Ren D is giving his opinion to "Luca."

"Do you speculate on the power of Pose?

Yes, like 'Whip', 'Hot Ray Magic Attack', 'Spike Kick'.

"... you know that, don't you take measures?

"Yes, especially. Those weapons are also good" if they don't hit. "

"Are you serious...?"

Jen D dropped his shoulders as if he had heard of them somewhere.

"How can you say 'I can't hit'?

Because it's fast.

"Hmm, I don't know how fast it is, but could you show me?

Got it.

"I knew it would be a good idea for a mock fight."

That's why I decided to do a mock fight in a large hall on three levels.

The hall is about 30 meters in diameter. The ceiling is seven meters high. It's wide enough to take full advantage of speed.

(Well, let's do a little research first.)

The "Luker" side is running all three.

Jin D first decided to put out the "Craftsman (Smith)" 101.

And of course, all the 'Elates' are spectators.

"This Craftsman (Smith) is a technology-based golem, but not all fighters are powerless."

And Jin D had the "craftsman (Smith)" 101 carry a whip made from the right material.

Since the material is bronze, it was thought that there would be no scratches on the exterior of the Golem alloy steel of Luker.

However, if it is about the wound, it will be repaired immediately.

"Now, let's get started!

A three-to-one mock battle began.

Luker's All-purpose Golem was certainly moving fast.

But it's monotonous.

Linear movements alone cannot flirt with the 'artisan (smith)' 101.

"Craftsman (Smith)" 101 flirts with three bodies with a variable movement.


"Looks good."

Jin, your golem is wonderful.

The whip waved by the artisan (Smith) 101 hit two all-purpose golems as he stood.

Since the other one was behind, he looked at the gap and jumped out of between the two, pointing his sword at the Craftsman (Smith) 101.

However, when the craftsman (Smith) 101 avoided it without difficulty, he wound the sword of Golem with a whip.

Until then.

Since this is only a mock fight and not a break, Jin declares the end.


"What do you say, Lucas?

Luker, who was supposed to have been watching the whole thing with the magic eye for surveillance, did not respond immediately.

There's a problem.

"... whipping should be hard to use in a small room."

And I started saying things like losing.

Hmm, maybe it makes sense.

"When that happens, it becomes more than pure power...?


Looks like the Elates are entertaining.

"... then, let's try in a narrow place."

Well, in the hallway.

"Luca" immediately responded to Rend's suggestion.


Now it's a mock fight in the aisle that leaves the hall.

There is a formation of two on one side and one on the other side, sandwiching the "Smith" 101.

"Okay, here we go!

The mock battle started again with Ren D's orders.

This time, the artisan (Smith) 101 started from an obviously unfavourable arrangement, but did not do anything about it.

By holding the whip short, the tip was slightly reduced to the extent that it scratched the wall or ceiling.

First, shake the whip toward one person to restrain them, and then rush toward the two sides where they are rolling over.

Because the passage is narrow, it is not possible to pick up and shoot two people side by side, and the "craftsman (Smith)" 101 wraps a short whip around the opponent's sword, takes its function, and then kicks the opponent in front.

If it had a spike on its soles, it would have taken less damage.

The front-kicked golem blows up and hits the rear golem and stops.

The golem that was hit also fell.

Meanwhile, the artisan (Smith) 101, who turned again, rushed into a single golem. And...

"Water Bullet (Water Ball)"

I hit a water bullet as big as a baseball.

Until then.

Again, Jin D stopped the simulation.


"This is...."

"Well, there are variations in the way we fight."

"Confused objects (elates)" are honestly impressed.

"What do you think? It's a" water bomb ", but if it's hot wire magic, it's going to kill me."

"... I understand what you're saying."

"That's fine. Well, at least we need to deal with Whiplash and Hot Wire Magic.


"All right, let's think fast.... yes, do you have any good ideas for the" Elate "?

Here and here, Jen D also wanted to hear the idea of "spoiled goods (elates)".

Hmm, that's interesting.

Yeah, yeah.

I wonder if the heat is reflective?

"I think we should get the reflectance of the shield closer to 100 percent."

I haven't talked about how.

"Whip... I don't know."

"Yes. Isn't that a weapon that can only be prevented with a shield?

Or physical boundaries.

The way of thinking seemed to be no different from Jin's.

However, these kinds of thought-experiential things seem to like, and the 'mischievous objects (elates)' say to each other in a pleasant manner.

Ren also gives opinions through Ren D.

"... the whip depends on the material, but what if it gets entangled?

When they heard the words, the 'disputed objects (elates)' reacted immediately.

Hmm, Jin, your opinion is interesting.

"The other day, on the contrary, he was wrapped around a sword."

"After the whip is entangled, it looks like it's going to be more powerful in the end."

"If we can confront each other one-on-one, like in a hallway, we might win if the three of us pull together."

I see....... What kind of weapon do we need for that, Lord Jin?

Something like "Sword Breaker."

What's that?

"Oh, didn't you know?... this one."

Ren D decided to make a model of the rolling material.

"Deformation (forming)"



"This shape..."

The model of "Sword Breaker" made by Ren D is slightly jagged like a saw on one side of a thick sword.

However, if you look closely, the jagged part is more uneven than the saw.

In other words, it is a structure that folds by twisting after receiving the enemy's sword in the unevenness.

Therefore, "Swordbreaker".

Even if it is a whip, it seems to catch the jagged part.

This looks good.

"Luca" was also admitted.

"All right, that's the heat magic."

Discussions that cross the line of "Conflicts (Elates)" get to the brink.

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