"Chen Yi, although you may not need it, I still advise you to be a little careful and not to offend the administrator of Tias!"Looking at Chen Yi's back as he turned and left, Ming Mei did not stop him, but said with a smile.

Chen Yi did not stop, nor did he turn around, but just walked with one hand dragging the luggage, and raised the other hand to wave

"Senior Sister Mingmei, is the girls' dormitory in this direction?"At this time, Xiaosong's voice sounded.

"That's right! Come with me!" Mingmei said with a smile.

After that, she turned around and took Xiaosong to the other direction of the No. 1 dormitory building.

For some reason, Chen Yi did not see any other students on the way to his new dormitory. Although the number of advanced students was indeed not large, Chen Yi still had a trace of doubts when he did not meet any of them.

However, he did not think about it for the time being. He came to his own dormitory and put down his luggage. Chen Yi found that this dormitory should be cleaned by someone on weekdays, which saved him time.

After unpacking the luggage and putting the things neatly, Chen Yi walked to the balcony and opened the window of the dormitory. The next moment, the comfortable sunlight was projected in.

"Come out, Lalulas!" Without thinking too much, Chen Yi released Lalulas.

"Lalu!"Lalu Lasi, who came out of the Youyou ball, floated comfortably in the air, and then stretched very comfortably, making a very cute moan.

"How is it? This is our new dormitory!"Chen Yi said with a smile

"It's similar to the original dormitory, but it feels very comfortable!"Soon, Lalulas's telepathy sounded in Chen Yi's mind.

"That's true!" Chen Yi also smiled and said,"Then let's take a look at the school rules and regulations of the formal school in the North Courtyard!" While speaking, Chen Yi also took out the rules and regulations that Ming Mei had asked a male student to give him before.

Pulling out a chair, Chen Yi sat on the chair, and Lalulas habitually lay on Chen Yi's head. Chen Yi opened the rules and regulations, and both the person and the pet could see clearly. Of course, whether Lalulas could understand it was another matter.

"A training ground where Pokémon of various attributes can be trained! A trial tower as a place for trials and rankings... It turns out that the elite students are above the advanced students!" Chen Yi looked at this manual with not many pages, feeling a little happy in his heart. While muttering, the corners of his mouth also slightly lifted because of his good mood.

"Xiaoyi, is there anything good?"Lalulas couldn't understand the hand that Chenyi was looking at, but she could see the smile on Chenyi's face. Knowing Chenyi, she naturally knew what it meant. So the next moment, the cute telepathic voice sounded in Chenyi's mind.

"Good news!"Chen Yi smiled and said,"Of course there is good news! Lalulas, there is a training ground in the formal school that is very suitable for you, and……"

Under the sun, the boy shared his joy with the petite figure on his head.


In the afternoon, Chen Yi left the dormitory and walked along the street to the extremely prosperous commercial street in the formal college. Looking at the various shops on both sides of the street, Chen Yi was a little entangled. With so many shops, let's see if there are any shops that are currently recruiting!

Chen Yi walked around and found that most of the shops on this street were indeed recruiting people. He chose a shop that gave Pokémon massage and walked in.

The name of the shop is Beishu.

The reason why Chen Yi chose this shop is naturally because giving Pokémon massage is exactly what he is best at. Chen Yi has this confidence and hopes to get satisfactory remuneration and treatment through this skill.

"Classmate, do you need a massage for your Pokémon?"When Chen Yi walked in, a waiter came out immediately, looked at Chen Yi with a smile, and said

"No! I'm here to recruit!" Chen Yi said

"You?" The waiter looked at Chen Yi, a little dazed, and then said with a smile,"Classmate, we are no longer short of waiters here!"

"I'm here to recruit masseurs!" Chen Yi said seriously.

"Masseur? You?" The waiter looked at Chen Yi suspiciously, and saw that he was trying hard to hold back his smile, then he turned around and walked inside, shouting loudly,"Manager! A student is here to recruit a masseur!"

"What!"The next moment, a burly man came out. He had a fierce look on his face and looked intimidating without even getting angry. He was a little fat, and his characteristic big nose was covered with blackheads.

"Hehehe, store manager, yes, it's this guy!" The waiter looked at the sturdy man who came out at this time and said flatteringly

"It's you? You want to recruit a masseur? Do you know who the target of the recruitment order I put out outside is? It's an adult! Do you know?" The sturdy man looked at Chen Yi indifferently, and even so, with his face, he could scare a child to tears.

When the store manager came here, he signaled the waiter to leave and go to work, and the waiter also bowed respectfully, then turned around and left.

There is no doubt that the waiter was extremely afraid of the fierce-looking sturdy store manager.

Chen Yi didn't care at all. After feeling the oppression of the devil administrator in the No. 1 dormitory building, the ferocity of this sturdy man now seemed a bit childish to Chen Yi!

"I'm here to recruit masseurs!" Chen Yi said

"You, no!" The sturdy man shook his head and turned away, as if he didn't care about Chen Yi at all.

"……"Chen Yi frowned and wanted to say something, but in the end he could only sigh and said,"Okay, I get it!"

Since the other party didn't want him and didn't even give him a chance to try, Chen Yi was not the kind of person who would force others to agree to him. He turned around and left without any hesitation.

Chen Yi's departure did not attract the attention of everyone here, which was completely different from the situation when he came here.

After leaving the store, Chen Yi breathed a sigh of relief. He was not very depressed. After all, there were still many stores on this street that needed to recruit.

"Didn't I say we would meet again?"At this moment, a familiar voice sounded.

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