Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 605: Opening champagne in advance will not have good results

Four hours after the banquet, which was early morning according to Byrne time, Kepler received a message from the ground.

The Senate sent a congratulatory letter to them for their successful docking and assembly, as well as a lot of curses.

"You guys, if you don't have anything delicious to eat or drink when you return to the ground, you must overdraw your supplies to enjoy it in the sky. Do you know how much it will cost? A barrel of wine you opened in the sky will cost enough to rent a winery; eat A piece of ham is worth enough to sell a group of pigs!

“If we continue to hold such activities without approval, everyone will wash their necks and wait for the guillotine when they come back!

"Since the progress is going better than expected, we will start work quickly. An additional supply ship will be opened on the ground to deliver replacement parts and replenish the materials consumed this time. The wine, fruits and desserts in the next round of supplies have been cancelled. You can eat canned food. Bar!

"The Arcane Senate, the Magic Guild, and the Aerospace Guild."

Johannes read it out to all officers in the station master's room. He looked at everyone seriously: "Why does the Senate know that we are having a banquet?"

No one answered, but he didn't care too much: "But everyone has heard that there will be a supply ship soon." As he said that, the sound of sparkling wine being opened reached everyone's ears, and soon in the station master's room Everyone received a glass of Valois southern craft beer.


Snow and Cavendish smiled at each other, as if they had guessed who wrote the letter.

However, the supervision was still effective. The rest of the rest time was cancelled, and the process of observing the original layer was started.

The sixth day of launch of "Kepler".

It is still the bow of the No. 7 ship, but it has been changed from a banquet hall to a ceremony site. In other words, this is its original design purpose.

The detection of the original code layer has been explored and tested in stages on the previous ships No. 4 to No. 6, and the three steps of positioning, perception and materialization were completed respectively.

The wooden planks on the ground at the bow of the ship were removed, revealing a complex circuit with preset interfaces. The floor was the base plate. Now that the temporary gravity trap on the central axis has been removed, everyone's feet are not touching the ground.

Fortunately, the person present at this time was either a spellcaster or a dwarf technician, so there was no problem if his feet were not touching the ground. On the contrary, it was much more convenient when moving large instruments.

Six specialized magic weavers were transported to the site and installed on the base plate. After checking each one in turn, they go into action, essentially weaving the magic of the environment into one-way vector strings that form virtual "antennas."

The center of the Weaver, with a broad-spectrum magic generator at its core, emits analog signals—its internal variable circuits continuously cycle through the basic frequencies of various spells, even including the magical spells and rituals of the past of dwarves and elves.

This machine itself cannot complete spellcasting on behalf of anyone, and it will not go through a complete link, and whether it is a zero-ring trick or a seven-ring spell that can be recorded, the magic power consumed is equal.

Its substantive purpose is to provoke a response from the Tree of Truth, which is essentially a "deception." Moreover, the signals it emits are multiple superposed waves, which is equivalent to 128 spellcasters casting spells at the same time.

Six virtual antennas serve as a matrix to compare the feedback information with each other. Look for traces of changes in the original classic layer from extremely subtle differences. When the "deception" is successful and the Tree of Truth arouses a reaction, they will compare the reaction with the signal output by the broad-spectrum magic generator to see if they can match it.

If the comparison is successful, it means that the pointing of the virtual antenna is locked to the Tree of Truth.

At that time, the Broad Spectrum Generator will repeat the signal, and the Magic Weaver will try to bind to the Tree of Truth through Elf-based contract magic.

The bound signals will contain a large amount of information, and they need to be converted into information that mortals can understand through the analysis machine that has completed the [Intelligence Enlightenment Technique].

The machine started operating according to the established program. Snow, as the person in charge of all magic and alchemy technology in the machine, stared at all the instrument instructions.

Inside the glass cover, the thin low-pressure gas is broken down by high-voltage current, emitting a magnificent light. This is an indicator light, and it and its kind are jumping wildly.

"No reaction yet?"

"According to experience, generally the analog signals of spells in the fourth to sixth levels are easy to get a clear response from the original layer." Cavendish recalled the experiment he participated in.

"I know." Snow immediately said the reason behind: "There are too many low-level spells used in real time, and the changes caused by 128 spell-casting units are difficult to distinguish, and their characteristic frequency bands are very short, making it difficult to capture;

“The energy level required for high-order magic is too high, and the function of the broad-spectrum generator is limited. In fact, it cannot simulate it perfectly, and the response will definitely fail.

"Thinking both ways, the optimal launch area is for spells between the fourth and sixth rings."

Cavendish nodded: "You couldn't be more correct, but the system of dwarves and elves may give us unexpected surprises."

"The simulation of the seven rings is over, let's switch to dwarves and elves." Snow already knew from past data that taking the first step is not easy, but he still held on to luck, what if he could succeed immediately?

Unfortunately, this "in case" did not happen. The miracle template provided by the elves and dwarves did not produce a miracle. In the end, the feedback given by the ship spirit and the indicator light jump message told them that the search failed.

"Warning, more than 71% of band feedback is null. Trying to parse valid data.

"Error, the comparison of signals returned by No. 3, No. 4 and the generator does not converge. A singular solution appears in the nonlinear equations. It is recommended to initialize, return to the settings at 03:12:52, or restore the original settings.

"Wrong, wrong"

"Who can tell that ship spirit to shut up?" Snow had a headache. Several other leaders of previous missions, including Cavendish, looked gloating. They had already experienced such annoying error reports, and at that time Snow was still the one on the ground responsible for improvements, and now it was his turn.

A few hours later, when the energy was recharged, they reset it and started locating the original layer again.

The Nixie tube kept flickering and jumping, and the magical light in the circuit shone brighter and brighter, but there was still no result.

There was a deadlock for a while.

Now everyone no longer had the luxury of having a banquet. They were very tired and could only check the initial settings and line connections over and over again.

"Record the data, run it again and then get off work. We will continue tomorrow." Snow pinched his eyebrows.

Someone suggested a strange method: "How about asking everyone on the ground to suspend spell casting for three hours? Wouldn't our signal be much clearer this way?"

This is a bold idea that sounds unfeasible at first, but is interesting if you think about it carefully.

Unfortunately, it is still not feasible to think about it again. Snow was the first to deny: "You may not know that the number of alchemy equipment in operation around the world has far exceeded the number of spell casters. To achieve the effect you envisioned, you must first let the equipment Stalled.

"If all those machines and equipment are to stop working for three hours, I can't think of any other way except destroying the world. If it really stops, the factory owners, civilians and our respectable Senate won't mind destroying the world."

"Then pretend I didn't say it."

At this time, a mage from the Tower of Light took out a burned microcrystal template: "We have tried spells, elves and dwarves' miracles. Is there another option we haven't tried yet?"

"You mean the magic of the God of Light and Order?"

"Exactly." The mage from the Tower of Light showed a gentle and confident smile.

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