Looks like there was a move in the village of Calz on the night of February 20th.

The morning of the 21st.

"Jin, last night, number three grain warehouse was hit"

Four warehouses are swinging numbers for clarity.

Number three is the northernmost of the four.

"Okay, okay."

Jen just contacted Mr. Lao and moved to Penglai with Reinhardt.

"Master (My Lord), Mr. Reinhardt. Currently tracking. '

Old man had already started tracking.

"You're traveling through the northern forest."

If the location can be identified, it is the turn of the Peep View Telescope (Peeper).

"Oh, I saw it."

"These guys..."

There are two golems that also look slightly old-fashioned, holding large quantities of bags with cereals.

"I see, was there a golem"

"Then it's easy to get around with your luggage."

Not even knowing Jen and Reinhardt were watching, the bandits headed north into the woods.

"Hmm, that golem, don't even feel like I saw it somewhere..."

Jen had that sentiment, but I can't remember where he saw it.

In the first place, it's a pretty primitive making, so you shouldn't even have a chance to see it that way.

"Well, if you see the real thing, you might remember"

Once again, Jen reviews the footage of the Peeping Telescope (Peeper).

The number of thieves is five. Apparently there was a base on the north side of the woods.

"All right, let's go"

Reinhardt, who returned to Lankenhaos, decided to take the gesture and set off to secure the bandits.

When it comes to gestures, there are only two guards of the hall and the Black Knight (Schwartzlitter), plus five aspirations of the village.

After that, Jen (Doppel) and Reiko are supposed to work together.

The place was viewed in the Peep View Telescope (Peeper) and had a good idea.

Spend about two hours approaching the base carefully.

It was a place dotted with tiny rocky mountains, and the thieves used it well to base themselves.

"You have one watch."

Reinhardt whispered.

"If we take down the watch, we'll take control at once."

I know the number of thieves is five, so I feel comfortable. Reinhardt gave instructions to the Black Knight (Schwartzlitter) by giving him the 'Paralysis (Stan)' magic guide.

Shortly afterwards, the Black Knight (Schwartzlitter) jumped at an unstoppable speed, causing the lookout to faint. This is the effect of the Paralysis Magic Instrument.

"All right, go!

Exactly. Reinhardt can't fight directly.

The Black Knight (Schwartzlitter) leads the way into the thief's stronghold, followed by two escorts. Five aspirants of the village wait outside, and if there are thieves to escape, it's their role to secure them.

Reinhardt and Jen put up barriers (barriers) and wait for control.

One of the thieves popped up.

"Damn it, Golem, do it!

In that word, a golem emerged from the shadow of a rocky mountain separate from the base.

The Golem was hidden somewhere else, not in the stronghold of the thieves.

"You guys back off!

Reinhardt yells at five aspiring people in the village. It doesn't matter what you think, it's not what you're dealing with.


Fortunately, the golem owned by the thief was dull in motion and the five were able to safely distance themselves without any injury.

"The Flaming Spear!"

Having made sure he had no allies around him, Reinhardt unleashed his magic toward the Golem when he took out the wand (Wand).

The Flaming Spear (Flame Lance) unleashed on the killer Sea Serpent (Death Cesar Pent) at Potlock blew up its exterior armor and melted the inner Magiledine when it landed on the golem.

Naturally, the golem is destroyed and stops moving.

"One more, there should have been a golem..."

Neck tilting Reinhardt. From Reiko there,

"Mr. Reinhardt, the other one is in the base. The Black Knight has already defeated Schwarzlitter."

"Oh really? Thank you, Laeko."

It was information from the old gentleman who was looking at the situation with the Peeper Telescope.

Soon the Black Knight (Schwartzlitter) comes out with two thieves in his arms.

Two of the escorts also came out tying up one of the thieves.

"Thank you"

Keep an eye on him. There are five thieves. Now we've got them all.


Reinhardt sighed.

"You've worked it out..."

Both Jen and Reiko are together, and there is a 'fellow bracelet', so even though I knew there was no danger, I seemed nervous because this was the first time I had actually led these 'catches'.

"This is the Lord's business, too."

He said Reinhardt's father, Wolfgang, was also an active participant in these crusades when he was young.

Reinhardt said he was taught that morale was different when those above him took the lead.

"Well, it turns out it's not for me."

Nevertheless, since there is a barrier (barrier), I will accompany him in this way if necessary.

Collect grains stored by thieves with five aspiring villagers and the Black Knight (Schwartzlitter). It was barely eaten yet, so the loss is negligible.

"For now, good. I'm going to report to your father."

The captured bandit will be sent to and punished by a lord who will rule a strip around here, that is, Reinhardt's father, Count Wolfgang Randall von Morgan.

Two escorts, along with a black knight (Schwartzlitter), escorted the thief, and Reinhardt headed to his parents' house for the first time in a long time.

As Reinhardt headed home, Jen also returned to Elsa's home.

"Conlon 3" flew into the sky.

"Looks like we've solved Reinhardt's problem."

"Right, Father."

In the cabin, Jen and Reiko talk.

I don't remember Jen doing anything in particular, but I thought Reinhardt's reassurance would have been different just because Penglai was on the backup.

"But where did that thief and the golem come from"

"Father, it seems that the old man who saw it in the Peep Peek Telescope (Peeper) is making a guess about it."


In conversation with others, it is already Elsa's home.

"Welcome home, Brother Jin.... How was it, huh?

Elsa welcomed the Jens.

"Oh, I'll talk slowly inside."


So Jen explained how she was drinking green tea at Elsa's home, in the living room of the Randall family.

"I'm glad the thief got caught"

Elsa stroked her chest down, too.

"If I can get to our territory, I'll be in trouble."

"Yeah. Let's leave the treatment of the thief to Reinhardt's father. And it looks like you guessed who the thief was."


Reiko started explaining the contents on your behalf. And when Elsa heard it, he was convinced.

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