Teacher Xiaohui walked up to the podium slowly, but she did not give a lecture to the students below as usual. Instead, she smiled and said to the many ignorant children below:"Children, do you know what day it will be in a week?"

"One week later!"When Teacher Xiaohui finished speaking, Chen Yi's eyes changed and he pursed his lips.

At this time, the casual expressions of the children around him gradually became more restrained.

For these children who were not trainers at all, but students, what they cared about most was naturally the exam!

"In a week, it will be your final exam! It will also be your graduation exam!"Teacher Xiaohui seemed very satisfied with the expressions of the children below, and said,"But you don't have to be nervous, the graduation exam is the same as the previous exams, as long as you study hard, you will definitely pass it!"

"Yes!" The children below answered in unison

"Well, today, I won't be teaching. I want to ask you something!" Teacher Xiaohui said with a smile.

"What's the matter?" The children below answered one after another.

"What is your dream? Or what do you want to do after graduation? It has been three years since you came to this trainer school! Maybe you can't think of what you want to do in the future, but what about after graduation?"Teacher Xiaohui said with a smile. The originally noisy crowd suddenly stopped.

Immediately, someone said,"I want to be a trainer! A Pokémon trainer!!"

"I want to be the strongest Pokémon trainer in Chifeng City!" Someone else said

"I want to be a coordination trainer!" A girl said shyly.

Teacher Xiaohui listened to the children's dreams with a smile on her face, and did not speak. She swept her eyes over the children below and said softly:"Your dreams are all great! Indeed, you are all ten years old this year! It's time to receive your own initial Pokémon!"

After that, Teacher Xiaohui continued to sweep her eyes over the children below, and suddenly smiled and said:"Chenyi, you are the most representative student in our school. I really want to know your dream!"

Chen Yi was stunned, and then he stood up, his face still so calm, and said:"I don't know!"

"Don't know?"Teacher Xiaohui was stunned, looking at Chen Yi who stood up at this time, not knowing what to say.

It is normal for boys and girls of this age to dream of becoming a trainer or a coordination trainer!

In this world, Pokémon is the most important element, so various professions based on Pokémon are also the most mainstream, such as Pokémon trainers, Pokémon coordination trainers, Pokémon breeders, etc.!

In this world, every child can get his own initial Pokémon when he is ten years old!

However, this initial Pokémon is not obtained in vain. He needs the family to have no past bad spots, and the family needs to pay a large amount of alliance coins to the Pokémon Alliance every year. In this way, when the child is ten years old, the children can go to the Pokémon Center in each region of the Alliance to receive their initial Pokémon.

Whether the family is willing to pay this money is voluntary. If they pay, they can get the initial Pokémon, otherwise they cannot get it!

As Chen Yi's teacher, Xiaohui also has some understanding of his family situation. Chen Yi's family is good. Although it cannot be described as wealthy, it is also good. However, because of some relationships, Chen Yi cannot become a trainer!

"Don't you want to be a trainer?" Teacher Xiaohui looked at Chen Yi and said

"I want to!" Chen Yi's answer was very certain.

"Okay, I get it!" Xiaohui smiled and said,"Sit down!"......

The weather is still cold, but there is no snow

"Ring Ring Ring......Ring Ring Ring......"

The school bell rang, and many children immediately poured out of the trainer school like a tide.

Chen Yi walked in the crowd, neither hurried nor slow. He remembered something and sighed.

He really couldn't get his initial Pokémon when he was ten years old. The reason was very simple. That was that in these years, his family did not hand over the considerable amount of Alliance Coins to the Alliance to help him get his own initial Pokémon.

It's not that his parents were unwilling, but the family conditions did not support it!

Chen Yi has an older brother named Chen Yuan. He got his own initial Pokémon a year ago and set off on a journey!

Chen Yi's family can only support one child to get his initial Pokémon. Because Chen Yi's brother was born first, unfortunately, Chen Yi did not have the opportunity to get his own initial Pokémon. It sounds dramatic, but it is the fact.

It is impossible for Chen Yi to say that he is not unwilling in his heart, but Chen Yi's character is like this. Since things are like this, all he can do is to rely on himself to get his own initial Pokémon.

During class, when facing Teacher Xiaohui's question, Chen Yi's answer was"I don't know". But Chen Yi also knew that when Teacher Xiaohui asked him if he wanted to be a trainer, his answer at that time was in accordance with his heart and he came up with a very direct answer.

His dream is to become a trainer!

Not only to become a trainer, as a time traveler, since he has come to this world, why can't he go out and see it?......

When he got home, Chen Yi saw his parents.

His father was Chen Hai, and his mother was Mei Hezi.

Chen Yi's home was very simple. In fact, Chen Yi's family were all very ordinary people, with nothing special.

"Back?" Chen Hai saw his child coming home, put down the book in his hand and said

"Rustle......"Swish!!" The speaker cricket behind Chen Hai also greeted Chen Yi as Chen Hai said. Its slender hands seemed to be plucking the strings of a violin, making a very leisurely sound.

"How are you today? Speaker Cricket!"Chen Yi said with a smile, then nodded to Chen Hai and said,"Where's Mom?"

"Take care of Shuguo in the back, go wash your hands, it’s time to eat!" Chen Hai got up from the sofa, looked at Chen Yi and said,"Your brother is back today too!"

"Brother?"Chen Yi was stunned, a little surprised.

""Xiao Yi!" At this moment, a familiar voice came from behind Chen Yi.

Chen Yi turned around, looked at his brother who was smiling at him, and smiled, saying,"Brother, welcome back!"


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