasury was not very full. Even if he only had seven sets of clothes, it was not possible for the Emperor to save money to build a network of extremely expensive anti-magic devices in his territory.

But unexpectedly, he got investment. The mysterious businessman who secretly provided the Empire with transmutation dust and new high-performance explosives finally showed up, and William II himself was much more interested in him than the "mysterious baron".

But to be honest, you can guess where this sponsor came from with your toes. Apart from Byrne, the only one who could provide the above materials was Valois.

Sure enough, a man with an exaggerated clothing style came in. He introduced himself in a southern accent: "It's an honor to meet you, the great emperor of the empire. I am the founder of the 'Reason Supremacy' association, Badits de Griffoval."

"I have always wondered why you and the people behind you want to help the empire."

"Because the association's philosophy is 'reject mystery and magic, reason is supreme', you share the same ideals with us, not only the supreme leader of the empire, but also the spiritual leader of our association.

"In fact, in my homeland, Valois, there are also many knowledgeable people who realize the danger of abusing magic. At the same time, they also see that wizards are increasingly dissatisfied with being high and mighty in their own fields, and want to meddle with and control all of us. Although our power is still weak, we have many supporters, and they, those who play with magic and the world, are a minority! "

Originally, many people in Valois were dissatisfied with the wizard community, but they realized that the current Republic could no longer be separated from this group, and the Republic was able to survive until the Empire was now divided into two parts, thanks to the intervention and support of the Magic Guild.

However, dissatisfaction still exists, even if it is only in secret. Therefore, the "Reason Supremacy" Association easily gained many followers and supporters behind the scenes. Many representatives of the National Assembly, even if they would not express their support for them in public, now invite the leaders of the association to communicate in their mansions. It is fashionable to declare that they are members of the salon always arouses controversy and attention.

When William II ascended the throne, these people were overjoyed. It turned out that there were people in the north who had the same idea as them, and they had enough status and power to turn the Kingdom of Marin into a dead magic zone, which was simply their "God's Kingdom on Earth". The leader of the association, Baditz, was here to meet the Emperor.

He promised that he was willing to provide the Empire with a large amount of transmutation dust, continue to provide some raw materials, and the latest model of steam engines, only at cost price, and even a batch of donations could be directly converted into related goods and sent to the Empire.

"You can get all these?" William was incredulous: "Did your association get them before?"

"Yes, this shows that our association has widespread public support, connections, and execution power"

"But without exception, they are not from mages. As far as I know, the better steam engine was improved by the Alchemy Department of the Starry Tower; the so-called transformation soil that can be used as fuel was also made by the Magic Guild."

"." Baditz was speechless for a moment, but he quickly thought of how to respond: "Middleman, Your Majesty, we will find a middleman to cover up this transaction, secretly, through the sea and Istani, and then enter the country you rule, and will not be hindered by mages."

The emperor nodded: "Then I thank you and the association you represent for your selfless help, Mr. Griffoval. Please take a rest first, I invite you to attend today's dinner."

"It's an honor, Your Majesty."

After sending off the second guest, the emperor touched his chin: "Is this the Magic Guild secretly supporting my plan?"

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