Magi Craft Meister

73-28 There are some areas that Ren is not good at.

Jin and Old Man can't accept the 'Mementus' request to 'meet the creator of Shinobi's unit', so they think there is some compromise.

"... first of all, why are you so attached to the automatic doll?

Yes, Master (My Lord), I think that's the key point. But I can't make a decision because I don't have any information. "

That's right.

Jen thinks that "Mentas" is blurring it intentionally.

That's why I can't grasp my true intentions.

"But why do they depend on human performance?

That's also an unknown point.... to recreate human society, you don't have to put out so many rejected products. "

Yeah, that's right.

In order to support humans, Jen thinks that there is nothing worse than strength and speed than humans.

"Maybe you're afraid of the 'rebellion'?

I'm not saying it's not possible, but I think there are other ways to do it.

That's right. like an emergency stop device..... "

Even if I thought about it, it was because of the lack of information, I could not draw such a conclusion.

Master (My Lord), if you do, I have one suggestion.

Tell me about it.

'Yes... through' Shinobi ', I listened to the request for' Mentas' and I made an automatic doll accordingly. '

"I see...."

If it's Master (My Lord), it's possible, right?

"I think we can do that... but then we'll find out what's going on here."

It's going to work.

I see. Let me suggest that. "

Since things are not progressing as they are, Jen's proposal was appealing. [M]

I was also interested in what specs Mentas would require.

The operation was immediately communicated to Shinobi.

<... "Mentas-Kufkaev", I have a suggestion.

Let's hear it.

Thank you.... how about you contact my producer, tell him what you want, and have him make an automatic doll?

It's not bad. But we have some problems. First of all, how do we get in touch?

Just pull the magic antenna wire from this room to the ground.

... hmm, I see.... can you tell me about performance just verbally?

I don't know unless I try, but I'm sure my producer can do it.

I see.

I don't think there's any harm in trying.

If you don't come aboard now, you'll have to devise another plan.

All right, let's just do it.

And "Mentas-Kufkaev" accepted.

First of all, the magic antenna wire....

... so can we share the antenna here?

"Mentas-Kufkaev" ordered the maid's automatic doll (Automata) to point to the device in the corner of the room.

Is this... communication equipment?

I can say that. Anyway, I'm sure there's a magic cable on this base that stretches all the way to the surface.

Can I try?

I don't mind.

So Shinobi Yi commanded Nishi and Ginsen to check the device while alerting the maid automata.

I had a lot of trouble with my small size, but I was able to confirm that the device was a communication device.

I tried and sent a very short transmission that didn't matter, and I'm sure you could intercept it.

Confirmed. Let me put my hands on it.

Say no and adjust the communication equipment.

The remodeling was completed in about 15 minutes.

It's over.

... well, do you have that kind of technology? I became more and more interested in your producer.

That depends on what happens next. Let's get in touch first.

I look forward to it.

That's why Shinobi started communicating dignified.

Incidentally, we do not use "directional" magic waves, and by using "Pegasus 2" in Rashiel continent as a relay base, we do not want to identify the location of Penglai.

"Kochirashinobiichi. Lacún, Autumn."

At the same time, even with its built-in Magic Communication Machine (Manakam), it sends communications saying, "If there is no problem, let's carry out the operation." Of course, this one has an overwhelming amount of information.

"This is the elder gentleman. Sensitive, explained the situation."

"Shinobiichiyokai, I can't believe it...."

Shinobi (Ichi) talks to Old Man when he can hear you. As the content, let me smell that Jin has been able to make an automatic doll (automata).

<... you're right. Tell them what you want.

... I see.... is it okay for you to prototype it?

It doesn't matter.

All right… 155 cm tall, medium back, about 20 years old, male and female, said to be Ars indigenous. Purpose, maid.... can you make it first?

Are you sure you want to behave like a human?

That's what I'm talking about.

(Insufficient information, but can I supplement the parts that have not been instructed?

That's right. I also want to use the level of complementarity as a judgment material.

Okay. Okay.

"... that's right, Master (My Lord)"

"I see, you're really trying."

'Yes, if I can convince' Mentas' here, I think it will be advantageous for future negotiations. '

"Okay. Let's make it up."

Jin went to the workshop.

"Um, it's 155cm tall, medium back..."

Elsa will also come there.

"Brother Jin, can I help you?

I see. It's a feminine shape, so help me finish the look. "

"Nh, okay."

That's why Jin and Elsa split up to make an automated doll (automata).

"It's a lot of trouble to have a human spec."

"Nh, I know."

"It's too strong with light silver, so it's aluminum...."

Jin considers using an aluminum alloy instead of light silver for the skeleton.

Duralumin, referred to as A2017. Hard but slightly brittle.

Aluminum containing copper is more intense but difficult to plasticize (for example, bending makes it fragile).

"Shouldn't this be a hollow structure?

"... maybe it's still tougher than a human bone."

Well, let's make it as thin as possible.

"I think it's lighter than a human bone."

"I see....."

Nin realized that it was surprisingly difficult to produce low-spec automatic dolls (automata).

"Kufu, is it my turn?

"Ah, Saki sister"

When Jin was bothering his head in choosing the ingredients, Saki also raised his face.

"Use ceramic ingredients."

"I knew it would happen....."

Metallic materials are familiar, but not very familiar with ceramics (sintered materials).

Leave it to me.

Then, the joint production by the three of us begins.

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