Magi Craft Meister

55-39 Partners

"Ugh, welcome."


Jen and Elsa are a little... No, after a very late lunch, relax and enjoy the tea.

"It's like three o'clock tee time a little early."


Elsa asks Jen a question in the course of a leisurely time.

"Brother Jin, it's Mr. Milowina, don't you want a squire?

"Uh... Oh, yeah, you mean that"

Jen thought it would be nice if the line with the moon's (unique) magic brains' Jack 'was connected, but Elsa told me, like you and Lao Zi, that there should be a' Jack 'terminal.

"Maybe I should."

Jen has Reiko, Malika has Hanako. The other members decided to think about it again, first of all Milowina.

"Making it is not a problem in itself. It's just how you set your appearance."

Are you an old butler like Laoko, a boy like Edgar, or a girl like Reiko or Hanako?

"... somehow, but I feel like Mr. Milowina has a good mould like 'Samurai Chief'"

"Chief samurai..."

I mean, the old feminine type?

Indeed, Jen noticed that the type he said so had not yet been made.

"Do you want to go?"


So Jen immediately decided to work on the production.

Move to the workshop and build a body to be based on. The specifications comply with golem made, but the use of rarer materials improves performance.

"Brother Jin, you should also contact 'Jack' with Mr. Milowina"

Elsa advised watching beside him rather than helping Jen work...

"So is that. Reiko, tell Old Man to connect me to Jack."

"Yes, Father."

You can do it yourself, but I would love to ask Reiko, so Jen decides to rely heavily on me at times like this.

And Elsa was asked to contact Milowina.

In conclusion, both 'Jack' and Milowina were in favour.

And it was also accepted that Elsa called it the 'Samurai Long Style'.

When that happens, Jen's hands won't stop anymore.

Until the response arrived, I slowly assembled it, but now that it is OK, reluctance is useless and I really started working on it.

And Reiko, who finished her liaison, also resumed her assistant, so the body was finished in about five minutes.

"It is also equipped with a control core."

Since it is remotely piloted, the control nucleus (control core) will be used in an auxiliary manner. A specific example would be if 'Jack' could not be maneuvered for any reason.

Jen, who also had all those additional features, nodded satisfactorily.

"The rest is the exterior.... Elsa, can you ask?

"Yeah, I got it."

By referring to the female automatic doll (Automata) and the old 'Samurai Chief' type, the design was left to Elsa, and Jen watched.

The body shape is middle meat and mid back. This is because I decided that I didn't have to bother making it look fat or skinny in order to fully demonstrate the specs I inherited from Golem Maid.

I wonder what Jen will do with his face, and when Jen looks at it, what Elsa created was something with a slightly similar atmosphere to Mirowina once had.

Rather than that, can I say I multiplied Milowina by two and added Meine and Martha there and divided by four.

"I see, this is how Elsa did it"

I didn't let them hang my glasses. Hair color is bright brown without difficulty and eye color is brown.

The outfit is an array of Penglai standard samurai clothes. The headdress may not be worn or worn if necessary.

"What about the name?

'Jack' is a man's name, so it doesn't suit the female shape.

"... not in Queen."

I know you imagined J and Q of Trump, but Jen's naming sense was the same.

"I think it would be nice to have Mr. Milowina put it on there,"

"So is that."

So I decided to contact Milowina and have her come to the workshop.

Looks like she was just taking a walk through the orchard behind the lab, coming in less than ten minutes.

"Jin, are you ready yet?

I asked, so I know Jen is making a 'Jack' terminal, Milowina, but he seemed a little surprised by the speed with which it was done.

"Yeah. What do you think?"


Mirowina seemed to like it when she saw an automatic doll (Automata) with a calm atmosphere.

"Nice!... 'Jack' will manipulate this, won't he?

"That's what I want you to name it."

"Oh, yeah.... um, what about 'Jackie'?

The name Jackie tends to be considered a male name for a kung fu star of the same name, but is actually used in the English-speaking world for both men and women.

Is it an image like 'Hiromi' or 'Hikaru' by analogy to Japanese...... Jen kinda thinks.

Isn't there actually a lot of nicknames for 'Jacqueline'?

Aside from that, Jen and Elsa both seemed to think that if the 'Jack' device was' Jackie ', like you and Lao Zi, they would soon find out the relevance.

"Mmm, I think so."

And I was nodding.

"All right, that's it for 'Jack', too?

I wouldn't say no, but I'll ask just in case. Then,

"Yes, that's fine with me, too. Whatever it is, it's the name Mirowina gave me."

And the answer came back as expected.

"All right. I'll give 'Jack' the launch and other permissions too, so you can start it from there."

"Okay." Start "

'Jackie' got up.

Dear Mirowina, thank you for coming.

Nice to meet you, Jackie.

"Yes.... thank you, Master Jin, for your body"

"Protect Milowina."

Yes, of course.

Thus, "Jackie", an automatic mobile device doll for Mirowina operated by "Jack", was to take care of Mirowina from this time on.

Jen reported that he had made "Jackie," as all of the "Jen Family" were there for dinner that day.

"Wow, that's amazing. That's Gin."

"Elsa on the outside, though."

"It's nice in a calm atmosphere"

Meine, who became one of the models, also praised me.

Now that the other members had accepted it, Jen and Elsa were relieved.

And he began to wonder about Marcia, who seems to be studying on board the ship day after day.

"What about Marcia? Is the ship's research progressing?

"Yeah, puffiness"

"Right...... after all, do you need a dedicated assistant?

There are no arrows in Marcia right now. Both Arco and Vail.

If requested, Jen was going to make an assistant golem of the same type.

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