Magi Craft Meister

47-29 Minister of Magic and Technology

"Conlon 3" landed at the airport.

"Welcome to the Empire of Shauro"

An assistant will come to do the immigration process.

"Is it" Conlon 3 "? That family crest is definitely from the Nido family, right?

The assistant was knowledgeable, and seems to know a lot about 'Conlon 3' 400 years ago.

"Yeah, yeah. I owe you one from the Nido family."

"Hmm. You're being made to be kind. I envy you. So here's the process…"

It also helps as Jen because Rhodotos did the procedure on behalf of me. "Conlon 3" was stored in a roofed warehouse.

We also see aircrafts of comparable size.

"That's a Conlon."

Rhodotos says. Apparently, 'Conlon 2' and 'Conlon 3' have become standard sizes as one of the ranks of the airships.

The process was done quickly.

All Jens were treated as the edge of Rhodotos.

"It's a temporary immigration permit."

Jen, Rubina and Shu receive temporary immigration permits. Temporary permits were also issued to Reiko, Hope, Edgar, Vragan, Blitz and Donner.

Rhodotos, on the other hand, only said that he knew Legray Gibbs von Besbias, the magic and technical minister of the Empire of Shouro, and had an identity card as an associate citizen.

Such a Rhodotos' edger also seemed to have allowed a troublesome examination to pass.

"That'll help."


Jen smudged that she was glad to be with Roadtoss, whose face was wide.

And again, I regret the lack of foundation in this world.

(I guess I'll just have to do something about it in the country I like)

A large roofed carriage stopped in front of Jen, who was thinking about that. The golem horse is in tow.

"Welcome from Legray."

She contacted me beforehand.

"Dear Lord Rhodotos, we are out of time"

The Golem in your role greeted you.

"Hey, Playle."

Golem and Rhodotos were known.

Let Rubina, Shu aboard first, followed by Jen, Reiko, Hope, Edgar, Blitz, Donner, Ulagan and finally Roadtoss.

"What is that Lord Reglay like?

"Right, I do turn 54 this year. I met him at Avalon when he was younger, and there was a lot going on."


Somehow, I imagined Jen was like himself with his former best friend Reinhardt.

"I like golems and automatic dolls (Automata), so I think he's in charge of this golem competition (Gompetation)."

"Hmm...... isn't Rubina got a lot to learn?

"Huh? Oh, yes!

This means that for the first time in my life I came to the exotic country, both Rubina and Shu are as quiet as the cats I have borrowed.

"You don't have to be too nervous. Because it comes with me and Reiko."

And Jen told me to reassure them.

The golem carriage runs on cobblestones.

"This was formerly a town called Ali, but since Loizato grew, it became Ali District."

Apparently, the town of Ali, which was a satellite city, was incorporated by the expansion of Loizato.

"You mean that's all it's flourishing"

"You will be."

"Wow, interesting building"

When Rubina looked at him pointing, there was a castle-like building with a spire.

"It was built more than 500 years ago."

Rhodotos explains it gently.

"Mr. Rhodotos, what is that?

Now Shu asks the question looking out the window on the other side.

"Oh, that's a new building. Best workshop in town."

"Oh, which one?"

When I hear about the workshop, Jen can't sit quietly either.

"Oh, I see"

The image is of the iron mill in town. An office-like building, a large warehouse, and still a large work area together.

He is Jen, who is glad to see how Rubina and Shu are shining in his eyes and bring him here.

"I still need to see the outside world to broaden my horizons."

Somehow when I was alone, Reiko nodded.

"Right, Father."

Rubina and Shu are still perfect for windows.

(… we may need to dispatch a fifth row (quinta) again)

and was Jen, whom I think in my heart.

In about half an hour the golem carriage reached one mansion.

"This is the mansion of Legray Gibbs von Besbias, the magic and technology minister of the Empire of Shouro. Locally, it will be off the old Roizato."

When I heard Rhodotos explain it, I thought Jen would be enough. The neighborhood had a quiet luxury neighborhood, so I thought there might be aristocratic and rich mansions.

The carriage slowly passes through the gate and stops in front of the roofed doorway.

"Good luck"

And your play opened the carriage door for me.

Hope, Uragan, Blitz and other golems descend first to support their husbands.

Reiko, Edgar and Donner came down with their baggage at the end.

"Oh, Lord Toss, welcome!

An old man with gray hair came out to pick him up.

"Hey, Regray! Long time no see!!

Rhodotos also speaks freely. Jen hit me wondering if he was a magic tech minister.

"Hasn't it been like four years? Not at all watery."

"I'm sorry. I was on an errand to the west."

"Hmm, I hear something's happened to the western principality.... well, let's not ask."

"More than that, aren't you out today?

"Oh, it's fine today. I'm ready for the golem tournament tomorrow. It's my day off."

"Still handy."

"That's what you are, too"

Two people smiled and shook hands and talked about recent developments.

"Let me introduce you.... First of all, the edge of the person I took care of, Lord Gin Nido. Likewise, Lord Shu Nido and Miss Rubina Garrett."

"My name is Legray Gibbs von Bethbias.... ho, same name as the legendary magic engineer Magicraft Jazz? And you've got another one with the same last name."

"What if I said it was in person...?

Rhodotos says with a pranky face, but LeGray didn't fit in.

"Ha, no way. The Nido surname is more or less common, and there are a lot of people named Jin. There are two jinns in my acquaintance."

"Fair enough."

"Whoa, excuse me in front of the front door.... Lord Jin, Lord Shu, Miss Rubina, welcome to our home"

That's what Reglay says and leads the line to the mansion.

The first thing that was put through was a big reception.


The tea was brought with a smooth-looking automatic doll (Automata).

"'Juna', thank you"

"Lady Rhodotos, come not"

Even this automatic doll named Juna (Automata) looks familiar to Lord Toss.

"My lord, Legray hates people more than he likes golems, and it's all automatic dolls (automata) and golems that work in mansions like this."


Juna looks like a slender beauty.

I was wondering if it was Reglay's preference, and now a more glamorous automatic doll (Automata) came with a tea contract on the wagon.

"Oh, is that a new one?

I've never seen this automatic doll (Automata) before.

"Um." Yuana, "he said.... Yuana, thank you for your hard work. You can stay back."

"Yes. Now if you'll excuse me."

When two automatic dolls (Automata) leave, Legray turns to Jens.

"You guys bring great automatic dolls (automata) and golems too!

I said.

Jen felt that Legray Gibbs von Bethbias, the magical technology minister of the Empire of Shouro, really seemed to like the bottom golem automatic doll (Automata)... no, everyone there felt it.

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