Magi Craft Meister

73-44 What you get by satisfying your desires

By the way...

Ren D once again talked about "spoiled goods (elates)."

"One interesting suggestion."

"Well, what is it? Let me tell you something."

"Jedoev" nodded with interest.

"Um... why don't you try some 'sweets'?







"Lucenet", "Saffron", "Nefer", and "Lucank" were more appetizing to the proposal than "Jedoev".

Regardless of race or age, Jen D could not help but think...

"... okay, then just wait a little longer."

Jen D said so, and went to the room next to the two, namely the room with the "Transformation Magic Team".

And one of the five colored Golem-made, "Perido 10", returns with him.

Perido 10 had "Okagami" in his hand.

"Oka Hold" is a box with a handle (handle) that carries dishes and the like before you go out.

There are cookies in Okahold that are relatively simple sweetness. However, not only sugar, but also maple syrup and honey.

There was also a simple tea in the magic bottle.

"This is my maid golem, too."


Excellent work.

Well then, let's have a tea party here.... "Deformation (forming)"

Ren D said that he made a chair and table with the right material that was rolling on the floor for a few people.

"Oh, that's wonderful."

"Now, sit down properly."

It's a stool on a round table, so it's really simple.

But it turned out to be a tea party that I didn't care about.

"Now, try it."

"Uhh... mmm..."

Although the "spoilers" picked up the cookies, they hesitated to carry them to their mouths.

It's not impossible, because I've spent thousands of years without food and drink.

So first, Jin D will try it.

Yeah, sweet.

"Nefer" who saw it first ate a bite of a cookie.

"... sweet... i... this feels sweet... ah, it's been thousands of years!

The other seven people who heard about it also ate cookies one after the other.

Some people are crying.

"Sweet! This is sweetness!

"Ah, I almost forgot my taste....."

"I can't believe I can feel the taste again....."


Everyone was impressed with the taste for the first time in thousands of years.

In the case of Golems and Automatic Dolls (Automata) made by Jin, they have a 'Taste Sensor' in their mouth.

Simply put, the ingredients are analyzed in Analysis, and glucose, fructose, sucrose, etc. produce an output called Sweetness.

Of course, sodium chloride is "salty", capsaicin is "spicy", and citric acid and acetic acid are "acidic".

Anything that is not classified as "tasteless" or "bad taste", although it is not a taste.

In addition, the data of "ingredients" is also output, so it is possible to recognize "honey flavour" and "orange flavour".

"Thank you, Jin-kun."

"Jedoev" said with his cookie on his cheek.

"It's the same sweetness, but not the same. Did you get me three?"

"Yes, sugar, honey, maple syrup."

Well, is this flavor a maple syrup?

While listening to Jin D's explanation, their hands did not stop.

"Delicious, delicious"

Tea is delicious, too.

The bulk of the cookies and tea were gone in about ten minutes.


"I'm satisfied."

Thank you, Jin-kun.

"You're welcome."

There is a tank in the abdomen that temporarily stores what has been eaten, and when it is full, the "feeling of full" is output.

So it doesn't happen to eat indefinitely.

It was the first time in thousands of years for them to feel "full".

"Ah, it's good to have a 'body'!


"I totally agree"

Even the original ancestor (origin) of the "drawstring" did not seem to be able to become a living immortal after eating the hazelnut (ether), and the "appetite" seemed to be alive.

"Still, this' body 'is great."

"Well, when it comes to appetite and lust for sleep, you can consciously switch."

Ren D supplemented it.

It is an "automatic doll (automata)" that does not usually require food or sleep, but this time the body (body) is special.

Of course, there is a limiter, and if you get a feeling of fullness once, you can't get a feeling of "fullness" for 5 hours, and a timer is set so that you wake up once in 8 hours.

Naturally, we can consciously cut them.

"Hmm, did you say" Magic Engineer Magikraft Jazz "? Jin-kun is a big deal."

"No, I've learned a lot by making that body."

Hmm, do you have any sense of improvement?

Having enjoyed "meals" seemed to have further softened the attitude of "spoilers (elates)" towards Jin D.

Now, at the same time, the "Shinobi unit" was investigating the security facility "Pose".

Were you able to report well?

The two of them stuck to the Golem that went out of the magic barrier and escaped, reporting back to you.

[... it seems all right.]

Wu answered the grunt of Shinobi who was watching by the Magic Barrier.

Magic barriers (magic barriers) pass through visible light and sound waves, so you can have sign language and voice conversations inside and outside.

I see. That's good. All right, let's get on with the investigation.

Roger that.

There was no new discovery on the current floor, so the Shinobi unit aims to be on the other floor.

Golems of different formats were repeatedly going and coming, so they took a ride through the barrier between the floors.

The "physical barrier" can be removed using a transfer device, but just in case.

Now, let's do a quick survey of this floor.

Roger that.

The eight Shinobi units were also scattered in pairs for investigation.

Now, what do we find on this floor?

Let's be careful.

The Shinobi Troops carefully aimed for each room on the floor...

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