Magi Craft Meister

38-19 Unexpected visitors

"Well, we have to do what we left behind first"

On February 1, Jen flew to Penglai Island after finishing breakfast at Loizato's "Mansion".

"Brother Jin, what did you leave behind?

Elsa, who came with me, asks.

"It's about Akitsu."

Akitsu is an automatic doll for education (Automata) installed by Shuki Tsetsi, the "Sage (Magus)" of that time.

"I couldn't maintain him this time, and most importantly..."

Now that we've given our ships to all nations, they're more likely to be discovered from above.

I have to do something about it.

"What Brother Jin says, I know. So, what do you do?


So Jen let 'Adriana' go out.

"This would be fun."

We will relocate the dome, which is the base of Akitsu, to Koh Chang.

'Adriana', 300 meters in diameter, was a qualified character for that.

The dome, 10 meters in diameter and 4 meters in height, was pulled from the base by gravity-controlled magic and the force field generator Force Generator and stored in the lower warehouse of Adriana.

"... I didn't think I'd make it this far"

Elsa feels a little frightened, too.

But I don't want to do anything halfway.

"I know that."

"" Sage "… Schuki Tsetsi, the institution your grandfather left behind."

Reiko also supports Jen.

"Right. I thought this was a good idea."

"For me, I'm afraid"

The dome is in the warehouse, but Akitsu of the day is on the central bridge with Jens.

"No, Auntie, your father is about this much before breakfast."

Reiko handles Akitsu.

While I wonder if Akitsu will be Reiko's aunt... "Adriana" arrives over the island.

"I wonder where..."

After a little thought, I decided to install it in the forest on the west side of the island, away from the flatlands where the Pentagon and Jade Mansion are located.

Use the force field generator Force Generator to locate the area and install the dome.

The construction itself was completed in ten minutes by the craftsmen (Smith) who called from Penglai.

"Well, what do you say, Akitsu?

"Yes, thank you. Sounds like a very comfortable place."

Fortunately, there is no distance constraint at the transfer gate (warp gate) in Mitsuho… so there is no problem at all with Akitsu moving to this location.

The best part is that Reiko, other automatic dolls (automata) and golems can also come to see Akitsu.

"I'm glad I've been alone before."

Representing a slightly imparted emotion, Akitsu accepted the measure.

"Auntie, the next time you come, you'll bring the others with you."

"Looking forward to it"

Because Ann, Lol, and Lefa can be considered as Reiko's half-sisters or half-sisters, Akitsu will still hit their aunts, and those who Jen made will hit their nieces and nephews as well as Reiko.

It seemed pleasant to Akitsu, who lacked emotion, that an end had been struck over the years when he was lonely.

"Oh, now I've got a paragraph"

"Brother Jin, thank you for your hard work"

Relocation done in less than half a day. Jen was also relieved from the bottom of her heart.

"To tell you the truth, when I left yesterday on" Conlon 3, "I noticed a lot..."

Jen reveals herself to Elsa over a three-o 'clock cup of tea at the Penglai Island house.

"Convinced. So I panicked."


Plus when Elsa tried to say something, Reiko rushed in.

"Father, I see Mr. Theon."


"Theon, what's up?

Seeing Jen's face like that, Theon made a bomb statement.

"Jin, your sister is gone!


Theon's sister, Istaris, disappeared.

"Why again?

"... it was a wedding in half a month."

That's all I said, Theon leaned down.

"... maybe you don't like that?

Theon snorted silently.

"Uh, what did Berials say?

When I went to the Demon Nation before, I remember hearing that Istaris was engaged to Belials the Puppet.

"... it seems that Berials had a meal."


Because the background was completely incomprehensible, Jen first decided to calm down and listen to Theon.

There are a few things that I have learned by that.

The engagement of Istaris and Berials was a decision made by parents and grandparents alike.

In other words, a wedding between the families, where the will of the persons concerned was not reflected there.

"... I thought my sister would be very happy. He was so smiling."

Also at the same time, Berials was not in the mood for this engagement.

To the evidence, Istaris was not in a panic when he disappeared, and Theon saw from the shadows where he smiled, he said.

"It wasn't the look you could have given me, even though someone you liked was missing."

So I snuck in and asked, and he said it was Belials who fed him an escape to the south.

"Uh, is it possible that the escape opponent is Netros?

"That's right. You got it all figured out."


Jen thought it might be stranger not to know that. You got that thought on your face.

"Brother Jin, if you're too close, sometimes you can't see, I think"

and Elsa embarrassed me.

"'Cause my sister and Netros have been together since we were little kids, and it's been like that forever?

"I see..."

If you grew up like brothers and sisters, sometimes Theon, who is also your real sister, doesn't realize it... Jen thought.

"Hey, help me find my sister! If you don't at least know you're safe, I..."

Jen gently tells Scion of his chopped face.

"Okay. Leave it to me."

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