Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 45: Sorry, Xue Jing (Part 2)

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Nian Bingjun said first: "Since that is the case, then I will not send the president." He now just wanted to be alone.

Carlo said: "Mr. Nian Bing, yesterday I heard from you that there are still a few special magic scrolls that I want to sell. I do n’t know what the magic scrolls are for? If I can, I will definitely offer a very reasonable price. Of course, it depends on the quality of the scroll itself. "

Nian Bing shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I don't want to sell those magic scrolls, maybe I will have a chance in the future. You also know that I don't lack money, I just need some raw materials for magic items."

Carlo didn't say anything more, smiled and said: "I hope our union can cooperate with the commander happily. After leaving here, I will rush to the Ice City immediately."

Nian Bing moved in his heart and said, "Chairman Carlo, if you meet the girl just now on the way to Ice City, please help me take care of her, and I will be rewarded in the future."

Carlo nodded. He saw that Nian Bing was in a bad mood. He didn't say much and left his room with his men.

Xue Jing left, and I got the white scroll I wanted. Everything seemed to be going well, but Nian Bing felt a little panic in my heart. I opened the bag and showed the white scroll in front of myself. What do you do when you are in a bad mood? ? Being able to resolve things is naturally the best way. At present, making reels is the best choice. Only by turning all the white scrolls into what you need can you survive better on this continent.

Making a scroll again, Nian Bing has very high demands on himself. A single magic scroll is no longer what he is after. Although the highest level is still level 6, this time, he has incorporated many of his ideas in various scrolls.

For three days, for three days, Nianbing didn't leave the room one step. Every day I ate and asked the hotel's service staff to come to the room. On the first day, he felt a little depressed in his heart, but from the next day, he I have forgotten all my worries and I am completely involved in the making of the magic scroll.

The more complicated the scroll, the harder it is to make. Similarly, the chance of success is smaller. Even with his profound magic control, some special effect magic scrolls have a success rate of less than one-third.

Three days later, Nian Bing looked at the more than twenty scrolls successfully completed in front of her. Some pale faces showed a faint smile. Although many white scrolls only produced more than twenty magic scrolls, he was convinced, Just take one of these finished products in front of yourself, and you can compare it with the price of all previous white scrolls.

Carefully put these scrolls into the ring of space, then take out a few more to wear on yourself, and you are done. The things you need have been completed. It is time to start. The Oran Empire is the goal he is about to reach. Before the Oran Empire, he still has to do one more thing, that is, chase for another dream of his own, which can also be said to be the chase for the master Cha Ji. The famous snack in Binglan City glared at him, that is, he had to stop before leaving The place.

After paying the bill, Nian Bing quietly left the Lanxin Hotel. When passing the Lanxin Restaurant, he clearly saw several kinds of chicken wings on the signboard, which were completely changed according to the chicken wings he made that day, although it can be Imagine that this kind of chicken wings can certainly not be made in the hands of ordinary cooks, but it is obviously much stronger than the original. This can be regarded as a contribution to this city, I hope to stare at food and not let me down.

Thinking about it, Nian Bing walked along the street towards the south of the city. The street was still so noisy and lively. Various caravans were everywhere. Carriage loaded with goods often traversed the street to block traffic. Whenever At this time, there will be officials from Binglan City to help improve traffic conditions. Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner. The commercial city is still running smoothly. Nian Bing looked at everything around him and secretly told himself that the next time he entered the Ice Moon Empire through Binglan City, it might be the moment when he went to the Ice God Tower to avenge his parents.

Smiled slightly, and Nian Bing walked forward. He didn't know how long he had to walk. He fixed his position. Nancheng will always end.

When Nian Bing came to Nancheng, the breath was a little uneven. He really wanted to yell, I hate big cities, why should I go so far? Looking for a passer-by to find out the exact location of the restaurant, he then found his destination.

The decoration of the facade is much better than that of Lanxin Restaurant, except that this seems to be an open-air restaurant. There is a huge sign in the center of the archway at the door, which is a big eye, and the oval eye is one square meter in size, hanging there Very eye-catching, there are big characters on both sides of the big eyes, staring, eyes.

Is really unique! This is the first feeling of Nian Bing. When he walked into the gate, the feeling became stronger. For the first time, he saw such a restaurant. It turned out to be a huge courtyard. There was no covered courtyard. The tables were scattered. As long as there were guests, a big pot would be placed on the table. No matter how many guests there is, a waiter at the table is staring, and the eyes of the guests are all in the pot, which is indeed in line with the stare, but why are they doing this?

"Sir, are you here to eat glaring food?" A waiter ran up.

Nian Bing nodded and said, "This is my first time, can you introduce me first?"

The waiter smiled slightly and said, "In fact, it is very simple. We have special seasonings in this pot. After a long time, we make old soup, dilute it with boiling water when eating, and then put it into liver, intestine, belly, lung, Meat slices, tofu, green vegetables and some high-end things, the best is abalone, there is only one abalone in a pot, as long as you can get it, we will put another one, and then the bottom is heated by the fire. The ingredients will turn over with the boiling water. Guests can use chopsticks ten times for each silver coin. They ca n’t stay in the boiling water. What to eat, we also give free biscuits and soup. If you are lucky, you can naturally eat good things. With bad luck, it is possible to eat vegetables 10 times. "

Nian Bing looked at the waiter in surprise: "This is indeed very fresh, then give me a pot, I try." Under the leadership of the waiter, he came to an empty table and sat down for a while. , The waiter first brought an altar fire, and then put a large pot on the fire.

The soup in the pot is brownish-yellow, and the aroma comes from the nose. Judging from the fragrance and reading the ice, there must be medicinal materials in the bottom of the pot. Is the herbal diet now popular in the Ice Moon Empire?

The soup in the pot gradually turned up. Nianbing picked up a biscuits in his left hand and chopsticks in his right. He carefully looked at the various ingredients in the soup. There were many soups with relatively few ingredients in it. The temperature of the fire below It ’s not low, no wonder it ’s going to be eaten in the open air. If there are so many fires in the house, the problem of temperature alone will be difficult to solve. Staring at food, it seems that you really have to widen your eyes.

If the eyesight and the accuracy of the hand, it is difficult for the martial arts master to read the ice, the wrist is turned, the chopsticks are stunned, and the only small abalone in the pot is caught by him, ignoring the service Surprised, Nianbing blows off the heat from the abalone and sends it to the mouth to chew.

Taste is not as good as expected, but it is still reluctant. Nian Bing immediately judged that the main reason why this glaring food can attract guests is still a novelty. If you really say the taste, it can only be regarded as passing. The taste of the medicinal materials in the soup has not been completely absorbed by the materials. Due to the pre-cooking and the general control of the heat, the umami taste of the abalone has been somewhat lost.

When Nianbing clipped the eighth abalone to the entrance, the waiter's face was already ugly, and he was indeed glaring. His eyes were already very big, but he still couldn't see how Nianbing was. Chopsticks, how to find the precious abalone among many materials, know that every time he puts in an abalone, it will stir all the ingredients, and the abalone is slippery in the soup, it is not easy to clip it. What's more, it was clipped in an instant.

Fortunately, Nian Bing's last two shots were just a piece of vegetable leaves and a quick meat, otherwise, his staring food would become a ten-broad meal. Drink a bowl of soup, send the biscuits in your mouth, and express a long, satisfying breath of ice, to the waiter next to you: "The soup tastes better than the ingredients. This was originally a good dish, but it ’s a pity It may be worse to control the heat. I would like to give you a suggestion. It is best to add **** slices to the soup, which not only has more cold-repellent effect, but also tastes better. "

Finished, ignoring the waiter's surprised look, put a silver coin on the table, and got up.

Although the glaring food did not bring too many surprises to Nian Bing, this fresh eating method still made him understand.

Walked out of the city and took a deep breath. The wilderness was much fresher than the turbid air in the city. The sun was hung high in the sky, and it was close to noon. At this time, he was very good in spirits after tasting a glaring meal. He aimed at the capital of the Oran Empire.

Not far into the Oran empire, Nian Bing suddenly felt a killing breath, the breath was very thick, the surrounding woods appeared very quiet, and there seemed to be no insects or even songbirds.

Under what circumstances will this feeling appear? His heart tightened slightly, and he already thought of the answer. The army can only happen in the vicinity of the army station, and the army here must have passed the test of iron and blood to exhale such a strong murderous force. It seems that the border between the Oran Empire and the Ice Moon Empire is not as peaceful as expected!

Was thinking, the sound of the horseshoe came from the front. As the sound of the horseshoe became clearer, Nianbing saw a blast of smoke rising from the avenue. The dust was very straight and came along the avenue. Is that cavalry? Thinking of the word cavalry, Nian Bing not only recalled the day more than eight years ago, it was the first time I was on the road to the ice city with the master, and the Silver Feather Knights left a deep impression in his heart, especially that Aunt who is regarded as her mother, she is so kind, really like mother!

The dust smoke was getting closer and closer, and Nian Bing saw that it was a team of cavalry. The cavalry was neatly arranged. There were only ten horses in a row. They agreed to wear black armor. Although they were not heavily armored, they looked like they also had It was a little heavy, and was rushing towards himself quickly. The knights were all vigorous and did not wear a helmet. The straight dust smoke appeared from the feet of their war horses. There is no trace of chaos, and even their riding postures are exactly the same. Obviously, this is a well-trained team.

Nian Bing flashed aside, he did n’t want these cavalry to misunderstand. From the day he left Ice City, he told himself that if he could n’t get in trouble, try not to get in trouble, less trouble, he could be better. to achieve goals.

If you don't provoke others, won't others provoke you? Not necessarily.

"Stop." The first knight suddenly shouted, and the front hooves of the ten war horses were raised at the same time and fell to the side. They originally rushed and stopped abruptly in front of Nian Bing ~ ~ The headed knight has long, fiery red hair and is much taller than Nian Bing. Because of the horse's emergency stop, the armor on his body made a clanging sound, rolled over, and walked towards Nian Bing.

"Little brother, how far is it to Binglan City?" The knight's voice was quite polite.

Nianbingdao: "Not far away, follow the road, at your speed, you can arrive in about half an hour."

The knight's gaze looked at Nian Bing suddenly wondering, "Are you just coming from there? Bing Yue Empire?"

Nian Bing shook his head. Of course, he was not sure of the other party's statement. There is no person with blond hair in the Bingyue Empire. "No, I am a Huarong Empire. If nothing happens, I will continue to hurry."

Hearing the four words of Huarong Empire, the knight's face changed, "Huarong Empire? Then you don't have to leave, come back to Binglan City with us."

Nian Bing slightly flustered, said: "Why?"

The knight snorted and said, "I am Omu, the squadron leader of the Ice Moon Empire's Jagged Knights. Now the Huarong Empire suddenly unites with the Qilu Empire and launches an attack on the Oran Empire. When you suddenly appeared at the border between our two countries and are Huarong Empire, you must go with us. If you find out that it has nothing to do with you, then let you leave ~ ~ Come and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at ~ ~

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