Xiaosong looked at Chen Yi who was leaving, stretched out her hand, but finally pouted angrily and muttered:"If you don't want to accept it, then don't accept it! Why are you ignoring me! Why are you pretending! Aren't you just better than me? I obviously wanted to give you some help before leaving Qifeng City. Since you don't want it, forget it!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xiaosong turned around and took a step in the opposite direction of Chen Yi, but at that moment, her steps stopped again. She then looked in the direction of the trainer school where Chen Yi was heading, and muttered:"You obviously can't become a trainer, but you are so stubborn! Forget it, this is your last honor anyway, just treat it as a witness......."

In the most spacious playground of the Training Street School, a stage has been set up.

As the students of this advanced class graduate, the theme of this day is the graduation ceremony!

As the principal of this training school, Principal Poker expressed his views and wishes for the future of the graduating students, and received applause from many students who stepped down from the stage. Then many teachers of the school expressed their wishes for the graduating students, and received warm applause from many students who stepped down from the stage.

Finally, it was Chen Yi. As a representative of the graduates, Chen Yi naturally had to go on stage to express his views.

The graduation ceremony was over, and Chen Yi did not speak for a long time. He also knew that this form was just a formality. After speaking, he went down the stage directly. After that, there was another familiar beep, and the graduation ceremony was considered to have come to an end.

When he stepped down, Chen Yi saw Xiao Song in the crowd below, but the girl turned around and left after looking at him. That expression made Chen Yi himself a little puzzled!

After getting the graduation certificate, the graduates left the school one after another, and Chen Yi came to his class.

Pushing open the door of the classroom, Chen Yi saw the figure he always saw, Teacher Xiaohui!

"Well, it seems that you are in good spirits!"Teacher Xiaohui looked at Chen Yi and said with a smile,"Let me introduce myself again. My name is Gao Meihui! Since you are recommended by Principal Poker, then follow me tomorrow!"

"Go with you?" Chen Yi frowned and said

"You can't be so naive to think that the academy I mentioned is still in this Qifeng City!" Teacher Xiaohui said

"So, I will be away from here for a long time?" Chen Yi asked

"Normally speaking, it is indeed like this!" Teacher Xiaohui continued,"That's why I said I would leave tomorrow. After I go home today, I will have a good discussion with my family. If you don't come here by seven o'clock tomorrow morning, then I will assume that you have given up this opportunity!"

"......"Chen Yi heard what Teacher Xiao Hui said, pursed his lips, and then remained silent, but the hand holding the diploma tightened, and then turned around and left.

Teacher Xiao Hui watched Chen Yi leave, and did not stop him, but just smiled slightly, and then looked at the sky outside the window again.......

When Chen Yi returned home, he met his parents. At this time, Chen Hai and Mei Hezi were sitting on the sofa chatting.

"Mom and Dad, I'm back!"Chen Yi put down the graduation certificate in his hand and said

"You're back, just in time, we have something to talk to you about!" Chen Hai and Meihezi smiled slightly when they saw Chen Yi, put down the things in their hands, and said

"Is there anything wrong?" Chen Yi sat opposite his parents and asked

"Didn't you graduate today? We are thinking about your future life!" Chen Hai said with a smile

"We don't have to worry about your academic performance and life, so we are relieved!" Meihezi said

"Your mother and I have found a fruit school for you in the suburbs of Chifeng City. You can go there to study......."Chen Hai continued to speak, but at this time he noticed that Chen Yi was gradually becoming a little stunned, and he immediately stopped talking, the smile on his face gradually faded, and he looked at Chen Yi and said,"Xiao Yi, don't you have something to tell me?"

"Dad, Mom, can I not go to that Shuguo School?" Chen Yi looked at his parents and said

"Can you tell us the reason? Is this related to what you want to say?"Meihezi smiled kindly and said

"I want to be a Pokémon trainer!" Chen Yi straightened his back, looked at his parents, and said,"This is what I want to tell you! Half a month ago, Principal Poker gave me a chance. Now I can go to a place called Tianguan Academy, where I can become a Pokémon trainer!"

"I want to be a trainer, I want to travel! I don't want to stay in this place for the rest of my life!" Chen Yi continued,"Maybe it would be better to go to the academy that cultivates tree fruits, but I have never asked for anything. This time, please allow me to be willful this time!"

"......"As if they were shocked by Chen Yi's words, Chen Hai and Mei Hezi were stunned for a moment, then looked at each other, and finally smiled slightly. Mei Hezi looked at Chen Yi and said,"In fact, we can also see your inner desire for the outside world......."

"Since you want to go, then go! Since this is the opportunity given to you by Principal Poker, you must seize it well!"Chen Hai looked at Chen Yi and said softly,"That Tianguan Academy should be very far away! Perhaps, you want to leave this home?"

"......"Chen Yi did not answer, but he gave his own answer.

"But, this is your choice after all, isn't it? In the end, we are sorry for you. It's because of us that you can't become a Pokémon trainer. If it's not because of us, you should be able to get your initial Pokémon now and start your journey......."Chen Hai looked at Chen Yi and said with a smile,"So, you don't have to worry about us. In the future, you can become a Pokémon trainer like your brother!"

"Thank you, Mom and Dad!" Chen Yi looked at his parents in his life, and his heart was filled with warmth.

Perhaps, after going to the so-called Tianguan Academy, the future days will be even more unknown and bumpy, but this is the path that Chen Yi wants to take to become a trainer. That's it, Chen Yi will not give up. Having said that, leaving this home where he has lived for a full ten years, his heart is also filled with reluctance.......

At night, Chen Yi heard the familiar rustling sound again, but this time he was absent-minded and didn't pay attention.

In the open space outside Chen Yi's room, the figure left with a bit of disappointment. After walking out of Chen Yi's courtyard, he felt something, looked up, and saw the familiar voice.

"Big Jaw Ant, don't worry, that child will definitely come to pick you up in the future! So, please don't be sad!" Principal Poker looked at the figure at this time, squatted in front of him, and said with a smile

"Click......"Ka-ka!" The big-jawed ant threw itself into Principal Poker's arms, crying.......


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