Magi Craft Meister

32-06 September 11 Travel Day 3 Rainy Morning

Rain grains falling from the leaded sky.

The wind produced white, foaming waves, and the sea level twisted heavily, flirting with the floating things.

'Depending on the observations from' Watcher ', this rain cloud is likely to fall out in about half a day'

After breakfast in the 'Edo' dining room, Jens is checking the overview.

"Well, there are days like this."

"I wonder if yesterday's sunset was a bit of a toxic color because there were clouds in the west"

"I'm here because of the bad weather and I can't see anything. Disappointed."

It is Beana who is leaking such a blur.

"Fair enough. It's going to be fine in the afternoon, so just relax."

And Jen can forgive me.

"Oh, yeah."

Beana that can also be wrapped around the back of a chair. Looks like he's finally losing his physical strength.

And there came Lysia.

"Guys, I'm out of time. Thank you for inviting me today, Jin."

It is Lisia who bows her head deeply at the entrance to the dining room.

"Hey, Lisia."

When Jen greeted him lightly, Lisia walked up to Jen and

"Jin, Elsa, thank you for inviting me this time"

And he bowed his head deeply.

"Well, that's about as hard a greeting as it gets. Sit down."

"Yes, thank you"

"It's raining because you're here."

It was clear over there.

In addition, Reinhardt and Berche came.

We will have all the members except Milowina.

First of all, we all got to meet up in the dining room.

"Uh, footage from" Watcher "says the rain clouds that are making this rain fall out around noon. So a little more patience."

Jen explains to Mr. and Mrs. Reinhardt, who have just arrived, and to Lisia.

"So well, I think we should just spare some time until noon. Especially the usually busy ones."

With that said, I stared in turn at the faces of Mr. and Mrs. Reinhardt and Lisia, plus the Counts of Kuzma.

"Oh yeah. I need you to talk to me for a second, if you like.... to everyone."

Reinhardt opened his mouth a little reluctantly.

"Is there a problem?

When Jen asked, Reinhardt shook his head.

"No, it doesn't mean I'm in trouble.... hmm, but are you having a little trouble?

"You, you can't tell the Jins that way. A little more detail."

Embarrassed by Berche, Reinhardt seems to have set his mind.

"Ugh, yeah, okay"

And I opened my mouth again after I thought about it for a moment.

"It's hot on this ship, but the season is heading into autumn"

First of all, a linehardt in the tone that

"The village of Kalz, my territory, gets quite cold in the winter."

"Oh, sure."

Saki, my neighbor, agreed.

"From now on, I want to think about winter measures for villagers..."

Jen thought it would be difficult to mention that the cold-weather consultation with the members in this hot environment was certainly Rheinhardt.

"Right, we're heading into the cold season."

Lisia agrees.

Would the other Rheinhardt and his wife be Lisia, Hannah and Martha, who are current members and live in a region with cold winters?

Blueland has a mild climate that doesn't even snow in the winter, and Potlock is warmer.


"Winter cold is hard."

Beana, who had a young sibling and lived in poverty, seemed to understand the feeling.

"Winter cold control, that's good. Let's talk about it till lunch."

Beana said so and looked around in turn at the faces of the members gathered. And no one disputes that.

Everyone likes these consultations and meetings.

"Ouch - you put a white mica in the window, didn't you!

Hannah was the first to speak.

The transparent white mica (Moscobyte) plate found in the mountains was inserted in a window instead of glass.

This allows the sunlight to enter the room and does not allow the warmth to escape.

"White mica..."

Reinhardt with a difficult face. He, too, knows its existence, does not produce much in the Shauro Empire.

"Well, the glass is expensive."

Whether it's made by a magic engineer or a factory, it's definitely costly.

"If it's costly, why don't you use Underground Spider Resin (GSP)?

Saki shows one direction.

Why don't you put a thinly extended plate or sheet of subsurface spider resin (GSP) on the window?

As an image, it is clear vinyl. Most importantly, the strength and heat resistance cannot be compared. Once you strain it, you'll keep it for over a hundred years.


Reinhardt conceived.

If you even meditate on initial costs, the unit price per year should be considerably lower if you assume you will keep it for a hundred years. Rather, the window frame may not keep it.

"A little further, but I wonder if there are any hands on importing glass from Mitsuho"

Goose says.

In Mitsuho, there are commonly referred to as "glass" manufacturing plants. All in all, technical exchanges will allow glass to be manufactured cheaply in the Shauro Empire and in small groups of countries, but the day has not yet come.

"Reinhardt, not as much from Penglai, but what about the underground spider thread that Tenkunhan brought in?

Once, there was a commotion involving goose.

"Hmm, the unit price... and the technology to make it transparent is not common yet"

"Oh well...... Well, that's hard."

"But I think making those 'good for the common people' things is meaningful."

Jen pinched his mouth. And shake it to Beana.

"Hey, Beana."

"Yeah, right. I want to be, too."

He was Jen, who once helped Beana in Blueland and remembered making lighters, water heaters, and refrigerators.

"That was fun."

"Really?... right. Thanks to you, I was able to meet Master Lewis."

After just a little nostalgia for the past, Jen makes one suggestion.

"Then, a portable stove, wouldn't that be nice?

"Po Tabu?

"Oh, I can move, I can move, I mean"

"I can move it... I mean, it's not settling or making it up, right?

"Yes. For example, if you put it in the dining room when you eat, and take it to the bedroom when you sleep..."

"You can use it effectively even if you only have one!

"Yes, yes. If it's a wealthy house, you can have some ready."

With such an exchange with Beana, Jen was remembering what happened in Blueland.

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