Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 603 Star Observation Center

A strong pushing feeling came over me.

Because now they were launched horizontally, and because they were wrapped in the cockpit, Snow didn't even notice that he was enveloped by the "suspended force field".

The acceleration only lasted for a moment, and soon they rushed into the first portal. Gorgeous light filled their field of vision, and soon returned to normal, but there was a second and third one.

During this period, Snow had been observing and mentally recording his experience.

The entire launch process is indeed short. During each transmission interval, the starship will accelerate and adjust its posture, passing through the center of the portal as much as possible. You can also hear communication on each ring step, reporting coordinates and relative positions in real time.

The passengers are still a little nervous, because if something goes wrong during the transmission, these people will die without burial and become high-altitude flowers together with the tons of transmutation dust in the fuel room.

The tower spirit is indeed a super chatty one, and can actually talk non-stop. From investigating everyone's bladder sensations during the acceleration phase to what they saw during the teleportation, it seems to want to know the experiences of real people during the process. , and was quite envious: "In the final analysis, Old Long is still squatting at the bottom of that tower, but it's good to be able to leave this time."

Snow thought it was communicating with the starship in real time, but obviously the dragon's chatter never stopped during the transmission process. Unless there was no delay at all, that would be impossible. Now it seems that it should be similar to a clone, creating a mirror image. .

A few minutes later, the starship arrived at the "Stargate". This has become a semi-permanent beginning. There is no longer a need to temporarily mobilize collectors, but a ring-shaped mechanism maintains a safe passage. The starship just needs to keep changing its orbit and pass it accurately.

However, this process takes the longest, and requires waiting for the star gate to adjust to a stable state and to accept the starship when the laminar flow is relatively stable. It took them about three hours to circle the main material plane, and they were finally allowed to pass.

"Oh, that's it for me, old dragon! If the clone is separated for too long, the main body will be unstable. As you know, I am very old, although my heart is not old!"

After saying that, the crystal ball and its surrounding circuits turned red one after another, and then went out. After a while, the circuit was lit again, but this time it was a calm and old voice: "Everyone, welcome to the star realm."

After finishing speaking, part of the crew cabin's surface turned transparent, revealing the vast starry sky. The starship itself rotated, and the main plane wrapped in transmutation dust could also be seen.

In addition, "Eggshell" also released its restraints and shields under the arrangement of the new ship spirit, giving everyone room to move freely. They lost weight. Some people entered the star realm for the first time. They couldn't adapt to such an environment for a while. They floated and fell over. Experienced people helped to reset them.

Suddenly the cabin burst into warm applause.

It could be said that they were celebrating a safe journey, but Snow noticed that the people who applauded the loudest and most sincerely were the casters of the Tower of Secrets.

Johannes came over and said: "Everyone, now I just want you to experience the real environment of the star world and move your body. Soon our starship will join and connect with the fourth to sixth ships. After deformation and During the loading of the gravity trap, everyone must return to the cockpit to ensure safety. "

"So now everyone go to the toilet quickly." Taling added.

Snow was called alone by the captain. As the leader of the Alchemy Department of Tower of Stars, he has a special mission to enter the star realm with the ship.

"Hello, Master Snow." Johannes took him into a special operation room, which was located on the protruding island at the front of the starship. It mainly monitored the cargo section of each module. "The other ships are on the way to maneuver now. When they move to the designated position, the ship spirit will broadcast to notify you to start."

Then another engineer came in: "I'm here to help you put on protective clothing."


After the captain left, there were only two people left. Snow had already received training on the ground and cooperated to get into the semi-open protective suit. Then he was assisted by others to sew it up again and check whether the air tightness and the built-in magic were effective.

I don't know how long it took, but the nervous waiting made Snow a little tired. Fortunately, the [Radio Wave Communication Technique] came, and the ship spirit informed him to be ready. The assistant tied the cable to his body and exited the small cabin.

In his field of vision, there were two starships of the same specifications coming through the waves, and there should be another one, but it should be facing directly behind him. When approaching the main ship, they began to slow down and approach slowly. The "Kepler" began to raise its head and transformed into an upright posture, while the bows of other ships opened the connecting mechanism and connected to the interface on the side of the main ship.

There are also prepared mages on the island of the three ships, and they are now coming out of the ship. The hatch in front of Snow also opened, revealing the starry sky in front of him. Snow moved step by step, then pressed the propulsion device and launched the "Kepler" briskly.

"I have left the warehouse and everything is normal."

"Received, Master Snow, please wait until the other three complete the first phase of the mission before taking action."

The other three mages stared at their respective ships docking with the "Kepler". During the docking process, the interaction between the two starships will change the attitude of the main ship, so they need to be connected in three directions at the same time. .

This difficult action was actually completed by a ship spirit. The ship spirit that replaced the Red Dragon in the Tower of Secrets now used the "Kepler" as the host and took over the control of the four ships, achieving consistency that met the requirements.

The collision in the astral world was completed without sound. The three mages reshaped the surface materials at the interface to make them rigidly connected. Not only that, they also needed to manually carve the circuit to make the entire system connected as one. After doing this, they released [Adamantium Touch], which greatly increased the strength of the interface.

"Ship No. 4 has docked." "Ship No. 5 is done." "Ship No. 6 is done." The other mages broadcast in turn. Now it was Snow's turn. He descended to the section full of modules and began his spell.

The circuit lit up. At this time, the tower spirit was still in control, releasing large and small modules, but the four mages outside the cabin were needed to assist.

They cast [Mage's Hand]. Although they did not have a "unicorn arm" like Rorschach, there was no resistance in the astral world, and they easily pushed the module to the predetermined position. Everyone had a manual to compare with, and reorganized the relative positions of these modules like building blocks. Snow was mainly responsible for casting [Magic Rope Spell] to control the flexible connection link to pass through or connect these modules.

It is a laborious job to organize the wires, not to mention that he is in the Star Realm and wearing a somewhat clumsy protective suit, so he had to give himself a [Mechanized Mind], who said he couldn't drink the energy potion at this time?

After the connection was completed, the ship spirit could finally intervene again and start the auxiliary self-check: "The modules have all reached the correct position, and the lines are connected. Normal."

Each module began to deform and unfold, and the outside overlapped with each other, presenting a "Y" shape with the original "Kepler" as the axis, and the three starships were distributed in a "Y" shape, and the modules were connected to the space station in a ring.

The real huge change is inside, the gravity well is distributed in the direction of radiating outward, the axis is a gravity-free channel, and the space began to expand, the shrunken materials were released, and living cabins and functional cabins were born one by one.

The Star Realm Observation Center was initially built.

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