Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 601: Truth and Choice

"Of course there is. The recovery of the Mother Goddess has already started. This is a continuous and slow process, although it has been accelerating in recent years. But in general, we still have time to deal with it.

"First of all, there is an alien god named 'Is'. It does not belong to our plane, not just the main material plane, but does not belong to any area covered by the star realm. The Senate's idea is to explore the 'outside world' World', to a world not affected by the Mother Goddess.

"The first step is to evacuate the main material plane and leave the earth. Currently, the power of the Mother Goddess is transmitted from the underground, but she cannot directly penetrate the surface, nor can it be projected to the star world and other planes.

"We will find a way to escape from this world in the future." In other words, this universe Rorschach feels that the universe model of this world does not completely correspond to his previous life. Since he can travel through time, it means that the world is not the only and infinitely extending existence.

"Also, will the Mother Goddess definitely destroy the world? We studied mythology at the Royal Academy of Magic, and I was deeply impressed by a sentence: peeling back the layers of mythology, you can get the core of truth.

"The question is, how big is this 'Core of Truth'? Is it really as powerful as the Creator? At least judging from its current performance, the pollution caused by him is not untreatable. In past myths , there are also often records of the incarnations of the Earth Mother being defeated by other gods or heroes.

"Moreover, the only openly active god in the world, the God of Order, is still actively fighting against Him. Does that mean there is still hope of suppression? We don't have to leave our homes and give up the rich main material plane."


"So the Alliance and the Empire represent the two options of the Senate at this time." Rorschach looked at the busy space center:

"Whether it is large-scale migration to the outside world or defense against the invasion of the Mother Goddess, it is necessary to concentrate national-level resources and launch national-level mobilization. Now it seems that the 'expatriate faction' has the upper hand. In the future, Valois and the Alliance Under the guidance of the guilds, they will do their best to develop means of leaving the main plane in batches, and the empire will receive secret support from the 'adherents'.

"This is also from a realistic perspective: no matter how hard we try, we cannot move all the people on the main plane. Whether we can avoid the mother goddess's resurrection and find a breakthrough to the outside world is still unknown."

In Rorschach's view, the average manufacturing level in this world is similar to that before the First World War in the previous life. The starships that can enter space are entirely due to the blessing of magic. If there was no obstruction in the laminar flow of transmutation dust, adding a shield to the wooden ship and casting spells might be able to send it to the sky. But if we really need large-scale migration and deep-space navigation, the advancement of aerospace projects will never be so smooth.

"So it is necessary for the empire to exist as the carrier of the stay-at-home plan. Although His Majesty the Emperor's original intention is simply to abolish us mages."

Richard was still a little dissatisfied before. At first, he just angrily believed that Bart was obsessed with power and that Rorschach was the big conspirator behind the scenes. However, when the truth was revealed, Richard realized that he had indeed misunderstood. Rorschach.

"Admittedly, I don't look down on the emperor, and I don't think we should bring the backward system to the star realm. When we occupy countless planes and travel around the star realm and other worlds, do we still have to respect an emperor who is passed down by blood? Master? That's ridiculous.

"But as of today, we don't have the energy to overthrow that Mr. William. Maybe someone in the empire will stand up and we don't need to interfere."

Rorschach worked hard to improve Byrne's productivity and improve the living standards of residents. He confessed to Richard that he did not have time and more resources to allow everyone in the alliance to live the same life as the residents of the District, but it would definitely bring improvement.

What impressed Richard most was when Rorschach pointed to schools and factories and said: "My wishes used to be very simple, magic creates a better life, a good slogan, right?"

“Today, as a doomsday-level disaster approaches, my thoughts have also changed.

"I want to provide better education, popularize magic and other knowledge, and train engineers. In order to enable them to have their own value in the apocalypse, let them build more spaceships, send more people away, and give Opportunities for people to save themselves.

"Otherwise, in the eyes of the guild, in the eyes of most powerful people and the upper echelons of society, they are just a population that can be discarded at any time, numbers without power, name, and voice.

"For the empire, the people left behind should also vigorously develop production and organize the population through industrialization. Only in this way can the people have the ability to resist when faced with the influence of the power of the gods, and the vast system of anti-magic devices can be operated and maintained. In the face of rulers, no matter who they are, the emperor or the Senate, they can have enough leverage to restrain them, at least to prevent them from squandering people's lives at will. "

Rorschach sighed: "So, to me, it's the same whether you choose to stay in the Empire or join the Alliance. My expectations for you are the same, Rick. If you feel that the Empire should not experience blood again Change it in a way that you approve of, so that the people of the empire will have a way to survive when the end comes.”

"I'm just one person and you expect too much from me."

"You are no longer a human being, but a magical creature." Rorschach corrected: "If you insist on returning to the empire, take Libusi and his parents away. We can contact you at any time, and we will need your assistance soon. I completed an experiment to trace the process of your resurrection."


Richard really left, taking Libusi's family out of the alliance and back to where his troops were stationed.

In response, Bart was incredulous at first, and then he made a big statement, saying that he would resume his status as a military mage and lead the Byrne Legion to defeat the "arrogant noble boy" on the battlefield and capture him alive.

Rorschach ignored this guy. Although the three-person gathering felt a bit unhappy, his purpose had been achieved. He revealed to Richard the truth about the Mother Goddess and the plan of the Senate. As a general trusted by the emperor, he could be a good fulcrum for Rorschach and the guild to exert influence on the empire.

In this way, it is a bit like treating his brother as a tool, but Rorschach himself has been a tool countless times, and he has respected Richard's own choice.

Next, there will be spring plowing, opening of air-phase routes, and the start of the new semester. The numerous matters made Rorschach's head big, and there was also the need to deal with the "heavily polluted area" in the central part of the empire.

One by one, the most recent project is the launch of the seventh starship "Kepler", which is named after the famous astrologer. Its purpose is to realize the great idea proposed by Kano: observing the original layer.

After it reaches the astral world, it will expand and transform into a permanent astral observatory, with two core institutions corresponding to the two most important functions. One is the original reading system, which uses ritual magic as the core and attempts to collect data on the Tree of Truth. The other is a deep space telescope, which explores unknown planes and searches for cracks leading to the "outer world".

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