Magi Craft Meister

55-16 Reinhardt's territory is now

Penglai on July 20th was raining in the morning.

"There are days like this."

Jen said as he looked at the laboratory smoking into the rain through the window of "Home".

"Well, sometimes it's a rainy day, okay"

Elsa answers pompous.

Today, the other 'Jen Family' members are spending their thoughts.

"... this will convince you!! ……

"That's Brother Rai's voice"

"Reinhardt, are you making something?

"Mm, because I no longer have to run a territory and can do whatever I want..."

"Oh, well."

I think Jen stings that Penglai has really become a 'sanctuary' now.

It may be a little different from what the "predecessors" imagined, but there was still a collection of people here who made "creation," "research," and "exploration" their vocation.

This was now, Jen thought blurry as he saw the rain falling, wondering if it was the form his predecessors had dreamed of.

"Master (My Lord), I'm sorry for your loss, but I have a report."

There, old man, your voice sounded.

"Something is more urgent at times like this.... let me hear it"

'Yes, then. Zonde for measuring the high concentration space of free magic (ether).

"Is something wrong?!?

'No, it's not, the original communication function doesn't work'


"Six Zonde planes were placed near the boundary of the spherical" High Concentration Space of Free Magnetin (Ether). "


They can't communicate with each other.

"Why... Oh, 'The High Concentration Space of Free Magnetin (Ether)' Is Inhibiting Free Magnetin (Ether) Waves"


"You missed it..."

Free Magnetic (ether) waves can't seem to penetrate "High Concentration Space of Free Magnetic (ether)."

"Sound waves propagate even at high media density, so I thought a powerful communications machine would be fine."

Then Jen thought a little about what to do.

"Brother Jin, isn't it easier to keep your distance?

Elsa, who was listening on the side, advises.

"Sure. The purpose is to measure the high concentration space of free magic (ether), so that might be a good idea."

Currently, it is positioned near the boundary of the almost spherical "high concentration space of free magic elements (ethers)" in a position that hits the apex of six planes and octahedrons.

"Why don't we add two more planes and place them at the top of the cube that encloses the sphere?

"Well, that might be nice."

All you have to do is control so that the square virtual plane made by the four planes remains in position to contact the spherical surface of the "high concentration space of free magic elements (ethers)".

By checking the zonde position of these eight aircraft, we can also see the diameter of the "high concentration space of free magic elements (ethers)".

"Let's just make two more planes"

Jen, who was bored by the rain, heads to the lab.

Use the transfer gate (warp gate) so you don't walk in the rain.

Seeing Jen's hindsight like that, Elsa had a soft grin.

"All right, Reiko, help me."

"Yes, Father."

Quickly Jen created two additional 'Zonde' planes with Reiko as his assistant.

It's the same thing, so it hasn't taken half an hour.

"That's it. Send out two planes, old man."


Jen was relieved.

This will allow for a more reliable measurement of the "high concentration space of free magic elements (ethers)".

"Well, what is Reinhardt doing?

After his work, Jen peeked at the next workshop, wondering what Reinhardt, who had been shouting earlier, was doing.

"Reinhardt, what are you doing?

"Hey, Jin and Leiko? Look, take this!

Which one?

What was there was a magic conductor (Magi machine) that produced six legs on a disc-shaped body about 30 cm in diameter. It also looks a bit like an insect.

Or if you don't have legs, it's a cleaning robot.

"It's a golem for exploring underground resources!

"Underground resources?

When Jen asked back to return the parrot, Reinhardt nodded all the time to get my will.

"I guess the lack of resources is a problem in the Shawulo Empire? So I made it."

"I see."

The main one would be 'Underground Exploration (Grand Search)', Jen said.

The idea of not humanizing the golem would be unique to Reinhardt, Jen thinks.

Jen is very human. Exceptions are mermaids of mermaid type, plus golem horses and golem cats.

(Oh, was there a glider golem too)

Aside from that, as Reinhardt, he was worried about the lack of resources in the Shawulo Empire.

"I wonder what route we're going to supply this to the Shauro Empire."

That is the problem for the moment.

"'Avalon' where appropriate..."

Via "Avalon," the Empire of Shouro takes precedence, does not go with.

This time the Magi Machine was built by Reinhardt for his country.

"Do you offer it directly to His Majesty?

"That would be nice, but I'd like to go see what's going on with the territory once"

Reinhardt's territory, formerly the village of Kalz, is now Kalz 'town'.

Now that it is the Count's house, no matter what you think, the territory is too small, but the point is received in the form of Jia Loc... I knew from the news from the old man that it seems.

Well, let's go check it out.

"Are you sure?

"No one knows Reinhardt's face anymore, and I hope he doesn't name it that way?

"... is that so too"

Jen and Reinhardt agreed that it would be fine if we were careful with the name.

"If so, let the guide be in the fifth row."

"Oh, yeah."

'May the companion be Master Elsa, Master Berche?


Jen decided that going all together would be too conspicuous.

"Oh, I'd love to go, too."

Saki raised her hand and ran for office.

"Oh, Saki's house is nearby too."

So to add Saki as well.

Even with the extra number of people, Toa stayed.

"Other members want to be able to visit their homeland and their fringe lands."

"Perhaps you'd like that."

I was talking to myself, but the old man who heard it agreed with me.

"I'm glad your escort is Reiko."

And then it came down to how to get there.

"Go grand in 'Hurricane' or sneak in 'Transition Gate'"

Jen tried to see Reinhardt.

"Um, yeah...... let's go grand this time"


Having said that, they were Jens, who had begun the journey.

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