Magi Craft Meister

72-38 Magic Squad Found

In Penglai, Jin and the others are watching footage from the Shinobi Army.

"Oh, one that was stopped restarted."

"Another one... I can't walk even if I restart it.... haah, are you sending it back to the base?"

"But you had more golem than I thought, Jonathan."

There are about 1,000 Golems belonging to the "Jonal Base".

Ten percent of them, or 100 of them, were used to maintain the city and were walking around on behalf of people.

"Looks like you've been making it one by one."

It was nearly 4,000 years ago, so it is not strange if it is made about 1,000 bodies.

But the same is true of the "Oeste Base".

"You might want to see at least 1,000 of them perform better than the Golem at Jonal Station."

Louis suggested so from a strategic perspective.

There are 1,000 Land Squads on Penglai. In addition to that, I have Reiko.

"'There is no miracle in battle.'... the words of an old tactician."

Louis has a difficult face.

"'Quantify quality and quantity and think logically'... this was another tactician."

Since he was a tactician at the time of the "Magic War," he said that there was no complete form of documentation left.

"...... Still, how did Reko change that word when she was there?"

Reiko boasts strategic strength, not tactical.

That is a thousand horses, unfair.

A presence that can flip the battlefield by itself.

"Oops, that's what we talked about.... 'Jonathan' seems like an excellent magical brain capable of logical thinking and extraordinary ideas. But...."

"... at the same time, I inherited the disadvantages of 'Original (Origin)'. You mean...?

Reinhardt speaks ahead of Louis' thoughts.

"That's what I'm talking about. First of all... what Jin pointed out was the" spinach "."

"Yes, 'Report', 'Contact', 'Consultation'... I don't think the Originals are willing to do it alone... because it was individualistic. You can see it when you look at the magic brain of its creature."

"Elder" Tarres also agreed with this Jin's opinion.

"Hmm, Lord Jin, Lord Reinhardt, and Lord Lewis are right. 'Original' seems to be firmly entrenched in the idea of 'doing something for yourself'."

I knew it.

"Hmm. I've just come to realize that we should consult in large numbers, like Lord Jin and the others."

Of course, putting together a large number of opinions is quite time-consuming, so it is also one way to proceed if you can summarily execute them.

It is not decided which is better on the one hand.

But, but...

"... I wonder if I can't make an interim report at this point."

"That's right, Jinjama. I'll be careful next time."

Marika agreed with Jen's murmuring.

This time, the fact that Jin and the others were investigating in secret in "Jonathan" is on the shelf.

... this is a 'strategic' exercise, separate from 'spinach'.

At that time, Marcia, who was looking at the screen, raised her voice.

Oh, he's coming out again.

"He" is a "patrolling golem."

And they looked at the screen again.

["1", there was. It's a patrolling golem.

[... I see, the appearance and appearance of this Golem are almost unchanged]

Ten bodies moved around "noisily" on the ground, or a golem presumed to belong to the "Oeste base" arrived.

[... his identifying name is Sik]

[I see. It's the ancient language of "The Patrol."

[That's right.... "Sik", did you notice us?


But you're not reacting, are you?

You seem to be ignoring it.

It's a mystery.

Attempts at contacts are ignored. If forced, they will be attacked.

What a stuck situation.

[... this might be a good idea to ignore Sik and try a different approach]

What's the other one?

Find the exit/exit where the Sik is coming out or going back.

I see.

Ignoring us could lead us back to where we left off.

[I see. Indeed.]

Everybody, spread out in pairs, keep an eye on Sik at least 30 meters away.

[Roger that]

In Penglai, the exchange was observed through the eyes and ears of the "Shinobi unit".

"Sure, that's a good move."

"Yeah, that's the only way."

The location of the patrolling Golem "Sik" has already been identified by the observation satellite "Watcher", but for the time being it is to be kept quiet.

Considering "Jonathan" who is working for Marica.

"It's coming out of the Transformation Magic Faction, isn't it?

"Yes, Master (My Lord). It's not that far from where Sik is right now, so if we have 10 bodies tracked down below 1, we'll find them soon."

As you expected, after 20 minutes, the patrolling Golem "Sik" reached a transfer magic formation for entry and exit.

[What is this place...?

Even Jonathan, who was piloting "1", had a place where understanding could not catch up for a moment.

[... I see... this is how you cover up the Transformation Magic Formation...]

It is an open open space. That's all I looked like...

But when I look into the eyes of someone who understands the magic team, I see what's there.

[The Magic Faction... is it engraved on the underground rocks...]

Most of the transporters were on the surface, and most of the magical formation was covered with dirt.

Still functioning as a magic team is fine and still working.

[... and you're using rocks to the extreme...]

It can be seen that there are many parts under the soil, and that the efficiency is reduced by the "poles" given to the magic team.

[Still, I suppose he does some maintenance sometimes.]

'1', or 'Jonathan', said so.

And before they could see it, the Transformation Magic Team activated and "Sik" disappeared.

[Mmm, this is definitely the entrance. All of you, let's go.

[Roger that]

Throughout "1", "Jonathan", who is piloting, knows all the history to date.

It was decided that it would be better to go to the investigation with maximum force.

First, "9" and "10" ride the Transformation Magic Team. Because it wasn't big enough for everyone to ride. Probably for one.

But when packed, they managed to get on.

Then cast magic on the magic team. Since the treatment was common, it started without any problems.

The two bodies were metastasized... and suddenly the ground exploded.

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